Finally a treatment for Hoplophobia

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Symptoms typically include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating
I think I have it !!!!! I always get that way when Im around guns !!!!!!!!!
Can you imagine what would happen if a bunch of hoplophobia's rec'd Gift Certificates for this and actually used them? Actually got over their anxieties?
For one, some political critters would not be getting votes and we may see a change in laws, from CCW to all sorts of changes.

I know one anti - whom I refused to walk out to her vehicle, did not feel all that comfortable with only a cell phone having to walk to vehicle, later she did learn firearms and get a CCW.

Maybe just set up a table of firearms and weapons, along with cell phones, rape whistles and such, and the person has a choice of whatever they want to carry as they have to cross that dark parking lot, and make it to vehicle safely.

Hey - It worked once. And I'm not a even in the Psych business. :D
At least I don't have this fear...

Zemmiphobia — the great mole rat
or Papaphobia — the Pope
or (thank goodness) Dipsophobia — drinking

IS there one for a fear of liberals and their policies?

There is a difference in true fear, dibilitating fear, and dislike or disdain for an object or action. I would love to be the doctor "prescribing" this "treatment" to their less-then-knowledgeable subjects...:scrutiny:

I would put the puking smiley, but I have Emetophobia

Less than 10 hour.

Relaxing and enjoyable.

Start at 1400$

I think they are taking a trip to Knob Creek with pleny of money for ammo.:D
Is this for real? Looks like to me someone is poking fun at both antis and gun owners.

Keep in mind some antis are not afraid of guns but of other people(the riffraf) having them.

Wouldn't a lobotomy be cheaper?

scout26 said:
That is their problem. They are NOT thinking and using their brains, just reacting based upon their "feelings".

Would anyone know the difference, if they had a lobotamy?
I could cure someone for about $12. $2 for a 12 pack of soda, and $10 for a brick of .22LR to shoot the empties.

Worked on my wife and my sister-in-law.
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