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(FL) Man kills attacking car burglary suspect

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
Man kills attacking car burglary suspect

The Times-Union

A Jacksonville man who pulled a handgun after he was attacked in his apartment parking lot early Saturday fired five shots that left a 16-year-old suspected car burglar dead, police said Monday.

Three other suspects, ages 15, 17 and 18, were arrested Monday and charged with murder and armed robbery in the shooting outside the Paradise Island apartments on Southside Boulevard.

Ronald Peterson, 27, told police he was pistol-whipped in the head by four attackers who he feared were going to put him in a car trunk. He was not charged in the shooting.

According to police, Peterson came home about 5 a.m. and saw four men trying to enter parked cars. After parking his car in his garage, he retrieved a handgun and went outside to see if they were still there before calling police, according to a police report.

When he tried to go back inside, he was stopped at gunpoint, told to empty his pockets and led to a car where he was ordered to clear out the car's trunk. When he balked, he was struck in the head and knocked to the ground.

Peterson told police the attackers saw the gun in his waistband as he fell and yelled a warning. He said he pulled the gun and opened fire.

David Ulysses McCray of the 6700 block of West Virginia Court was found dead behind an apartment building, according to police. Peterson's car keys, cell phone and knife were with McCray, police said.

Police learned Carl Aresenio Jones, 15, of the 5800 block of Soutel Drive, and Aaron Jamal Muhammad, 17, of the 3300 block of Almeda Street, had gone to Shands Jacksonville for treatment of a gunshot wound to Muhammad's arm. Both were interviewed by police and charged with robbery and murder. The interviews led detectives to Orren Alexander Louder, 18, of Jies Court, who was also charged.

Police said there was evidence three cars had been burglarized.

He's lucky they didn't shoot him when they saw the gun his waistband.

Good job on his part though, the gene pool needs a little chlorine every now and then. Talk about specific deterrence...that 16yr old isn't gonna grow up to be a criminal mastermind. I wonder if the other 3 will actually be put away? I can see it now...mothers testifying..."He's a choir boy! He would never hurt anyone! You just shot him in cold blood!" :rolleyes:
I'm glad one is gone, but

why no shots into the OTHER three?

Anything worth doing is worth doing RIGHT! ;)
Five shots... possibly a J-frame? He probably shot the one with the gun to pieces and the other 3 would have been running like scalded dogs.

Sounds like a good shoot to me, though.
may the dead attacker rot in hell. thank god for responsible gun owners to put those bad guys down. Any body who attempts to do you with great physical harm is acting like a violent animal and should be "put down" like one.
Both were interviewed by police and charged with robbery and murder. The interviews led detectives to Orren Alexander Louder, 18, of Jies Court, who was also charged.

Am I missing something? :confused:
Am I missing something?

Felony Murder Rule

If one commits a felony and a death results then one is guity of murder. Used often in plea bargains.

Example. You and I rob a quickee mart. You wait in the car playing lookout. I go in, shoot the clerk and he dies. We are arrested and you are charged with murder. If a customer has a heart attack and dies during the crime, add another charge. You then rat me out in return for the murder charge being reduced to manslaughter or even dropped.

I think... Its been awhile.
Florida's law includes the death of an accomplice during a felony crime as murder.

For example, you and I decide to rob a quickie mart. You wait in the car while I go in and pull a gun. The clerk kills me in self defense. Now you will be charged with my murder.
WOW, that is one awesome and uplifting story!

Now, the names at the end remind me of a Chris Rock standup routine from long ago, when he said, "No matter how liberal you think you are, you wait for the film to see what color the guy was who committed the crime... You see all the white people going, 'Watch, watch, watch, watch, I bet it's a black guy, watch, watch, watch, watch, SEE?! -- TOLD YA!" :p

Yep. We have a similar law here in Colorado. Used to put a young woman into prison for life after an cop was killed by the young thug who she was not associated with, while she was in police custody

I followed your link, but frankly it took too long to load and I gave it up. Not up on Colorado law, but I am familiar with the common law definition of 'felony murder' and it doesn't sound like that. A better description of 'felony murder' would be exactly what happened as described in the article beginning this thread - participation in an armed robbery that resulted in a homicide - regardless of who pulled the trigger.
Why did he get his gun and go back outside? I would have stayed inside and called the police.
After parking his car in his garage, he retrieved a handgun and went outside to see if they were still there before calling police, according to a police report.

Yeah. That would not fly in my state!
Yep. We have a similar law here in Colorado. Used to put a young woman into prison for life after an cop was killed by the young thug who she was not associated with, while she was in police custody. Bunch of frelling dren in my opinion. Info on this travesty of justice may be found here.

Public Defenders in Denver are inclined to plea-bargain in cases were extensive prison sentences and multiple charges are involved, even when the defendant is innocent.

I've read all I need. If she had a real attorney, she'd be a free woman.
Yep, it sucks to be poor.

She was rolled by the system. Somebody 'needed' to go to jail, and they picked her, largely because she couldn't effectively fight back.

Ironic that once the cops caught the worthless sub-human predators, she ended up facing even more worthless sub-human predators, only these government sanctioned?
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