Feinstein to introduce new gun ban on Thursday 1/24/2013! Contact Your Senators NOW!

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Does it actually count to send more than one of these?

I mailed a letter to my Congressman and called his office and talked to a staff member. I received two responses, both with the same form letter. This would indicate that they don't police the responses very well and may be going by sheer numbers to some extent.

Bottom line, it doesn't take much time so continue to let them know you are passionate on your 2A rights.
When you use one of these ruger/nra etc tools, does it show on the recipient end? Just wondering if some may give less credence to em if so.
Harry Reid may not even let it out of committee for a vote.

He's got a problem with 6 dem senators up for reelection in 2014 that are in republican states. If they don't get reelected the senate goes republican.

Remember, last I checked, all the law makers STILL work for US. We can vote them out and replace them with ones who will represent the will of the people. What happened in New York may be our Pearl Harbor and the latest "proposal" from Feinstein is simply continued attack from the antis. As I see it, NRA is building a war chest for a major offensive and sustained battle to continue lobbying the law makers and federal court judge positions - http://www.nrastandandfight.com/absolutism-vs-principles.html

We will regroup in light of new attacks on our right to gun ownership and we may need to be dynamic and flexible to be successful with this new war. But like our forefathers and patriots, if we come together and pull our resources and stand together, we shall prevail! Imagine what will do to politician's voting as the Pro 2A marches continue to increase around the nation? I have seen this great country and people achieve great things. I have faith that righteous men and women will once again stand tall and fight a good fight.

Do not be confused by the noise. We are now at war with those who attacked our right to self defense and their objective is to take our guns away. Our clear objective is to defeat them and support the Constitution, which all law makers take an oath to protect when they are voted into office by us. If they don't, remove them from the office. Call/email/write and let them know ... it's one thing politicians fear ... being voted out of office.
Only problem w the ruger site is that you cant edit the content. i had to squeeze it in in the "sincerely" line.
What would you recommend we write to a senator who is obviously anti-2A and has responded to our messages with the "I support 2A, but..." responses? I've gotten one from one of my senators, and another poster on here got a similar response from the other.

If your rep says, "I support the 2nd Amendment but...." tell them there are no buts on this issue except the one they have their head inserted in.
Micro, that's what I'm thinking. Unfortunately, that tactic isn't going to bring them over to our side. Granted none probably will, but I want to present a good image.
I already did my first letter this week (Printed) but decided to do an extra email due to the special occasion...

I am writing you all again, to remind you that as a registered voter (Who
typically votes Democrat) and a supporter of the constitution I will bring
all of my political resources to bear against ANYONE who votes to take
away my rights to own the firearms I currently own.

Add to this list any form of registration as it will not be tollerated and
the WILL be political consequences at the next election.

You know as well as I do, that the processes that are in place are all
that is needed to keep us safe. The problem is a lack of enforcement of
existing laws.

And my last point, I am very disapointed that all I have recieved from my
representatives that I voted to send to office are "stock" replies. It
shows you have forgoten about us in Maine.

I am a professional with a lot of experience and I have offered to help
numerous times and your offices will not get back to me. I was deferred to
the Maine Sportsman Alliance and the Maine Handgun Violence coalition. If
I thought the status quo was capable of handling this situation I would
not have bothered to offer you my help.

I dont actually vote Democrat, BUT I think it is very important that they think I do as they will consider me a lost vote.
I'm thinking something like this, especially because I've gotten the anti responses from them.

Dear Senator,

I have received a message from your office stating that you would support further restrictions on weapons. Regardless of your use of the phrase "I support the Second Amendment, but...", I do not believe you support the Second Amendment, and by extension the entire Bill of Rights. As a law-abiding gun owner, I would consider it a form of undue prejudice to consider my rights (and the rights of millions like me) worth restricting for the sake of attempting to restrict a few madmen. Restrictions, I might add, that will not prevent madmen from commiting attrocities, due to the way criminals do not follow the law.

As such, I ask that you represent me by opposing gun control legislation, and supporting legislation that addresses the larger social issues that result in violence (economy, mental health, and overcrowded prisons). If you follow my request, I am willing to donate time and money to help your next election. If you vote in support of S. Feinstein's bill (or any other) to restrict my rights, I will donate time and money to helping your opponents replace your position in office.

Thank you for your time,

This an excellent response. There's a couple of misspelled words though you'll want to correct if you plan to use this as a guide. They are highlighted in red above. Here's the correct spelling (committing, atrocities). ;)
Yeah I have problems with double letters (or where I think there should be a double letter). I figured I'd paste it into Word before I send it and let Word figure it out.
I wrote my guys. An NRA "A" Democrat, an NRA "A" Republican, and an NRA "D" Democrat. Told 'em I like 'em (which is by and large true) but won't vote for 'em again if they support a ban on "assualt weapons" which is just dumb. Pistol grip? Bayonet lug? Come on!!!
I'm going to WITHHOLD contacting my Senators until the bill is submitted, and I can read the bill.

THEN I'm going to contact them.
You know what the difference is between Feinstein and King George is? She hasn't yet figured out that if you push these people too far you will be tucking your tail between your legs and running home to mama.
I sent both of my senators an e-mail today.
This was my fourth note & my last.
I thanked them for making myself & all my relatives into Republicans.
I got the usual answer in about 5 minutes.
I am close to Detriot---solid Democrat
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