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Enough guns

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Dec 27, 2002
Auburn, Alabama
I was having a conversation with my wife yesterday, she was talking about the photography hobby and how you always need another lense ... like "you always need another gun". I said, actually, I have all the guns I need covering any possible legal purpose from bedside to concealed carry to hunting anything in the lower 48 ... up to a Katrina style disaster and warding off looters.

But, I continued, that means I can continue purchasing guns I don't need - like the Swedish Mauser 96/38 I bought last weekend. And maybe that 98K I spotted yesterday. ;)
I don't know what "Enough" is but I am a recovering Alcoholic.:D
Seriously I have plenty of guns but think my collection could use a couple of additions, 22lr revolver, 9mm carbine, and at least 1 1911A1. I like 1911's and miss the only one I sold.
Guys! i looked it up. turns out "Enough" IS a word! :D

e·nough [i-nuhf]
1. adequate for the want or need; sufficient for the purpose or to satisfy desire: enough water; noise enough to wake the dead.
2. an adequate quantity or number; sufficiency. –adverb
3. in a quantity or degree that answers a purpose or satisfies a need or desire; sufficiently.
4. fully or quite: ready enough.
5. (used to express impatience or exasperation): Enough! I heard you the first time.

Well so long as my desire isnt met, il never have enough. and so long as they keep making new stuff. my desire will never be met. i think were safe to continue what we do...

oh. and for real. when ever my friends want to go out. and if i say i dont have any money the response is normal "Well maybe if you stop buying guns..." to wich i resond "hey, dont bring my munitions budget into this"
Well there's two levels to gun ownership.

Level one: owning the right type of firearms to cover your needs (hunting, defense, competition, etc)

Level two: owning the firearms that aren't used for anything useful, but are fun. (think C&R's, display pieces, etc)

Its possible to own everything you need for Level one. Level two could take several lifetimes and all the money contained in a small country :)

Counting my son's, which will remain mine until he turns 18 I am at the 3 digit mark in firearms. Thankfully my wife doesn't care as long as the bills are paid. I plan on coninuing to buy them until i run out of room. With 160 acres to play with I don't see that happening. Although I might have to build some more storage.

Well, it would be possible to have enough, if they didn't keep coming up with new ones.

And they even keep coming up with new old ones.

I mean, how am I supposed to have "one of everything, and a spare for everything I have one of" if they keep inventing new stuff??

And this silly "one gun a month" rule!? I'm so glad we don't have that where I live. Who the heck can afford to buy a gun every single month??!

Oh, the stress!
i've actually never understood why some people want so many guns.

i much prefer to buy ammo and shoot the guns i have, than to collect so many guns i couldn't possibly have time to shoot them all.
You can have enough guns to practically cover your needs. However, there is always going to be another gun that you think would cover that need better.
I've actually been thinking about this lately and I've been trying to put together a list of firearms I need for an adequate collection where I figure I'd have all my practical bases covered.

Here's what I have so far:
Yugo 59/66 SKS
Ruger 10/22 carbine
Springfield Armory XD9

What I figure I'd need for pistols:
.22 pistol
4-inch .357 revolver
1911 variant
Some sort of .45 tactical
Single action revolver
Full-size steel 9mm

There's no concealed carry in WI at this point in time, so I don't have any real need for a compact piece until this changes.

What I need for long guns:
Lever action in .357
Mossberg 500 or Remington 870
O/U shotgun
AK variant
M1 Garand (damn you CMP for running out)
Either German of Yugo Mauser
Swiss K-31
.22 bolt action

I don't hunt but since I'm a big fan of surplus rifles I figure the K-31 or Mauser would serve admirably as a deer rifle. For smaller game, I think I'm more than well covered with what I would have.

Are there any gaps you guys can think of that I need filled?
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The day I have enough guns is the day they have to pry one from my cold, dead hands. Until that day comes, I don't have nearly enough.

But a funny thing with this word, 'enough'. I think on that day back in about 6th grade when they took the boys into one room and the girls into another room and we both got our different versions of 'the talk', they never mentioned the work 'enough' to us boys. I think they told the girls that enough means "the number of some object that one currently posesses, except for shoes." Because after every gun I buy, the wirfe tells me "that is enough", or "you have enough guns." So according to her, the number I have today is 'enough' If I go to a gun show tomorrow and come back with three more, then that is enough. If I then come home the next day from a gun store with another gun, then that is enough. So to her, however many guns I own on a particular day is enough.

But, look into her closet and you can't see the floor for all the shoes, but then she whines that she needs another pair of shoes. Go figure.

I'm starting to wonder if I can convince the roommates to let me put a big gun cabinent in the living room because of everything I have ambition to buy. :cool:
If I had enough guns I wouldnt have a hobby.

Most guns I want just to have. I want a Glock. I dont even like Glocks, I can't hit crap with them........but I want one. Mostly I want one because its a gun that I dont have. Come to think of it there arent many guns that I dont want, except maybe a Llama or something like that.

What I really want is a Daewoo.
Just tell your wife that if one 50mm was good enough for Cartier-Bresson, it's good enough for us hacks as well.

I was a strict one camera-one lens guy until I got into working with large format. A little bit harder to 'zoom with your feet' there.

Gunwise, I have a short wishlist (if six is short) of my handgun desires that I'm working toward, but then new ones keep popping up (like a Colt Detective Special I held today at the gun show - I gotta get me one of those). Then I should have my C&R any day now, and boy I need to jump on some of those deals before they're gone...
Enough: 1. adequate for the want or need; sufficient for the purpose or to satisfy desire

Another mythical concept like Leprechauns and Santa Claus.

I seem to be having alot more fun with handguns than rifles. This year I have already added a P220ST and would like to add a .357 magnum(Rugar likely) and perhaps a S&W 460 or 500. Of coarse that's what I think I can add this year. Not what I want to add this year. What I want to too long to list.
This is the wrong forum to debate the mystical word "enough". Some people would say:

"Do you have enough underwear?"


"Do you have enough guns?"


The answer is usually never enough.

Me? I prefer to have a few choice firearms that will be used every other time I shoot. I don't like to collect. I don't mind polishing.... but no collecting! :neener:
One man's enough is another man's need.

In 1969 I bought a Ruger .44 Deerstalker for $88.88 Now collectors who did not "want" one then, "want" one now.

As soon as any "thing" becomes just a little bit old and unmade any more, someone will want to collect it.

Try to find the first Apple computer; over $10,000.
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