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Fox News is making me ILL!

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Gunsmith said:
Tonight ,Kimberly Guilfoyle is talking about the Petit family
Her advice (and some retired NYPD detective) if surprised by a home invader?

Thats exactly what they did!

If Fox News is conservative, then we are in trouble.

Fox News isn't "conservative," it's "fair and balanced." If it was conservative they wouldn't have Geraldo Rivera, Alan Colmes and Greta Van Susteren.
I know it's detractors claim it is conservative, but that's mainly because the big lefties in the MSM consider MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and other major media to be "middle of the road," or "objective," when in fact they're leftie.
Having said that, yeah, Ms. Guilfoyle's comment appears stupid on the face of it. The Petit family, horribly murdered, apparantly had little opportunity to even consider their options ... but to suggest compliance after that story is especially thick. It's one thing to say it blandly, without context, in a "survival forum" or defense class or whatever ... but within the context of that story????? Gheeeesh!!!!
Fox and Friends is a black hole for IQ points. I did hear that curly haired dude to an antigun rant after VT. The next day he apologized.

However, that show is just a propaganda piece for the Bush administration and a stupid one. I once saw Chris Wallace taken aback by some stupid comment and tell that crew that they were stupid.

The Sunday Show and some of the later commentaries are worth a listen even if I don't agree.

The vast majority of commentary about Petit consists of dogs and alarms. Not bad but they specifically avoid guns and training. A few voices have made the later point, there is a great editorial by a Conn. paper that has made the rounds on GT.
I too found it disconcerting how they skirted the firearms issue. The victims made several critical errors they lived in an upscale neighborhood and didn't have an alarm and left a door unlocked. The things like this happen to other people but not me syndrome seems to be very prevalent in this country.
I must admit to not understanding why people think this is a "total surprise" and "you must comply because obviously you are in no position to deal with this". It’s a HOME INVASION. Meaning it happens AT HOME. The one dang place you actually have a say so on how it is defended.

The only surprise should be the time of the event which makes it a shock to the system and a crisis, but not a total surprise. Your home invasion contingency planes should go into action. I’m sure the Pentagon has plan for defending us against an attack from Canada should they ever get tired of freezing and decided that their manifest destiny is to have the "Fajitas for Two" at Casa Ole in the warm sunshine of the Gulf Coast. Would that be a shock? Yes, in the extreme. But would it be a REAL surprise? It better not be or someone in the Pentagon needs to be busted down to buck private.

You have a flood plan, a natural disaster plan, a fire escape plan… You’ve got your insurance card in your wallet for accidents. You practice Evac plans and fire drills at school and in your business. You have alternate routs to get to work and home should there be bad traffic. Why are disaster plans for home invasions and burglaries so different?

It’s not like this takes rocket science? Does it? Unless I mistaken, you can learn how to use a gun, retain it, protect yourself, and defend your property and self with out breaking the bank? If you are REALLY tiny, elderly, or disabled you will not be able to learn a bunch of the physical stuff, but you can still learn some stuff to make you less of an attractive target?

I guess if you start by thinking that, "when the police arrive they WILL be drawing chalk outlines and it’s up to YOU to decide whose they will be," you will realize there is no happy ending to this type of brutality. Hopefully incidents like this get people to take the rose colored glasses off and start planning.

*WARNING* Artful segue *WARNING*
The Petit's didn't have a "panic button" in the house, unfortunately. I saw on the news, a couple of days later, that local sales of panic buttons had sky-rocketed. Yep, right there in "liberal" Connecticutt.

It’s a start, but if you will permit me a bit of morbid pondering… Does anyone have any stats on attendance at gun ranges or defensive classes? If a whole bunch of anti’s went out and bought firearms, I’d bet there is just a bunch of new Glock and S&W paper weights chambered in Magick Talisman with new homes. :(
Invalid said:
I see what you're getting at, but I think it's bad advice to give- if someone pops in on you and your family holding a .357 and threatening to blast anyone who moves, what good would it do to 'fight back?' You'll get shot, and then who knows what would happen to your family.

There are worse things than a quick death by a bullet ... as the Petit family discovered. :(

Don't have time to write much this morning, but here are my thoughts about this sort of thing: www.corneredcat.com/Mindset/boundaries.aspx

It’s a start, but if you will permit me a bit of morbid pondering… Does anyone have any stats on attendance at gun ranges or defensive classes? If a whole bunch of anti’s went out and bought firearms, I’d bet there is just a bunch of new Glock and S&W paper weights chambered in Magick Talisman with new homes.

This is where we come in, to educate and debunk myths. They have probably heard the whole "guns are dangerous" and "Guns kill" speak and belived it for so long they think they just point their brand new glock in the vacinity of evil, and it does the rest, accurately, and from the hip (sorry couldn't resist), but any tool is useless if you don't know how to use it, and a tool as versatile and powerful as a firearm requires practice and at least basic instruction and observation. The key is to be better prepared than the intruder, because you can bet he has a lot more experience in malice than most of us honest folk have
self defense???

most police cheifs have an attitude:you stupid civilians are not trained to act. we know whats best.how many civilians are combat vets?how many civilians have trained to shoot far better than most police.how many thousands of rounds more than police have you shot.at 50 yrds I can keep them in the black.how often have we heard of police shoting 50/100 rds and only getting couple rds in perp.the talking heads that are police that end up in the news are idiots.they mouth off what the media wants.

:uhoh: :confused: :banghead: :fire: end of rant :) :)
how many civilians are combat vets?how many civilians have trained to shoot far better than most police.how many thousands of rounds more than police have you shot.

Or better yet, How many 80+ Grandmothers have foiled home intruders with a handgun as regularly reported by mainstream media?
I do not believe what the news says these days. One day at a city council meeting in my town of Omaha,Nebraska,I was asked if I carried concealed by a stupid news reporter. I said if you can find one on me,But, watch out for the boa I have concealed. He turned beat red and left the city council chambers. Rich Z.Omaha,Nebraska:neener::neener::neener::evil::evil::D:D:D
Dog alarms are good, .45 caliber panic buttons work.

Since I live in California, I keep one .45acp in condition 1 under lock (not a trigger lock), but readily available and a slew of impact weapons stashed in various locations.

Bad idea to break in here.
I used to experience grief from my wife who did not like for me to wear my CCW in-home. After seeing several of such broadcasts, she has figured out, even rich people can be attacked.
about 1 1/2 years ago my hunting partner who has firearms in his house had a home invasion.
Now he is a msgt in the army and knows how to take care of himself.
About 8 in the evening while his wife was out shopping he was upstairs on his computer. He heard a large crash downstairs. First thought was his daughter or son which are teens had knocked something over. He heads down the stairs and much to his surprize 3 guys are in his house and one has a handgun to the head of his daughter.
After a beating and them finding out they had the wrong house and no drugs were being sold there they left.

it was not a bang in the night get your gun and meet them. He was pretty well covered and I do not see what else you can do on that one. Thank the lord everyone was ok and no body got hurt except the slight concussion from the beating.
now that I live alone and I hear that crash you can bet I will come out shooting but not everyone can.

There is no better post than a factual post. Thank-you for that contribution, and praise God they are all alive and well.

You raise a point that I have pondered many times. In my Tactical and Advanced Tactical Shooting courses, I have been trained up two ways...sight shoot and precision-target shoot. Assuming one is wearing their CCW, and assuming one then observes a bad-guy with a gun to your child's head, what does one do? Personally, this is not a decision that I could have arrived to without serious discussion with my family. This is a highly personal decision, and one which must be made within the family. That fact stated, it is in the media and in the courts that the fall-out, good, bad or indifferent will play-out.

I am not asking for people to thump their chests, saying what they would do, nor shall I. While we can attempt to arrive at a proactive decision with the family, I have no doubt that proactively discussing is different than factually facing the decision.


I don't know what everyone else is talking about with Fox news. Where else can I get fair and balanced reporting on the lastest legal troubles of Brittany Spears and Lindasy Lohan. Their in depth coverage of Paris Hilton's incarceration is the only thing that kept me from going off the deep end in sorrow for her. And Geraldo's distinguished career as a serious journalist brings much credibility to the organization... :eek:

While Fox News tends to be more balanced than other media outlets (IMHO), from what I've seen there seems to be a typical media anti-gun bent to their reporting. For example, when the VT shootings occurred, I remember a ticker at the bottom of the screen listing gun law "facts" that seemed straight out of the VPC texts.
My alarm company sign:

These Premises
Protected By

John M. Browning
Security Services

(est. 1911)

I too keep a couple of weighty objects sitting around, and a couple of knives randomized about the premises.

Apart from the powder-actuated security devices.

(No kids.)

FieroCDSP observed,

The difference between compliance and submission is your attitude.

With compliance, you are doing what they say while looking for an opening to run, fight, draw, whatever.

Submission involves a mindset that the BG is in control and there's nothing you can do about it, so might as well do what they say and hope they leave.

Excellent point. Thank you.

But we've taught our kids (or let them be taught) that submission is compliance, or haven't taught them the difference between the two. This has to change, or we'll be a nation of weak fools under total government control in twenty years.

Hear, hear!
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Compliance only ensures you'll be victimized.

Yup. As soon as you sense danger... FIGHT!!! Never comply, don't give them a second to think.
Several street thugs have tried to rob me, none have gotten anything except pain. In my own home, I will do everything I can to win. I will not wait to find out later if they are going to kill me or not, if they are in my home I assume they will and I'll go down fighting.

Better to die on my feet than live on my knees for a few more minutes. Odds are I'll win. I have before.
Hopefully my 2 GSD,s (125lbs and 95lbs) will prevent any suprises, but always be ready and prepared for things that go bump in the night(or daytime).:fire::fire:
Being law abiding persons and not drug dealers (or such), we do not expect home invasions. However, mistakes happen. Crime happens. Savagery happens.

People who break into your home do not have your best interests at heart.
People who break into your home do not have your best interests at heart.
By and large, they don't. Even where they putatively do, as in the case of the police, breaking into your home is a bad way to show it.

I don't engage in criminal activity, nor do I associate with known criminals. I've got a long history of documented death threats. Anybody can buy gear with "POLICE" stenciled on it in white. Those three things combine to make it not in my interest to assume that somebody breaking down my door means well. The overwhelming odds are that if you break in, you'll be met with a hail of .30-06 ball and/or AP.

That's why I've said previously that it's REALLY in their best interest not to break into my house by mistake or through malfeasance as in the Atlanta case. That would change the lives of everybody involved and not for the better.
I can never decide if it's better to have the bedroom door open so you can hear what's going on outside the room much better, or locking it, giving you more time. It's choosong between knowing trouble is coming because you can hear something isn't right, or knowing troubles already there and you have a few extra seconds since the door is locked.

Saw a mod on a house where the owner had installed a burglar-bar type gate blocking the hall to the bedrooms. The gate was locked and unlocked from the master bedroom by a linkage in a metal conduit. The theory being that you could hear through the gate and by the time anybody got through such a contraption they'd wake the whole house.

At the very least, such a gate could be thrown across the entrance to the master bedroom fairly easily. Heck, in this house I could block the hall and cover all the bedrooms, or just the master bedroom door which would still allow me to stay hidden and prepare since at least half the room is out of sight of the door.

The common drivel is to comply. Studying after action reports of real events, the conclusion is that your odds are better if you resist. The level of resistance will be dictated by the level of threat and your level of preparedness. Always resist. Period. End of story. Finis. That's all folks.

Compare stats of those who complied and those who reisted. Those who comply have higher incidence of being hurt and/or killed than those who resist. Play the odds, fight back.
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