Fire Mission for Capandball YouTube Channel

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Oct 31, 2007
Somewhere in Maryland
The YouTube people just took the ads off, which will make it harder for the people making the Capandball videos to operate. If you could spare a few bucks, we can get more good BP videos.

Full disclosure: I know the guy. Grade-A shooter, a credit the the world BP community. I'm putting in $10/month.
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Some guys where talking about this on Facebook. Turns out that liberals are SOOO stupid, they still havent figured out that they lost.. LAST YEAR!! LOL.. Shaking my head...

Anyway.. Im not sure how any of this works, as I have never put anything on YT, and now that I know how disgustingly anti gun (read anti American and anti freedom!) they really are I doubt seriously if I ever will, but these guys where saying that if ya go into the settings and de-monitize, then go back in and re-monitize your vids (not sure if they logged out and back in), it MIGHT work. I say might as they where getting mixed results.

Of course that was a few days ago so who knows... Cant hurt to try though!

PS: I love that guys vids!
Guys, it's not the liberals but the large advertising agencies who are trying to quash any competition. They resent the little guys "stealing" their business.
Guys, it's not the liberals but the large advertising agencies who are trying to quash any competition. They resent the little guys "stealing" their business.

Like I said it was a few days ago, but at that point they where all saying that it was ONLY gun vids and vids that had things to DO with guns..

Did that change? Not really sure how only defunding gun and gun related vids helps the "big guys"?
Eh.. Maybe thats all I heard from.. I was on facebook at the time, and Im on a lot of BP and other gun groups there so...

Anyway, did he try to de-monitize, log out, log back in, re-monitize??? People where getting mixed results but it seemed like it was working for some of them? Has anyone spoken Mike AKA; Duelist?? How are his doing and does he have any tips??
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