first [squirrel] hunt

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Feb 23, 2005
Went with the old man for a few squirrel today. got there in the morning, walked around for a few hours. weather was nice and warm but too wet, i guess, so no squirrels showed - guess they were all hunkered down. saw two or three, but they were either too far away for the .410 or i couldn't get a bead on 'em fast enough.

Oh well, squirrel catchetore for another day. twas fun, though.

You said it was fun anyway - you learned something about the hunt in one day that sometimes takes others many, many hunting trips to learn. You are well on your way to being a good hunter indeed. Enjoy.

Give your dad some special thanks for taking you hunting, not as many dads as used to do so nowadays.

All the best,
Glenn B
Wish we could hunt squirrels here, but such is not the case. That being said, you had a WONDERFUL day! You spent time with your Dad (wish that I still could); you were in the great outdoors with gun in hand: and you learned that it's not the harvest, it's the total experience. I on the other hand, did yard work (yuck) with my Son , reloaded with my Son (good!), and dried 12# of buffalo jerky with my Son (very good, if I can hide enough of it from my Son!). Suffice to say that we both had very good days!
well, good for you, koja! sounds like you had a good time. I make some pretty good beef jerky myself. how do you dry them? i use the oven and a special rack i got from cabelas for x-mas [also from the old man]. what do you use as a base liquid to marinate? i use 75/25 teriaki/soy sauce, but i's wondering if there's other methods that i don't know about.

glenn, you're quite right. we might go back next weekend too, if it's better weather.

I like my squirrel hunting.

Most of my hunting time is spent on tree rats. It's fun to sit around in the woods and see everything that goes on. If I'm having a very good day and get a few, they taste good with some onions in a crock pot, too.
Most of my hunting time is spent on tree rats. It's fun to sit around in the woods and see everything that goes on. If I'm having a very good day and get a few, they taste good with some onions in a crock pot, too.

Ooh! I want that recipe!
Ask and ye shall recieve.

Take the squirrel meat off the bone and rinse it thoroughly. set it aside until you get the veggies ready.

Slice (do not chop) a large sweet onion and place the slices in the crock, covering the bottom. Either peel and chop carrots or use a bag of baby carrots. Put half on them around the edge of the crock. Peel and cut up potatos. Put the meat in and dump the taters and rest of the carrots on top of it. The point of placing the vegetables in a specific way is to avoid contact between meat and crock. You won't get that funny burned taste this way.

Turn the crock on High for an hour or two, then down to Low for a few hours. I often start it after breakfast and eat it for dinner. Sometimes I'll take the juice and thicken it to make a stew, also. If you want more spices (I don't use many when I cook), a package of Lipton dry onion soup mix can be thrown in, too.
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