Fire or no fire from muzzle (Flash & Awe)

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Personally the only fire I've seen lit was a ma duce with tracers, that was fun, go down range with flappers and the water truck, come back and light the range up again, the ma duce spits fire with out mod, that would be a dragon modded, he he

NOW real men don't use a gun after dark, they sneak up with a knife...

Oh, and don't forget the vz. 52, that'll light up your world

please flame me, I beg you, then I'll come over to you house and we can joyride in your APC, I'll buy ammo. You'll have to provide the tinfoil hats.
Beltfed, you asked the opinion of the other users, so how about letting them give it with out getting defensive while trying to validate your own perspective.
Not surprisingly, fireworks are illegal in California. Firearms so far are not. I fire 44 magnums and LOVE the flash and thunder from a full house round built on 2400.

Most importantly is accuracy. But if you command thunder and lightning, your defense is significantly increases. This you can find by reading "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. Intimidate your foes and your offense increases. :evil:

JHCO, i did ask for opinions for shooting at range, but i got couch potatoe rambos tellin me how in combat it wont be any good, like thats all these guys do on a daily basis in their neighborhood is fight one gun fight after another and they know....

For the people that follow the shoots so they can drop some money on renting a gun they cant have, afford, rarely see whatever, for their kids, wife, freind or themself, they are the ones that really matter i geuss and they speak loudly. Flames and noise is what sells. But for all the rambos here that gun fight everyday to go get a gallon of milk at 7-11 it just isnt as good as a hi point with a flash suppressor. I just get tired of the rambo mentallity, we buy our guns for fun, enjoyment. If your buying for other reasons your life cant be any fun, to be that scared that you hide in the house with the guns you buy soley for fightin the big war and talkin **** on the computer.
This isn't anything that's ever crossed my mind and to be honest I never even heard of someone intentionally modding their gun(s) to have more muzzle flash... but it definitely has some cool factor to it. If you like it and everything's done safely then enjoy.

And Zoogster, I read your posts in this thread and actually found them very informative so kudos to you for posting them.
I thought it was obvious from the get-go. I agree, if I was in the business of renting machine guns for pleasure shoots, I'd want them to be as loud and nasty and fire-breathing as possible.

If I was using MGs for serious puropses, I wouldn't. Simple as that.

Different guns/setups for different purposes. Easy. No need for internet chest-thumping or name-calling. From either camp.
I like some flame and noise on occasion, and while I don't particularly load for it, there's something deeply satisfying with a nice fireball and a loud WOMP.

we buy our guns for fun, enjoyment

Well, some people, and some guns.

But yes, I've said it before in other threads, but it really doesn't matter if you can't hit the broadside of a barn with your gun. It's all about what you like doing with it.
Well, it's obviously not practical, for reasons already mentioned, but you're selling fun, and you've figured out how to make the best sales. People can shoot your weapons and say, "That was better than in the movies!"

Personally, I see no advantage in muzzle flash, and definite disadvantages in low-light situations.

Just a side note; with my 6" GP100, I notice more fire from the BC gap than from the muzzle (with .38 Sp, anyway).

In about a week, I plan to make video of some shots at dusk, just to see what happens.
I'm more interested in practical performance rather than the entertainment factor. But if I had the money to own those kinds of toys, I'd be wise to do the same thing as you and get a ROI.
I just get tired of the Rambo mentality
Oddly enough, that was my very first thought when I started reading the thread.
While it's probably a wonderful attraction for a range carnival business....I wonder how many customers renting these fire-breathing guns, do so with the "Rambo mentality"? ;)
As for the people that rent them, acting Rambo....not many at all do that, most are soo full of smiles even before they get to shoot its farthest from their mind to be thinkin of actin big and tough, they are just havin fun and enjoyin the thrill. They love it.
"This little doodad is my own invention. I call it a loudener."
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