"found money" what to do?

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You are asking the wrong people how to manage your money! You could ask "open heart surgery or 1911?," and you know what we would say.

Man, you guys are good!

Maybe I'll get something inexpensive for myself, like a nice Finnish M39.

I've had my eye on a gorgeous S&W Model 17 .22 for a bit... be nice to have an inexpensive plinker in the collection...

Then again, I sure could use a new Weber gas grill for summer! :evil:

You've convinced me to pay down the debt, but jeeeeeez, I have to get something!:cuss:

Thanks to all for being the voice of reason!
Pay the debt
get a ruger MKII Slabside

but pay the debt down

I have been married for 23 years, with 4 kids in school, 3 in private and 1 in college, paid no more than $4000 for any one car and paid them off 1/2 in cash and the loan in 1/2 the alloted time. House is half paid off in 14 years of an original 30 year mortgage, with a couple of refinancings that helped along with double paying premiums.
I have no credit card debt, never have never will!!!!! I have 3 credit cards and 2 have never been used.
I can finally afford a few guns a year

I have been debt free for quite a while now and it's a good feeling. Philosophically, if you are still paying off a debt, you don't really own it, the bank owns it. My credit card is payed in full each month and I payed off my new car in 6 months. I write a check when I buy a new firearm -- usually I get a better price because the retailer doesn't incur a 3% fee from the credit card company.

If I received a lump some I would put it in the bank and collect interest. In your case, you should put the entire sum toward your debts and then continue to zero out you credit cards before incurring new debts. That's my opinion, do what you want.
Pay off the debt first, second and third.

People talk about the great deal they got on a pistol that they charged to the credit card. They never realize how much that great deal is costing them in the end.

Any deal you get now is no deal.

I don't know your exact financial status, but you should also have some money in the bank when it's all said and done. Don't spend everything so you're broke again. That will cause you to go into debt if a major repair comes up soon.
Not to pile-on or anything, but:

The single finest monetary investment a man can make is to pay off debt.

This will open up funds to buy many more guns and ammo in the long run.
Pay off the debt.

You will always want another gun. In the future, your debt wiped out, you will be able to buy even more.


Put half on debts and invest the other half in a mutual fund. Add money monthly. ~~**"Religiously"!! Right now, I'd suggest a "Growth and Income" fund. Maybe even a "Blue Chip" stock fund. Stocks are poised for a come-back. (Unless the Democrats find away to hurt the market. Don't believe them when they say "The Economy Is Bad"!!WOOOOooooo!) I retired at 48. THIS is how.

No sense investing in the gambling market if you still have debt. If 1000 bucks of stock makes you 20%, but you still have 3000 in credit debt at 19% you still lose. BTW, when I do have money for the stock market I see it like this. Half goes to wall street, half goes with me to the blackjack table, both gambling, one is more fun, and so far the Sreet ain't shown me jack compared to a little card playing. Besides, I'm going to have a navy pension at age 39 and I am working on a sizable 401K that I weathered through this last mess with minimal loss. Thank God for bond funds.

I still have credit debt, but over the last year paid off several store credit lines and my car payment. Never again on the car payment, buy used, fix your own and you will be rich one day.

You are asking the wrong people how to manage your money! You could ask "open heart surgery or 1911?," and you know what we would say.

Duh! Open heart surgery with a 1911, everybody knows that.

Pay the debt.

-Neither a borrower, nor lender be. I'm working on it...
Usually what I do is put money into categories: a little away in the bank, a little aside to make payments on debts and some more for a rainy day. I agree though it depends on the size of your debts but I usually save up to a purchase so I don't neglect my other responsibilities. You could buy a gun partially with cash and put the rest on your card if you prefer. Just a thought...:rolleyes:
Vote: buy yourself something <$500 and use the rest to pay off the debt.

Budgeting is hard. Believe me, I struggle to get myself within budget most months and don't succeed as often as I should. But I firmly believe that the way to make a budget work is to (1) make it realistic and (2) reserve some money every pay period for fun stuff -- like guns! :D

IMHO unless you have willpower as strong as the armor on a M1A Abrams MBT, any budget that does not set aside a reasonable amount of money for "fun" stuff will not work. You work hard for your money and you deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labor. If you don't account for that factor, your attempts to budget will be fruitless as you will constantly blow your budget -- and what's the point of having a budget in the first place if you're gonna do that?

But as others have pointed out, debt reduction is a very wise decision. Debt chains you down -- for example, it's much harder to quit your job when you've got a mountain of debt as the Sword of Damocles hanging over you. And if I read your post right, a significant portion of your debt is credit card debt. Unless you got one of those fixed interest cards/deals, you're looking at ~20% APR? :eek: Get rid of that debt fast!

I'm now debt free as well, although I don't own a house or car. It took me ~5 years to pay off all my student loans, which according to my last Dept of Education statement was over $126,000. And that doesn't include my private student loans. But the day I made the last payment, it was like Sisyphus finally pushed the rock to the top of the mountain.

So to reiterate, pay down the debt as fast as you can, but do not set an unrealistic schedule or budget -- because chances are that you won't follow it and the whole concept of a budget goes to waste.


Not knowing your particulars beyond what firearms you have, I would suggest the following:

1. Pay off at least one debt, or more, not to exceed half the money.

2. Buy something you want/need/like.

3. Put some money away.

Don't know what to suggest, but a nice used S&W revolver is always a good choice.
I'm going to buck the trend and say buy a gun. Something you dont have on your list. A full-auto machine pistol, like a Mac-10 or 11 w/ suppressor or something along those lines. Maybe build up a Krinkov AK. Seems like full-autos at least maintain their value and quite possibly go up. Do some research and then get a weapon few folks own, let alone have shot. Just my .2 cents.

Michael in Sandy, OR
I'd buy a little something, maybe $500 worth of 'something' and use the rest to pay off debt. ;)

Being in debt is no fun. The wife and I managed to get completely out of debt, other than the house of course, about 8 months ago. Both cars were paid for in cash, no credit card bills at all. Her student loans gone. NICE!
$1500 towards the vampire blood sucking debt.
$ 500 towards reloading equip. and supplies - then get to work and go shoot the ones you have. Seems I never get enough time to shoot the ones I got. (Or maybe......yeah, it's tempting, but you'll benefit in the long run - with the bills paid maybe you can afford to take a few days or a long weekend off and go shoot!)
Found a money clip with cash belonging to a person who boarded the aircraft before I did. I found him and returned it as I have with every single wallet or purse that I have found. I don't like to profit from the misfortunes of others.

Basic rule of thumb: if there's a reasonable chance of returning it, you should. The law feels the greater the find, the greater the responsibility in returning it to the owner.

BTW, I don't stand in judgment of others and what they're actions would be or were. I do what I know what I must do to be at peace with myself (Call me "Poor but in peace Gary").
The reason you have the debt in the first place is because you made the wrong decision before by making impulse purchases. It's a no brainer even though it might not be what you want to do.
Seems to me that you've already spent the money, now it's time to pay off the debts incurred. Deficit spending at the personal level.
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