Evolving Maturity, or 'Why do you carry?'

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rocket lad

Apr 27, 2007
Davidson County, NC
Like most gun owners, I've went through a period of increasing maturity. This is in no small part due to getting my CCW permit.

I've grown more aware of the fact that I avoid fights like the plague - on the road, in a shopping center, even at bars when I'm unarmed.

I carry nearly everywhere I go, but I hope to never need to use it. The legal, financial, and psychological consequences of a self defense shooting should never been taken lightly - or left out of consideration when one makes the choice to carry.

I make the choice to carry in the event that I have to defend myself, a loved one, or an innocent stranger being victimized by some thug (only when completely legal and where I know for certain the circumstances). I've read Ayoob's works on the legality of self defense shootings, and have come away with a much greater understanding of this awesome responsibility I have chosen to take on.

Firearms have always been a part of my life. Most of my family are either military or LEO - guns were always around, and were always treated with respect. Carrying daily seems a logical extension of that.

I suppose the point of this rambling is to pose a question: How many of you, in TFR, have went through the same (or a similar) transformation?
I make the choice to carry in the event that I have to defend myself, a loved one, or an innocent stranger being victimized by some thug.

Please reconsider the last.

If you don't know the entirety of the situation and you step into it with deadly force, you will be in a world of hurt if you shoot the wrong guy.
Right, I make that statement in the event that I knew the situation for what it was (i.e., it's obvious when someone is being murdered/raped who the bad guy is). As for situations where there's a question about it...well then there's a question about it, and I don't feel like being imprisoned for making the wrong choice.
Oh Yeah...

The first time that you step into public with a firearm on it can be an eye opening experience, or at least it was for me.
Knowing the situation is extremely important. This happened to one of my uncles a few years ago:

Uncle isn't a gun guy. He's driving home from work one night, not armed. Comes up on 2 cars stopped, one cut in front of the other. A guy is pounding on window of cut off car as if trying to break it. Theres is a woman and a small kid inside the cut off car. Uncle grabs a big rock and tells the guy to stop. Guy tells uncle to mind his own business. Uncle clubs guy with rock and they go at it for awhile. While they're fighting, woman takes off. Cops eventually arrive and sort things out. Turns out guy has legal custody of kid and a restraining order against psycho ex wife who shouldn't have kid but is trying to take kid. Cops eventually get kid back to father. Uncle gets aggravated assault charges and ends up pleading to disorderly conduct. Imagine if uncle had been armed?
It has definitely helped me. But I think visiting this board has helped me mature just as much if not more except in the area of gun *purchases* lol...
Not for me

I do not carry for my protection. My life is God's and he can do with it as he pleases. I was given a gift, a daughter. Now I must protect her in this world till she is able to take care of herself. I do it to the best of my ability, and after many years in the service it comes naturally. I don't CCW for me but for my family, and as Connor so Eloquently puts it Little Lizzie. Anyone who puts their own safety in front of that of little ones are no better than the wolves.
Anyone who puts their own safety in front of that of little ones are no better than the wolves

Amen, Soc...and well said.

I do not carry for my protection. My life is God's and he can do with it as he pleases.

God helps those who help themselves.

“He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”

--Luke 22:36--
I carry, because ultimately the chances of LEO being around when I would most need them is about 0%. Not LEO bashing here, just a fact. I do find that I am much more aware of my surroundings when I carry because I DON'T want to pull a gun unless it is a last resort. I try to stay out of situations that might put me in jeapordy. On the couple of times I have forgetten my carry piece I felt absolutely naked. Maybe that's paranoid, but so be it.
I carry for a couple of reasons.
1) Because I can. Rights not used are easy to lose.
1a) The more CCW holders we have, the less likely we are to lose it
2) I carry for my protection. Like others say, "A cop is too heavy"
3) I carry for my family's protection. My 3 year old can't protect herself. It's up to me and my fiancee.
4) I carry to remind myself of my responsibilities. It can be (for me) easy to forget the responsibilities and just go for the pleasure, the moment. Now, I feel the gun on my waist, and it reminds me of the seriousness of life.

Not to say I don't have fun, but for a long time I would put off the necessary and responsible things for the fun and frivolous.
Hey doc2rn - Same situation for me. When I was single, I was a rifle in the closet guy. When married, I became handgun on the nightstand/car carry guy. At my daughters birth, I have carried everywhere (legal) since. But I only carry when they are with me. It's rare that I carry when alone, unless it's in a gas station at 1am. To be fair, we all know it's kind of a pain to carry. I also believe that God may do what He wants with my life, but honestly I'm less interested what His plan is for my daughter if there is a threat to her safety. Just my $0.02.
ojdidit, in that same thought process have you asked yourself what your daughter's life would be like if you schose not to carry the one time you needed to because it's a pain? You can't protect her if you're not around or severely injured (brain damaged, coma, quadraplegic) either.

Just a thought...

I carry everywhere I legally can, pain be damned. "It's supposed to comforting, not comfortable" in the words of a great man.

Good thoughts though...
Not to be harsh with anyone, but I carry to protect my family and myself. Yes, God can do what he wants with my life, but he also gave me brains and reason. Using these I made the choice to exercise my rights and carry. I look at this as a gift from God itself. If, God forbid, a situation happens where the worst happens to me and I have done my best to prevent it, then that is God's part. If I choose not to carry and something happens to me that I could have prevented if I had been armed, then that is my fault.
HK - Sir, I cannot debate your position because I believe you to be correct. I would not be much of a dad if something tragic occured. But I won't lie to THR members and say that there is anything other than my family that makes me carry. I've just never been very worried about it. I will say this though, if you see a big ugly guy with a beautiful little girl, I recommend being polite. :D
Anyone who puts their own safety in front of that of little ones are no better than the wolves.

In point of fact, (my nom d'internet aside,) wolves defend their cubs every bit as fiercely as the best of our species; in further point of fact, wolves don't send their cubs to government schools for indoctrination, but teach them everything they need to know themselves.
I have already made the arrangements for my daughter in the unfortunate event of my demise. My brother whom I put through 7 yrs of college said he would make sure she never wants. She knows I love her and that I would die for her. What ever is going to happen to me I am not worried about, I'm coverred, my life is right with God. I CCW 24/7 (got permit this yr). If my daughter's survival depends on my death, not even a choice. Greater love hath no man.....

Standing- I was referring to the term for a predator, Wolf vs Sheep. Your point Nom d'gare asside is well made.
'Why do you carry?'

On the off chance that I can't run away, or have to juggle a wife and kiddo, mostly.
I personally don't think it's a pain to carry. I carry a Glock 36 whenever I am awake and am permitted to.

I feel naked and vulnerable without my firearm. Most of the time I don't even realize I have it on me.

Good carry gun, good holster. Very comforting.
Why do you carry

Why do I have life insurance, fire/home insurance, medical insurance, etc. Because stuff happens, not just to "the other guy/gal", but unexpectedly, out of the blue, and likely when you are least expecting trouble. As stated above and elsewhere, the law enforcers are few and busy, not likely to be nearby just when needed, especially in the case of rural or country folks. We are truly responsible for ourselves and our dependents, and that seems to be largely lost on the general public. I agree with annielulu, I am not only comforted by my sidearm, I am comfortable with it - all day, every day, at home or in town. And the OP has a very valid point about maturity - for most of us that carry, no matter how short or long we have been doing that, an awareness and sense of responsibility comes with the territory.
If you don't know the entirety of the situation and you step into it with deadly force, you will be in a world of hurt if you shoot the wrong guy.

+1 for shooting them both.
I carry because the extra weight on my ankle means I can kick puppies and small children much more efficiently.

(j/k :p)
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