Farewell to one of the very last WW1 vets...

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I know I'm missing something here, but can I gather that PMDW posted something 'amusing' that has now been deleted, probably originally post #2?

My humor is not appreciated. Taking it (and myself) somewhere else.
I remember, as a kid, how I thought it was sad about the passing of the last civil war veteran. Thenwe counted war brides. WW1 wasn't all that long ago, at the time. Now we count them the same way, with an eye towards WW2 vets. We're all getting old. I guess it's better than the alternative, but man I'm not ready. I don't want to get old and loose everyone and thing that ment so much to me! I've come to realize the trouble with age isn't the wrinkles or the aches, it's the lose.
Thread drift alert! One of, if not THE, last of the civil war widows passed not long (a coupla years) ago in AL. There was an interview in the local rag about her. She was a child bride of an ooooooold geezer, whom she addressed as "Mr. XXXXX" (I disremember) even during their short marriage . She died a centenarian herself, having never re-married.

Another example of time marching on....

It was pointed out during Strom Thurmond's retirement event, that during his first run for elective office in 1928, he likely received votes from Civil War veterans himself. Now THAT is old.
Thread drift Phooey!

It's about honoring those who have earned it. The Brits do it. We do it. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. Today is Memorial Day. It is a day we set aside to honor those Americans who have given their lives in defense of our great country. That dates back to Washington's ragged troops, marching bloody-footed through the snow, and the country boys at Lexington and Concord, standing up as civilian militia to face the mightiest military power on the face of the planet.

I feel humbled and small thinking about those events.

It is said that the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Never let us forget this--we will do so at our country's peril.

Sweet kids are still leaving their mothers and young wives to enforce with violence our country's will, and some of them return in body bags. The media makes much of their deaths, but little mention of the freedoms they voted with their lives to defend.

We must never blame the troops for our country's policy. They need, as they have always needed, our support and praise, regardless of what we think of the war in which they fight. Every war in which the USA has fought has had its detractors--this is one of the freedoms for which the troops fight. But national policy is not the fault of the troops, any more than the scalpel is to blame for the decisions of the surgeon.

I hung my country's flag from its socket on my house this morning, and got a little choked up as I did it. Freedom will last just exactly as long as there are people to defend it. And that defense is not without cost.
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