Feg ap-7

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Feb 21, 2013
western ky
I have inherited this little pistol and am having an issue. Everything else on the pistol is up to good working order but it wouldn't extract and had numerous FTE, so I removed the extractor and sure enough its worn like crazy.
I am understanding that these pistols had several different names depending on the importer but I cannot find this part anywhere.
It is the 7.65/.32 ACP version. Id really like to get this pistol back to shooting order, so anyone have any ideas where to get this little part at?
The only place I have found that has ever sold them is buymilsurp.com and they've been oos for quite some time.


Maybe this?? http://www.gunpartscorp.com/Products/203860A.htm
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Absent any other leads or sources, it would be worth a try to adapt it to your gun. Other than that, get a block of good steel and break out the files.
they are copies of a walther PP / PPk and the part from numrich you listed should fit with minor fitting issues . i have one and it had the same issue a new extractor and bang back in bussness
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