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Friend with a VISA

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Oct 16, 2004
I have a friend from Trinidad who lives in Georgia, and he wants to purchase a Glock 17. His lawyer said he would have no problems purchasing a firearm, but when he tried at a gunshow last weekend, the dealers told him no. One dealer said he could get one if he had a hunting license (??), his SSN and I guess his VISA number.

Anyone know the scoop? He's a great guy, and really, really wants to get his own.

I don't mind letting him use mine, but nothing like the pride of ownership.:evil:

We're just looking for the truth! :neener:
if he is not a permanent resident i think he does indeed need a hunting license.
I currently work for an Irish company, and previously worked for Norwegian and French owned companies, I've been through this several times helping resident and non-resident aliens purchase guns legally.

Get a hunting license. Federal law says that if they have a valid visa and hunting license aliens may legally purchase firearms in the US. Just that simple, not all dealers are educated so I had our European employees copy the relavent page and carry it with them.

It also helps if they have a state drivers license, and a SSN. Some dealers still didn't want to do it, thought it might create a hassle, but most were ok once they understood the law.
Aside from the other hoops, he'll also need to be living AND physically present in a particular state for over 90 days before he can buy guns and ammo. If he leaves the US or moves to another state, he should either get rid of his firearms or transfer them temporarily to someone else.

A friend of mine got burned by the ATF after he took a short trip outside the US.
Alot of dealers won't sell to you even if you have a green card let alone just a work visa and hunters license. They tend to want you to be able to proof you are a legal resident of the state the show is at or throw you a big hissy fit. I had troubles with this before I got my US drivers license but was a legal permenent resident.
Interesting side note. I know a guy here in town who is a permanent resident alien - German citizen. About 3 or 4 years ago his resident alien ID expired. He called INS a month or two ahead of time for renewal info, and they didn't seem to care, basically said hey don't worry about it, and blew him off. Recently they called back throwing a fit about his expired ID. He explained that he tried to renew it and was blown off which somewhat calmed them down, and they took care of the renewal. Now here's what's crazy. In the time that the ID was expired he got 1) Idaho Carry Permit, 2) Type 01 FFL, 3) Class III dealer license, 4) Class III manufactuer license. Then after the ID was renewed he needed to buy some ammo he didn't have in the store for test firing a gun. The local "Mart" said he couldn't buy ammo as a non US citizen resident alien. After the manager came and saw his Idaho DL and Idaho carry permit he ok'ed the ammo sale - just short of my dealer friend going to get his FFL to prove he was "worthy" to buy ammo. Gotta love it.
I've always brought my greencard and 3 months of utility bills to buy guns. After I become a US citizen, I still don't think any gunshop will sell to me without asking for proof of citizenship simply because I don't look "American." Anyway, small price to pay for the freedom.

Guess it's my luck that I haven't encountered any FFL dealer or gunshop that refused to do business with non-citizens. In contrary, one of them was extra nice because his wife is from Thailand.

The local "Mart" said he couldn't buy ammo as a non US citizen resident alien.

That, of course, is BS. Non-residents cannot buy ammo without jumping through the same hoops for buying firearms, though. So, technically those ranges that cater to foreign tourists are in violation.
This was great!

I feel sorta foolish, actually. In all my years involved in firearms, I have never even heard of this.

WDLSGUY has posted the real scoop; read it.

The whole thing is to PREVENT aliens from coming to the U.S. to buy guns they cannot legally buy or own in their home countries. We may consider the gun laws of foreign nations to be wrong, draconian, stupid or oppressive, but the U.S. government is not going to allow people to violate them (unless, of course, it is our government's policy to ship tons of guns to some revolutionary gang that is on our side - but that is another story).

The hunting license business applies ONLY if the alien has been admitted to the U.S. for the purpose of hunting (like Americans go on safari in Africa), not just because he has a hunting license. The law and regulations are complicated, but violating them, or helping someone else violate them, can mean a heap of trouble.

Were admitted to the United States for lawful hunting or sporting purposes or are in possession of a valid hunting license or permit lawfully issued in the United States.


Thanks for the kind words, but it looks to me like either of the following are acceptable:
1) admitted to the United States for lawful hunting or sporting purposes.
2) in possession of a valid hunting license or permit lawfully issued in the United States.
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