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Empty shell case that came with my new pistol

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Just playing devils advocate, but why would a law abidding citizen worry about BF?

Why would a law abiding citizen worry about a DNA database?
Why would a law abiding citizen worry about a national ID card?
Why would a law abiding citizen worry about strip searches at airports?
Why would a law abiding citizen worry about a database listing every item you ever purchased?
Why would a law abiding citizen worry about the FBI monitoring the books you read at the library?
Why would a law abiding citizen worry about complete firearm registration?
Why would a law abiding citizen own a car that can exceed 75 MPH?
I get that all the time, "Why does Mr. Joe Lawabiding citizen need to worry. You have nothing to hide do you????? This comes from the whipped individuals that are programmed to think the way their wives tell them to. I'm not being discriminatory, just that I find women more difficult to rationalize with. ANYTHING Oprah says is LAW. It must be, look at how rich, beloved she is. A woman that is pro 2nd is definitely the minority. That being said........LUCKY ME ! and a few other guys, you know who you are.
Tell her on the 14th !
On the 14th we'll go to the range and then out for Sushi. Chocolate? Dead flowers? Spend the money on trigger time for your loved ones. It's for the children dontcha know :)
Hey, I got an idea! Sell the casing and have it used as evidence against you in the future!;)
When the case in question is still with the gun, in your hands, why do anything?
Obviously the gov don't have it then...

Here's what'cha do:
1. Get a small flower pot (preferably green), a little chunk of styrofoam, a twig, and a small length of red ribbon.
2. Place the styrofoam in the pot.
3. Stick the twig in the styrofoam and tie the red ribbon in a bow around the base of the twig.
4, Place the shell casing on the top of the twig.
You are now prepared to gift your true love on the First Day of Christmas, 2003, with a Cartridge in a Bare Tree :D

The above was my lame attempt to be as stupid as the notion of 'ballistic fingerprinting'.

But seriously, if you reload, hang on to it; if not, give it to someone who does or recycle it. No need to mess with your new toy.
Chain of custody.

Someone already said it, but the chain of custody is not a moot point. Who's to say the casings that came with your pistol are even from your pistol. Take Glock's word for it? I'm sure they're very careful, but ...

So you turn in the brass when you register the gun and then after shooting a few hundred rounds, you send it to your favorite gunsmith to get tuned up. It comes back from the 'smith with a new match barrel and bushing to help the accuracy issues, a new extractor and modified ejector to help ejection and polished internals just to make it run better. You already tossed the factory mags and replaced them with better aftermarket -- or maybe you dropped the factory 10 rounders in your excess drawer and replaced them with high-caps that you've had since before the ban ;) Regardless, whether or not the police have the brass or it's in a national database somewhere (or the manufacturer's internal proprietary database), the data no longer corresponds to your pistol.

I've done the above for the reasons I gave and I didn't need any incentive other than to make the pistol shoot better for me.
Thats exactly why you shouldn't cave in and say who cares about the BF issue. Its another absolutely worthless peice of legislation.
You know very well that theres very little chance of it being a match to your gun after some use, and no chance of it being a match after customizing it. So why have it?
People supporting legislation that they don't think will affect them is the reason we are where we are today. Look at the hunting crowd that doesn't understand RKBA because "you don't need anything but an over an under and they'll never take those away"

Would I go out of my way and do work on the gun I hadn't planned because of it? No. But then any excuse to make your gun even cooler is a good one ;)
To hell with the casings. How do you know that they don't have the actual shells that were fired for balistic matching. change the barrel!:fire:
IIRC, the MD State Police wrote up a report indicating that after N years, the ballistic database did not help solve a single crime, at the cost of X bazillion dollars, and recommended that the state stop wasting the police's time & the taxpayer's money.
bigkhan said:
To hell with the casings. How do you know that they don't have the actual shells that were fired for balistic matching. change the barrel!

FWIW, it's quite obvious that they don't have the actual shells that were fired for ballistic matching because they're in the little yellow envelope inside the pistol's case... They likely fired the bullets into ballistic gel, however, in order to recover them for ballistic fingerprinting (which has been previously mentioned is almost completely unreliable if the gun owner shoots even 50 rounds a month or customizes their gun).
In NY it's called CoBIS. All new handguns must have a certified (FFL class7) fired case supplied to the NY State Police. In the 10 years it's been law an estimated $40 million plus has been spent and 300,000 guns registered. Two cases have been matched, but neither resulted in an arrest let alone conviction. And nobody told the lawmakers that revolvers don't leave cases behind.
CoBIS can be defeated by changing the barrel, extractor, and firing pin and polishing the bolt face to remove the machining marks. And it's been shown that firing as little as 50 rounds changes the fired case characteristics from a new gun. A truly useless law.
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