For God's sake... who would do this???

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Apr 11, 2006
I was wiping down some guns this morning and I noticed that one screw on my 4" Python (got it used about 3 years ago) wasn't seated properly. This is the cylinder retention screw. It would not tighten any further so I took it out to see what was what.

I couldn't believe what I found. The plunger that fits into the groove on the crane axle and spring were missing and in their place was a home-made pin cut from the point of a nail! It was a tad too long and that prevented the screw from fully seating. Funny I didn't notice it before now.

What sort of an idiot would replace this precision part with the tip of a nail? I can't even imagine making such a rube repair.
It's called a field expedient repair and the previous owner probably figured that as long as it worked for him, he wasn't in any hurry to repair it properly.

Besides, it gave you something to rant about.:neener::D
Everybody knows you got to put the spring from a click pen behind that nail...
hahaha...nice one, navy.

too bad colt revolver parts/service are getting more scarce/expensive. i hope you are able to rectify the situation...
I was wiping down some guns this morning and I noticed that one screw on my 4" Python (got it used about 3 years ago) wasn't seated properly.

This proves you need to inspect your guns and take the cylinder crane out for cleaning more often.
Ha. I just had the cousin to that: after holding out for years I finally cave and get a Python.

The crane retention gizmo was all Colt parts, but assembled backwards. First spring, then backwards plunger, then cap screw. Any attempt to snug down the "screw" bound it up better than Pepto-Bismol and Cheese Whiz.

T'was a puzzling thing until the forum gurus fixed me up.
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