Favorite Hickok45 Videos

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I've been watching him for years.

If someone is new to firearms and start asking about them or specific models. I usually shoot them an email or text with his videos. He's very layed back and not standoffish at all. I think virtually everyone can relate to him in some manner. Like a grandfather with a good sense of humor who doesn't take anything too seriously, including.himself and loves to stop and teach anyone about anything at the drop of a hat.

He just did a video on the schofield that I've been waiting forever for!!
I love his comparison videos.

Hard to pick a favorite really.

I loved the video where the deer walk out onto his range not 30 seconds after he stopped shooting. I forget the video, but he turned his back to the range and was talking to the camera and had no idea they were up there until people told him about it in the comments section.
+1 to most things said.

If find the 2" Snubby 38. J-Frame DA only
the most impressive. Hitting that far out gong.

That is far out. :cool:
For the technical correct presentation (well planned, well edited) scotch00 is hard to beat.

Searched several different variants of that name and they are all non-English channels

BTW does anyone know what happened to danielp59? He did a lot of instructional videos on changing sights and detail stripping guns.

He was doing a contest to give away a fail zero bolt and all of a sudden his channel was shut down due to copy right claims. I can't imagine anything on his channel could have been copyrighted...and I can't find any info on where he went.
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I like the montage that showed a 55 gallon barrel blown a hundred or more feet in the air. Jaw-dropping power, tannerite or whatever was used.
His Stuff Is Fun I Think Becasue HE Has Fun, But...

Hickok is indeed a hick. He isn't a bright bulb and is not actually well informed for someone of his age, interest, with a government job that gives him the time and too much money to play with his (and others') gun collection and make videos. Imagine if he didn't PREPARE (and don't think he doesn't read-up and practice) for these videos in advance how ignorant of these pretty standard things he really must be.
Before asking my wife for a new S&W SD9VE 9mm, I watched his review along with going to Gander Mtn. and handled the weapon, all very useful. I got the gun for Xmas, under the tree even, and have been thoroughly pleased with it. Thanks H45.

I like it all, but get a special kick out of the lawnmower assaults and the pumpkin carving. :D
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I just love how excited and genuinly in love with guns he is. Something about him shooting all different types of guns, and laughing and enjoying himself like a child shooting for the first time, makes me really enjoy his videos. Something about someone who enjoys firearms that much make me admire how much of a true american he is!
He has so many that I don't think I could pick just one, but I always enjoy his vids about older or vintage firearms, especially when he delves into the history behind them. Fascinating stuff.
I really like his Reloading Basics video. I'm not sure why, exactly. I don't reload yet, and the first time I watched it, I watched it because I was interested, but I've watched it two or three times since then because it's just plain entertaining to me.
I really enjoy all of his videos. My little girls (16, 10 and 6) all think he is hilarious so they will sit and watch them with me.

I love how genuinely modest and humble the guy is about his crazy skills. It is really refreshing to see complete lack of egotism in a guy so obviously good at what he does.
i like the pumpkin carving and christmas tree cutting ones.
Hickock45 is where i start my research if I know nothing about a firearm.
I was considering buying a pre-model 10 I found and After watching his vid on the Pre-Model 10, I purhased it. Now I love it and am going to be buy another K frame next, this time in .357.

Good stuff on his vids and i really appreciate the history lesson he throws in.
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