Encouraging recognition and reciprocity

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Mar 23, 2006
I've come to believe people attracted to politics "Are what they are". And instead of reasoning with them, let them do what they do: bow to whatever pressures that will keep them in office.

Instead of firing off letters to politicians who could care less about an outsider that can't vote for them, let them hear from heated locals.

So, if a state or city creates laws that fly in the face of human rights, spend your money elsewhere, but, let it be known to the business owners that are NOT getting your dollars.

Business owners will be thinking about those dollars going elsewhere and will start pressuring local legislators to back off. You win, business wins.

Send a letter, something like:


I am a resident of [your state]. I was planning to [take a vacation, host a conference, build headquarters, ...] in your city.

I will be spending thousands of dollars. However, those dollars will be spent in [your destination]. As a law abiding citizen with the right to carry a concealed weapon for protection in thirty-plus states, I am denied that Constitutionally protected right in your area.

If and when your legislators change your laws to align with the majority of states respecting my rights as a citizen, I will immediately include your city in my future plans.


[Your name]


It's easy to find Chambers of Commerce. Click on a state to get a list of chambers in the area you would have visited:

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