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Fear drives opposition to gun control!!

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So the premise of the article is that we should be more afraid of ourselves than criminals, and that the police can protect us from immediate threat, so we have absolutely no reason to own a firearm. Also, owning a handgun makes you suicidal and handguns are never used for anything other than killing humans at close range.

Now that I know all this, where do I turn my guns in?
How many outright lies in the thing?

It starts with "handguns, weapons whose only function is to kill human beings at close range" and goes from there. So target, hunting and recreational shooting which is what the vast majority of handguns are used for is irrelevant.
the police can protect us from immediate threat, so we have absolutely no reason to own a firearm

It would seem self-evident that every mass shooting proves otherwise. Owning a gun and not being able to have it should you ever need it, is the real crime!
Would it be wrong to ask the writer why they weren’t any police officers at the movie theater? I mean what with the big crowd and all.... :uhoh:
"recreation is not a valid reason" --> "hunting is recreation"


"police can protect you"


"it* won't happen to us"


"there is no valid reason for anyone but LE or military to have firearms"

*corrupt/oppressive government
Republicans are twice as likely to own a gun as Democrats. Maybe not so coincidentally, Republicans are more likely to watch the scariest news channel of them all: Fox.

This was my favorite line. I can't get through a single political CNN article without being disgusted at the disservice they are doing to America by reporting their biased garbage. Fox is definitely slanted, but seems a bit more balanced.

As in most CNN articles, this one isn't worth reading unless you just want to get ticked off.
I would like to reply to a few things in this article....

"The good news is that as America becomes safer, fewer and fewer Americans feel the need for a weapon." Tell that to someone living in the South Side of Chicago.

"Americans perceive these improvements in the safety of their immediate neighborhood." I sure don't, in the quiet town I live in even.

"The United States is safe and getting safer, safer than ever before in its history." What united states is this guy talking about??? Someone forward him a link to the Drudge Report, or tell him to just Google "Aurora Colorado"

"a gun in the house is not a guarantee of personal security" I think all the people that were in that theater in Colorado would disagree.

No gun in the house guarantees your home is safe for a criminal.

"you should get rid of them voluntarily."
Spoken like a good United Nations ( UN ) subject.

”This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!” ~Adolph Hitler, 1935, on The Weapons Act of Nazi Germany

Oh sorry where did that last one come from? Must have gotten confused.
Uh... the police were in the parking lot and 70 people were shot... does anybody sincerely believe that of those 70 people that none of them deserved the right to protect themselves and their loved ones? That's completely idiotic...

Fear does not drive opposition to gun control, because it's not about "gun control"... it's about "control", and disarming a nation is the only way that despots throughout history have been able to overwhelm their populus to "control" them. Look back at the history of communism and you will have a clear vision of how disarmed people are murdered at the government's behest, and channeled into the kind of "sheeple" that they need to maintain that control.

To put it succintly, I refer back to the one armed sheriff in the movie "Unforgiven"... I don't want to get killed for a lack of shootin' back...

I personally loved the /well, most people in the '50's didn't think anyone but the cops should have guns, and they're pretty on the ball/ part.

It seems to me (admittedly, a no-nothing 20-something) that there was a lot of willful/irresponsible naivete "back in the good 'ol days" regarding the ugly sides of society. It really was a gilded age; kids ran around unattended and never got hurt, and Susie's black eye was just an accident, and people just knew not to cross the local officials. Crime rates were in reality far higher back then, in almost every setting, simply due to the higher rate of alcoholism and poverty at the time (my pappy can attest to that).

If that news-jerk wants to claim we're "too aware" of our surroundings and it's making us paranoid, I say he's a fool. I just hope he never has to leave his ivory bubble where he feels secure (I know I won't without carrying ;))

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monotonous iterancy: Quite true.

Fox became such a challenger years ago to MSNBC's ratings that notice how MSNBC attempts to boost its ratings, some of which
were/are on prime time:

1) episodes of child predators knocking on doors and
2) scenes from the Federal and state prison systems. What a "class act";).
That final bit about how if you have a gun in your house you must not love your children...what tripe.

It's the same emotional appeal that's being employed in automobile ads where they show the children securely sleeping in their back seat cocoons while the car saves them from certain death. Message: if you really love your children, you'll run out and buy one of these quick before the death trap you're driving now earns you a trip to the funeral home.

Trouble is, people read Frum, or see such an ad, and believe it.
Someone needs to put a sign outside his home stating "NO GUNS ALLOWED ON THIS PROPERTY". And see if he feels safer than before.
In today's CNN program a 'gun control' advocate suggested that guns that use "excessive cartridges", such a Glock with 15 or worse - 30 round mags, are not for hunting purposes and ought to be banned.

How do you have a dialogue with an ignorant person like that gentleman?

The gun ban continuous to be incremental ... don't give the devil your little finger!

Ice-T said it best today http://www.realclearpolitics.com/vi...the_last_form_of_defense_against_tyranny.html

Ice-T Defends Gun Rights: "The Last Form Of Defense Against Tyranny"

"Ice-T: Well, I'll give up my gun when everybody does. Doesn't that make sense? If there were guns here, would you want to be the only person without one?"

FYI, I don't watch CNN, I just overheard it when I opened my TV.
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