Feinstein, Kennedy introduce anti gun bill

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This is a tacit admission that our borders are wide open, with no controls. Otherwise, why do they need this law to prevent felons from buying guns? If we had control of our bordes, no felons would be allowed in in the first place.
Travis has an excellent point. If we had control of our own borders this bill would be a non-issue.
As it stands, I believe the Dems are using it as a "testing of the waters" to see how receptive the public is in
(post-VTech-massacre) America to new anti-gun legislation.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if after the Pro-gunners fight it the Dems will try to use that as a stick to beat us with in the public arena.
"Look at how these crazy Pro-Gun people are! They refuse to back even this common sense bill to keep guns out of the hands of illegal alien felons! They are out of touch with mainstream America!"
Kind of a divide and conquer thing.
Well, I can confirm one thing, if you'll permit me. I'm going through the immigration-process and so far I've been fingerprinted 3 times, once for my annual work-permit and twice for a criminal background check.
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