Finally the truth, Joe Biden admits he wants to confiscate guns - "BINGO"

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I've got a buddy who spent seven years in the polling business. It's very easy to tailor the questions to get the answers you want. His constant battle was telling people that's not how it should be done.

He once told me that they had a customer who wanted certain demographics polled. He said they made tens of thousands of calls trying to find that left handed, red headed, lesbian, Inuit that they needed to fill all the boxes.
Let's stay on topic to prevent this thread from closing. Thank you in advance.
This thread is about Joe Biden and other Democrat candidates coming out admitting their full intent of gun confiscation which is directly related to RKBA requirement of THR and discussing what we can do to counter that attack -

"1. All topics and posts must be related to firearms or 'Right to Keep and Bear Arms' (RKBA) issues."
If a thread goes off on political issues other than the RKBA, it gets shut. That usually happens.
So while it may be difficult, let's keep the focus on the OP and RKBA.

Thank you all.
Do we know the percent of NRA members in the polls represents the true percent of actual members in America?
If you take the typical nationwide sample in these polls of 1,000 respondents, I would be surprised if the number of respondents who admitted to being NRA members exceeded 50. That's a very small sample, the margin of error would be correspondingly high, and any conclusion about the attitudes of NRA members would be hardly more than guesswork.

On the other hand, a poll sponsored by the NRA among its members would lack the attribute of randomness, and would be worthless as well.
AlexanderA, please read my previous post and stay on topic of RKBA.
I thought that's what this whole discussion is about.
We need to discuss how we can counter the attack by 2020 Democrat candidates' clear and loud declaration of gun confiscation/ban if they get elected.
That sounds an awful lot like outright partisanship, which is taboo on the High Road. You're not going to get me to endorse Trump, if that's where you're going.
So who are you going to vote for in 2020 that's going to help protect and preserve gun rights/2A?

I am waiting for your answer.

We don’t know who all will be running yet, some third party’s will have such a candidate, likely the constitution party maybe even the Liberian party, but the if you stick to the big two such a candidate will not exist.
Deep South, my question was addressed specific to AlexanderA (Updated my previous posts).

As to who will win the primaries, my best guess is Trump for Republican party and Biden/Warren/Sanders for Democrat pary but most likely Biden because I think DNC still owes Hillary and Hillary and Biden are friends and she probably would want Biden to win over Warren/Sanders (Worked in 2016, right? ;)).

So it may come down to Trump vs Biden/Warren/Sanders and we all know what Biden/Warren/Sander's position is on gun rights/2A - Confiscation.

I will take my chances with Trump.
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I tell you, 2020 maybe our "D Day" election that will secure or demise the judicial future of gun rights/2A for decades and generations.

Vote wisely for 2020 for gun rights/2A future for our children and grandchildren.
Sorry but voting for a 3rd party will just mean Warren or Biden will win and is a vote against RKBA

I didn’t know my one Alabama vote had that much power!

Sorry but the “two party system” has had us on steady downward spiral for a century(ish) in most areas, including RKBA.
Remember the definition of insanity?

All this is a different conversation, and not one for THR, so I’ll step out now, apologies to mods and the OP.
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