First IDPA Classifier... Botched it... HARD

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Nov 14, 2012
Northern CA (the good part)
So I participated in my first IDPA classifier match last Saturday and did not do nearly as well as I am capable of. I typically place in the top 10 at matches I attend and the top 3 or so of my division (last two I placed 2nd).

The first stage, I did okay on. Not great but not bad, probably on hte edge of marksman/sharpshooter range. Shooting one handed weak side is something I need to work on.

The second stage belonged to me. I smoked it. got a time of just over 30 seconds and down 4 (4 rounds just outside down zero). Apparently moving and shooting is something I am good at.

The last stage, I over thought it and messed up pretty bad. I didn't feel good, I didn't shoot well... ugh.

Overall I scored as a Marksman.
Does anybody know if there is a time period I must wait before I can reclassify?

I didn't sandbag it on purpose, but it kinda looks like I did.
Just shoot a couple sanctioned matches; you'll get some wood, match bumps, and it is more fun than shooting the classifier.
No biggie....

I agree with ny32182. Sign up for some sanctioned matches. If you get bumped right away, then good, you are a sharpshooter and go from there. If you don't get bumped, then fine as well. Keep going at Marksman until you either get that bump or you do another classifier.
I know some really good shooters that are Marksman because they don't do the classifier well, and have come up against some stiff competition in Sanctioned matches and didn't get the bump. But they are very competitive and have a blast!!
Get Bumped

I may make a mistake in this, so this is generally how it goes. Sign up for a sanctioned match. Let's say you shoot SSP as a Marksman. So in order for you to get bumped to Sharpshooter, you need to win that division and beat I think it is 9 other competitors. (that is where I may be missing it a little). Or you can finish second and beat something like 19 other competitors. Now these would be people in your own division, SSP Marksman or SSP Sharpshooters, Experts or Masters.
So, lets say you finish first of the SSP Marksman, but there were only 6 competitors, so you beat 5 of them. You would have to beat 4 more in SSP at a higher level at that match.
It is all in the rulebook. It is not as complicated as I made it seem.
From the rulebook, I was pretty close.....

The winner of a class at a Sanctioned Match will be promoted to the next higher Classification if that shooter beats nine shooters in that class or any higher class in that Division.
9.4.3 The second place finisher of a class at a Sanctioned Match will be promoted to the next higher Classification if that shooter beats 19 shooters in that class or any higher class in that Division. This progression continues for the third, fourth, fifth place, etc. in the match. For example, the fourth place finisher will be promoted if that shooter beats 39 shooters in that class or any higher class in that Division
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