Ever been attacked by something when hunting?

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Feb 1, 2003
Recent news article about the hunter being gored by a Elk brought this to mind. If one hunts long enough I suppose you can have an interesting experience or two.

Hunting Pheasants with my brother around some old hay stacks when we were confronted by a pack of wild dogs. One had its teeth embedded in the butt stock of brothers shotgun as he fended it back. To this day I'm not sure how I reacted so quickly, turned in time to see a yellow Lab leap from the hay stack right at me....pulled the trigger as he was in mid air. Don't know if they had rabies or what possessed them to go on the offensive. Other than that I've lived a pretty tame hunting life.

Anything dangerous ever happen on your hunts?
Have had several shot deer jump up as I got right next to them.
Did find myself when moving slow through the woods in the middle of a group of feral hogs. Interestingly that they allowed me to move along with them as long as I didn't move suddenly.
Stepped between two rattle snakes a time or two.
A doe ran between me and another hunter while I was getting ready to field dress a buck.
Bow hunting sitting in a tree had a group of squirrels take exception to me being in their tree. 5 of them made it to my game bag.
Yes, I had a hog chew on me and it took 20+ stitches at the emergency room to stop the bleeding. I also had a buck try to gore me while I was attempting to finish him off with an Old-Timer pocket knife. That was my fault because I forgot my reloads for my muzzleloader and my only shot broke his back. I don't blame him for trying to get even.

Here's the buck. You can see the high shot that broke his back. I stuck him between the ribs and opened up the hole so he finally suffocated.

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I was calling coyotes in Wyoming years ago. A doe deer thought my rabbit distress sounded like a fawn distress. Walked up to 10 ft maybe and started stomping the ground with her front legs. At first I was just annoyed and thought get out of here dumb critter. After a minute or so I decided I had better stand up and scare her off for my saftey.
I had what I think was a bear stalk me leaving my tree stand walking back to my truck . I never saw it , but whatever it was , it was heavy . It was breaking sticks walking through the woods following me . My brother heard it also . He was standing in the back of the truck looking for it as I was walking out . It had stalked him also when he walked out before me from his stand that was about 300 yards from mine .
Shot a doe as she was about to kick with her front legs. If you have ever seen does fight they get up on their hind legs and flail with the front. That was the position she was in when I pulled the trigger. I was kneeling and the bullet went center of the chest and exited through the spine between the shoulder blades. She was being chased by a buck and as she run by I think she just saw me as a threat. Most exciting.

One of the neighbors heifers chased me all over when I was wearing camo. If not in camo she couldn't care less and stayed with rest of the cows. Maybe she didn't like the pattern. Ruined my hunt that evening as she would not give up. I kept going from tree to tree and belting her in the head with fair sized stick. Finally got rid of her when she caught a good one across the nose that made her sneeze for a couple of minutes. Then had to go back and get my bow and pack. She run me on three different occasions , but, the first one was the worst.
About forty years ago the lical dog warden was out calling for coytes at night. He was useing a mouth call and a owl swooped on down and grabbed his black knit hat on his head. It took a few stitches to close the gashes up.
Hunting one day with Dogs, got my self in some really thick brush where It was hard to move. A buck on the chase came crashing through that bush and I just barely got out of his way. He was basically on top on me in what seemed like a second.
One time I was sitting in a climber 30' in a pine tree and looked up just in time to see a hawk diving on me about ten feet away. It pulled up very quickly. I think it scared both of us.
I always seem to sit on or near ant hills when turkey hunting.
And, it''s always the skeeters when duck hunting.
Had a once-in-a-lifetime chance to go after some huge Aoudad, only to be chased into stumpy trees by a pack of javelina.
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While leaning against a tree deer hunting I had a vole (or mole, not sure) pop up out of the ground next to me (which sort of concerned me a bit till I saw what was coming out of the moving ground), crawl part of the way over my leg, then look at me with a bit a of concern (or what I took to be mole concern, maybe he was sizing me up for a thumping) and wondered back into his (or her, want to be PC ya know :)

Oh, I got startled by a hedge hog in Afghanistan in the dark. Again, another cute critter so maybe I'm not destined for a bear mauling (I hope not).

Need to research it, are hedge hogs and moles/voles related? It may be a global plot against me come to think of it................:) They seem to be tracking my movements.
When I was 16 a huge domestic pig chased me around the car as I was unloading my shotgun after pheasant hunting. My buddies safe inside the car just about died laughing.
Not attacked, but I've been stalked by both coyote and bobcat while calling turkey and ducks. I've seen several stalking toward me. None got particularly close before figuring out I wasn't really a duck or turkey. I'm certain there were others I didn't see.

The closest was a bobcat that waited in ambush as I walked by. My brother and I were walking into a beaver pond to duck hunt at sunrise. It was still dark, but was a full moon and clear star lit night so we were walking in without using lights. I put my foot down and saw movement just inches from my boot as the bobcat ran between my brother and I. To be honest I didn't get a good enough look to identify it, but my brother did.

I'm guessing it heard us walking and set up in ambush thinking we were a small deer or other prey. When it realized we were too big it ran off.
Yes. Once, while fishing, a weasel, all of 12" long overall took a run at me. He finally decided that I was really out of his weight class, and went off, but I swear he was seriously sizing me up...

PRD1 - mhb - MIke
I think I was 12yo. I had paddled my pirogue up into a shallow flooded cane break, high spring flood. I grabbed my Crossman 140 and parked the pirogue in some grass about ten feet from the water's edge. I was looking for squirrels but then I heard some commotion and went to investigate. A whole bunch of pigs including one really big one, mean looking, tusks and all. So, what would any 12 yo boy with a 22 air rifle do? I shot that hog right square in the rear end. He flinched as if bitten by a fly and went back to his interest in the lady hogs so I shot him again in the rear. Okay, at that point, all hell broke loose, pigs were running in all directions, squealers under and between my feet and a large angry boar headed my way. I dropped the rifle and ran, walked on water, with a hog in hot pursuit. I somehow made it to the pirogue and shoved off into deep water without being eaten. I was on the track team so I could run pretty fast. When I got home my grandfather asked me where my rifle was so I had to tell him. The look on his face! There was a loud, exclamation and then that was followed by "no southern gentleman ever drops his rifle even when running from Yankees, uh, hogs" and so off we went to get the rifle, now loaded for bear. In the three or so hours it laid on the ground it got some rust, the marks are still there. No hogs to be seen. So, yes, a boar, shot in the rear end twice with a pellet rifle will attack.
My hunting buddy was deer stand hunting in a large tree that had be hit by lightning, broken off and the top was on the ground. He climbed up into the top and was settled in for the hunt. A while later he heard something coming and was ready for a deer, it turned out to be a badger that was mad as hell and started up the tree after him. With seconds to spare he cocked the 30-30s hammer one handed and killed the badger at about 6 feet. The badger hung up in the tree top and he had to climb down the trunk. He got ahold of a warden later in the day and the warden agreed it was a legal kill of a protected state animal, turns out the badgers den was under that tree top. !!! hdbiker
Sittin' in a brush pile calling turkeys when a lone coyote came all the way across the open field and sat down about 40 yards in front of me. Knowing this was to far for my turkey loads to humanely take him out I waited for him to come closer. What I didn't know was he was waiting for me to come closer. While he sat, easily seen in the wide open, one of his buddies or his mate, jumped into the brush pile from behind in an attempt to "drive" the "turkey" to the "stander". Seemed to be something they had done before. Between the confusion and the swearing, nobody got hurt.

I too was in a tree stand bowhunting, trying to remain motionless, in full camo, when a Goshawk mistook my slight head movements for a squirrel/grouse. Man them suckers are big when they're in your face. Thankfully it realized it's mistake before contact.

Things like the above are why I enjoy being in the woods so much. A good day hunting many times has consisted of something like the above scenarios, instead of just something dead being drug/carried out.
My 21st Brown Bear turned and charged me, out in the wide open, even before I took my first shot.

My first shot only put him in a forward roll that took away no momentum at all, my second destroyed his brain and spine, 7 paces from me.
That was the first time , and last, so far, that I have ben charged by any Bear..... White, Black or Brown.......Im pretty sure he wasnt commin’ to me to shake hands.
Riding a motorcycle on a dirt road in Pennsylvania. I saw a bunch of birds running across the road and thought they might be quail, but then I realized they were too big to be quail. I stopped the bike and went into the woods where they had entered. When I got about 10 feet into the woods a large turkey came flying at me and hit me in the head. Luckily I still had my helmet and face mask on, but I was stunned from the impact.

Went to look at an empty foreclosed house on 5 acres in Colorado. Parked my truck and let my Vizsla (Kadie) out to run around a bit. When I was ready to leave I whistled and called for Kadie to come to the truck. I was standing next to the truck with the driver side door open when she came running out of the woods and leaped into the truck. Right behind her was a doe mule deer. The doe saw me at the last moment and did a 90 degree turn almost hitting me. It all happened so fast I couldn't move. Kadie jumped over to the passenger seat and sat there like nothing had happened.

She died two years ago and I sure do miss her.
Attacked by dogs while turkey hunting. 2 dogs attacked. 1 survived with a load of #4 from a 20 ga at close range. Dogs owners We’re meth cooks and gave product to a guy to write out a witness statement that I didn’t have reason to shoot. Misdemeanor for animal cruelty was the charge and the judge politely explained that the DA would never drop the charge and that the deputy that took the witness statements was screwing the meth cook. I got railroaded. 2 years of unsupervised probation and a charge that is almost timed out to where it can be expunged. Nearly $7000 in legal fees for protecting myself from a mean dog that had bit the neighbors and tried to bite me.
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