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Ever have nightmares about poor gun safety?

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May 14, 2003
Waco, TX
Last night I had a dream twice in which an older woman was picking up a 1911 style pistol in my presence just to check it out and she was looking at it with her finger on the trigger. I kept yelling "Finger off the trigger! Finger OFF the trigger!"

Talking in my sleep is a normal occurrence and my wife said that although she couldn't understand what I was saying when she woke up last night she said I did sound very serious and was almost yelling.


brad cook
Gun safety? No. Gun quality? All the time. Typically the gun I am holding crumbles apart in my hand. And the kicker is, I swear I own no junk guns.
Not safety related, as in "finger off trigger" or "unload that gun," but I have had nightmares relating to my OWN safety...

Sometimes when I sleep someplace other than my house, without my pistol, I have dreams about needing it and not having it -- robberies, murders, etc. It's not a fun dream to have.

I have also had dreams about a militia scenario where I couldn't get anyone to sell me ammo for my BHP because I'm not 21 yet, even though I was part of their militia.

Or, the worst, is you are having a dream about needing your gun. You get your gun, front sight, press, *click!* And for no reason whatsoever, your gun won't fire.

:scrutiny: Wes :uhoh:
Yeah I have. Someone gets hurt 'accidentaly' or one of the horror scenarios already mentioned. They're like the dream where you can't run for some reason, you feel helpless.
I've had nightmares any time I've taken very intensive training, and for awhile right around the time I first started shooting. I figure it's just the brain trying to process new information and come to grips with risks I hadn't considered before.


bad dreams in which I shoot carelessly and hit a neighbor's pet, or fire into the air in a congested area and then sweat out where the bullet will fall. Also dreams of one of my beloved fine guns turning out to be a piece of junk.
a few nights ago i had a dream where i was up against two assailants, very close quarters, and my .45 rounds COM didnt drop them. :uhoh:
Recently I went shooting with someone who turned out to be rather careless about safety. That night I dreamed that I went to the place we were shooting (just a clearing out in the woods where the locals go plinking) and there was a No Shooting sign there.
Yep, three years ago I had an AD in the house, I call it a DAD for Dumb :cuss: Discharge. I have woken up once or twice a week since having dreams about the course of that 130gr speer hotcore out of a .270win. I was home alone, bone tired, and not in a condition to be messing with anything. I had been dry firing and for some reason worked the bolt and pulled the trigger, killing the mounted deer dead a 2nd time.

I wake up sweating and scared to death, normally the dream involves me killing someone. Or hitting a gas line and it exploding. It has been the most traumaitic event in my life. I can tell you touching a .270 off full of H1000 in your living room is a life changing experience.

Not fun and not an incident I am proud of, but I have been shooting since I was about ten, i'm 28 now, went 15yrs without a hitch, then one day when I was to exhausted to think straight I made a major mistake. It haunts me alot, i'm sure it will tonight after writing about it.

a deer mount, a 2x4" wall, across a ten foot room and lodged in the header in the bathroom after ripping a 6" gash in the ceiling. I couldn't hear for about an hour, the dog peed all the way down the hall, it was a real mess to clean up.

Now I have confessed...
Not about gun safety...

But every once in a while I have a dream that I can not pull the trigger on a gun when I need it to save my life. Like I dont have enough strength in my hand to pull the trigger. I ALWAYS wake up in a cold sweat after that dream!
Me too, slh02. Except in my dream I can shoot. The bad guy is only a few feet away, but every shot I shoot misses. I feel like shooting A LOT the next day :uhoh:
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