Flash Gun Control Myth Refutal Animations

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Apr 3, 2005
I'm making a few.

First one will be on 'Assault weapons' and will cover rate of fire, cartridge size and power, accessories (grenade launcher, bayonet, flash supressor), and a few other little things.

Audiovisually I can demonstrate that an AK-47 and a hunting rifle fire at the same speed, with the hunting rifle being even more powerful and accurate. ;)

I can show the size of cartridges and bullets compared to each other. I can play the sound of a full auto AK and then of a semi auto ak compared to a semi auto hunting rifle, accompanied by a suitable animation.

Should be done in a day or two.
Sorry - but is this a really good idea?

I can imagine the Brady Bunch getting a hold of what you've described and saying to them selves, "huh? ***? we've been going after the wrong weapons all this time - better add those high powered sniper rifles to the list and move them right up to the top too".

Of course the bright side of that may be that if the Bradyites start going after Joe Sixpack's hunting rifle Joe might just wake up and put a real political hurt on the Bradyites and their ilk.
This sort of thing needs to be thought out carefully.

The forces of organized gun bigotry know all this; they just don't care, and will exploit whatever they can to further their agenda.

I can't stress that enough; Our opponnents do not work from a well intentioned place of ignorance, they work from a position of malice and malfeasance.

Like many, you may (or may not, I pre-apologize if it's not the case) be laboring under the illusion that if we could only explain RKBA _clearly_ enough, then they'd understand and line up with us.

Sadly, it's just not the case.

The real question to ask of your work when finished is, "Are those who are uninformed or sitting on the fence going to find some comfort or illumination in this work?"

Will people really care about the difference between 600 rpm and 60?

Furthermore, by showing equivalence of civilianized arms of military pedigree and sporting arms, (essentially making the case "see? no more dangerous than a deer rifle.") to what degree does the work contribute to the "sporting purposes" fallacy?
It's not about getting them to line up with us.

It's not about explaining things slowly and carefully.

It's about lining up each and every lie and going down the line smashing each and every one FOR GOOD.

"Will people really care about the difference between 600 rpm and 60?"

They will when they see the clear difference.

I want to see debates being ended with references to my series of flash films.

IDIOT: BLah blah blah assault rifles blah blah high powered spray firing
Intelligent person: Uh, no. Look here.

The idiots will never learn, but the more we make them look like idiots, the more we win.
i got to go with the be careful also

Some of the sheep may be idiots but not all of the anti leaders are, they know that a b.g. could walk in with a .357 or .44 lever action or a pump shotgun and do as much or more damage as a semi "assault rifle". They are picking their battles and looking for the small ones they can win.
They would like nothing better than to work their way up:
1. Evil black rifles
2. Hand guns (all)
3. Non sporting guns (all)
4. Etc.
They will try to take bits and pieces and bounce around as media/ public opinion gives them opportunity.
Destroy the myths in the face of their drone supporters and their ranks crumble or start to enter insanity mode. Either one is a win.
Destroy the myths in the face of their drone supporters and their ranks crumble or start to enter insanity mode. Either one is a win.
Good point and it would be very true if one was talking about rational people.

BUT! and this is a big BUT! Anti-gun folks aren't rational when it comes to guns. They don't think with their heads about the issue but with their hearts. Occasionally they even toss in what they imagine to be common sense which more often than not turns out to be not so common.

No amount of logic, fact or reason will cause them to enter insanity mode. Their world view will not be shattered by such. Like religious fanatics the anti-gun faithful just know what they know. They will not be swayed.

Furthermore your proposed projects will just give them more ammo to use against us... they'll say, "see - as bad as AW's are there's even worse stuff out there and the gun nuts know it"!
And that's exactly where we'll take them down, showing that this 'worse stuff' has been around for centuries.

Laughter and derision, coming from a point of view of unchallengeable fact, is a powerful tool.
www.flashbunny.org has some good videos like the one you want to make.

Personally I would try to get the idea across that the entire premiss that one firearm is significantly more dangerous to innocent people than another is flawed. Who cares what bullet you get hit with or what firearms criminals have access to. Criminals already can get whatever they want, gun control can not change that.
there is no converting a "true believer" but there is hope for the masses. most people are simply uninformed or underinformed on gun issues. we need to be kind, "sensitive" even and informative. we need to gently guide them to the truth. just the same as a fire and brimstone evangelist doesn't make nearly as many converts as a soup kitchen, we can not afford to alienate people. i think the flash shows are a good idea. be funny, but try not to make people feel stupid - that always backfires. one recurring theme i seem to see a lot of is that we gun folk seem to think there is an end to this road. i assure you there is not. we will fight this fight for as long as it is possible to do another human being harm.
It's not done yet, but:

here's my rough storyboard:

Introduce submachineguns and their use in the military. (A silhouette of a handgun, with the cartridge in the chamber highlighted, which morphs into an MP5 with the cartridge staying the same sounds like a good visual aid)

Introduce battle rifles and their use in the military.

Explain the concept of 'in between' assault rifles and the small cartridge they fire and how they must be able to fire fully automatic or they are not a real assault rifle. Explanation of why none of the weapons covered by the AWB were actually assault weapons.

Comparison between assault rifles and uncle fred's deer rifle.

Differentiate between civilian arms and fully automatic military arms, while noting that anyone can own a fully automatic military weapon after paying a 200 dollar tax and taking background check.

Rate of fire comparisons. (audiovisual) Bullet size comparisons. (visual)

Explanation of how the firearm does not define the power, the cartridge defines the power.

Casual run through of all the assault weapon nonsense with refutations.

(Show the bullcrap as text on screen, then an audiovisual refutation, such as:


"High powered? We've already demonstrated how the average deer rifle is more 'high powered' than the common 5.56 round. And rapid fire? Watch this man firing the AR-15 in question! He fires as fast as he can but can go no faster than this man shooting a tiny .22 pistol. Compare to this soldier firing a REAL assault weapon of the same genus as the AR-15, the M4..."
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