From Iran To Arafat: Kerry`s The One

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Dec 26, 2002
On Old Hickory Lake near Nashville TN
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasir Arafat is hoping John Kerry wins the U.S. presidential election in November, according to several Palestinian leaders.

Arafat deputy and chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said in an exclusive interview with WorldNetDaily that while “we do not involve ourselves in internal American politics,†at the same time “our region has been sliding deeper and deeper into chaos because of certain policies over the past few years, and this needs to change.â€

A prominent Arafat aide who asked that his name be withheld spoke to WorldNetDaily from Arafat’s battered Ramallah compound: “The president [Arafat] is frustrated with Bush’s policies,†he said. “The president [Arafat] thinks Kerry will be much better for the Palestinian cause and for the establishment of a Palestinian state.â€

While the comments mark the first time the PA has endorsed Kerry on the record, it has not been a secret that Arafat is frustrated with Bush’s leadership. Israel Military Intelligence Chief Maj. Gen. Aharon Ze’evi warned in July Arafat is biding his time until November, when the Palestinian leader hopes President Bush will be voted out of office and Sharon’s coalition government will fall.

Meanwhile, with Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei telling state-run newspapers that Iran will use nuclear weapons to “destroy the Zionist entity,†hundreds of thousands of dollars have been given to Kerry from the pro-Iranian lobby, possibly influencing the presidential candidate’s startling call to provide Tehran with the nuclear fuel it seeks, according to Iran’s Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy chairman Aryo Pirouznia.

Pirouznia disclosed details of Kerry’s alleged financial ties to backers of the mullah government in Iran, the most prominent of which is through Hassan Nemazee, an investment banker who has joined the board of the American-Iranian Council, a U.S. lobbying group that supports lifting U.S. sanctions on Iran and accommodating the Tehran regime. Nemazee admits to raising more than $500,000 for the senator’s campaign.

Kerry has been insisting that as president he would provide Tehran with nuclear fuel as long as it is used for peaceful purposes, a position that has many Middle East analysts baffled.

During the first presidential debate Kerry said, “I think the United States should have offered the opportunity to provide the nuclear fuel, test them, see whether or not they were actually looking for it for peaceful purposes.â€

The same policy of accommodation toward Iran’s nuclear aspirations is clearly outlined on Kerry’s campaign website as well.

Ah, my hero!
But I’m still gonna vote for him ‘cause I’m a Democrat and I believe him when he says he will take care of my family and the environment and he has a PLAN and social security and my taxes and he has a PLAN and he knows how to talk to terrorists to get them to calm down and he has a PLAN and he will bring the UN into our homes so we will be better people and the paralyzed will get up and walk again and he has a PLAN and my medical bills will all be paid and he has a PLAN and he will get all of us better paying jobs and there is nothing bad in his military record so we don’t need to see them and he has a PLAN and he hunts deer the way I do on my belly with a dbl brl shotgun and decoys and he has a PLAN and he knows a guy who knows a guy who knows this sheriff who busted a guy with drugs and an AK-47 and he almost killed everybody in the town but he didn’t and that’s because all of the policemen in the world support the guy with the PLAN and he will only take the guns away from the gangbangers and the kids who plan Columbine shootings every day and he knows how to get us out of Iraq quick by using his PLAN and the PLAN is there to help all of us because after all he understands that we are the world, we arethechildrenkumbiyaPLANworldpeaceUNglobaltestPLANPLANPLANPLANPLANPLANPLAN REDRUMUSAREDRUMUSAREDRUMUSAREDRUMUSA...

There, I feel better. It is all about feelings, isn't it? :uhoh:
well i can see your point since things are going so well in isreal bushes policys have really worked. ha did anybody watch the vice presidental debates or any of the preidetal debates? did you hear edwards ask chaney why haliburten had done business with libya and iran? during some very turbulent times i believe he said or sworn enemys? the worst thing about this dicussion is there is was some mention of terrorist choice we are the most dominante military force on the planet but we still can't catch bin loden we got sadam though something that should have been done during desert storm and you can say kerry is for gun control if you want he was on the mi chong delta fightin charlie when ol fat cat bush senior was keeping little george out of harms way i can gurantee 2 out of three viet cong prefer bush to kerry oh yeah kerry already killed them.proven patriot bush proven idiot.end of story
you can say kerry is for gun control if you want

I don't have to say it. Look at his record. He has voted for every piece of gun control legislation that he could, thoughout his entire Senate career. His record speaks for itself.

Oh, yeah, I forgot. We're suppsed to ignore his record.

And if he was such a war hero, why has he refused to release his full military record, as Bush did. And why do so many of the people who served with him consider him "unfit for command?"
what exactly is bushes record? he said on national tv he was for extending the assualt weapons ban. and what exactly has bush voted on thats helped anybody but the super rich i'm assuming that' s you right.what has he done about the brady bill? he has control of the house and the senate but your infamous leader sits idle but thats nothing new mean while unemployment skyrockets and so does gas the deficet and everything except wages.and kerrys war record well why not talk to some of the men who's lives he saved one was on larry king live. what tax refund did you get i bet it was 300 if single or 500 if your married but your commander and chief w bush got 300,000.00

Taxes: The Bush tax cuts helped small businesses, that's me. I employ people and pull the wagon for all the human debris that sit on the couch and demand to be given something.

Unemployment: is the same when Clinton ran for re-election in '96. If you want a job, do what I did, go make your own.

Bush idle: good, I don't want my government to do anything to "help" me. I want the government to get out of my way so I can get something done and provide for myself which benefits society. I am not some fat, Cheetoe-eating parasitic welfare case that expects the government to give me something. I want the government to leave me alone.

Gas: Bush wants to drill in Alaska. Amen, let's get to it. More supply, lower price. It is the idle spoiled superrich that are standing in the way of energy development from Alaska to California to Massachusetts.

Deficits: We are at war. I expect it to occur. If we have to cut, I suggest the Departments of Energy, Education, HHS, Commerce and the ATFE just for starters.

My tax savings: was substantially larger than what you claim. I could care less if others, including the President, saved more as IT IS THEIR MONEY! My money does not belong to you or anyone else, it is mine. I could care less about other people's money, just leave mine alone.

Yes, I wish we had a Republican candidate that cared more for the RKBA. However, the judges Bush or Kerry will appoint will decide that issue (for now, of course).
Ugh. I am violating my cardinal forum rule: Don't feed the trolls.

I make $8000 working part-time, while attending college. The Bush tax cuts shaved about 1/3 of my taxes I had to pay that year and following years.

he has control of the house and the senate but your infamous leader sits idle but thats nothing new mean while unemployment skyrockets and so does gas the deficet and everything except wages.
Do you honestly believe that any administration has a "magic dial" that can control jobs, inflatation, and oil prices? Have you ever taken an economics class? If you raise wages, the cost of production goes up. Therefore, the price goes up and completely negates the whole reason of "giving" people more money. When profit margins go down, shareholders get upset, and in order to remain in business, costs are cut. If employers have to choose between profits and employees, profits win every time.

And you are so COMPLETELY deluded to think that Kerry would hesitate for a nanosecond to ban any firearm you hold dear, from your Rem870 to your dad's thutty-thutty? Would you care to tell us why your beloved "friend of hunters" would vote to ban all centerfire rifle ammunition, that all hunters use?

I may not agree with many of his policies, but it doesn't stop me from seeing something that has done good, which he initated. So you can take that "Bush is a corprate lackey" crap back to DUh where your baseless assertion will be parroted right back to you and the rest of the kool-aid drinking blissninnies who prefer to swallow whatever is fed to you by the media.
Wow, amazing. Eloquent vitriol from the DU spokesperson delivered in a fashion that hits home. Dem chests everywhere are swelling with agreement and love. After reading these two posts, if I was going to vote for Kerry, I’m gonna change my vote… TO BUSH! Who put the stuff in the Democratic Party brownies?

When I vote for President Bush in Nov. I’m going to take great pride in thinking that my vote was the one that negated your Kerry one. See, you’re a motivator. Musta been part of A PLAN. :what:
Please cite one “fact†for me- “w bush got 300,000.00 “ Just this one.
well where should i start unemployment there has been more jobs lost in the last four years than in the previous 4 presidents about social security anybody here need it i guess not,alaskan oil would last like a fart in a whirl wind we have lots of well all across america truth is we could produce it as cheap or nearly enough of it to keep us going a magic dial he says mr economics during the clinton era gas was cheap unemployment all time low ever heard of a surplus?and clinton he was the gun owners anti christ he did ban importation of some assualt weapons and high cap mags a measure your own comnder and chief said he thought should be extended. now then college boy the pres cut pell grants by about 1500 so there goes your tax break. 89% of the 5 trillon given in taxcuts went to the wealthest 1% the rest of split what was left.also he has spent more then all the preidents from george washington to ronald regan combined.people there are 314 billonares living in the us right now thats more than there where in the world 8 years ago the gap keeps getting bigger.did you really say we should cut back on education and home land security? lets just give ourselves another tax cut thats how i run my house i just keep writing checks and never put any money in the bank wake up.
Ignoring the ignorant troll, I'd like to see some sources for the original post. I heard on the radio the other day that some high ranking Iranian official had endorsed Bush. Makes more sense to me. Bush has been the best friend the terrorists have ever had.

Meanwhile, we have Vladimir Putin endorsing Bush. I don't wonder about that. Bush's blunders in the middle east and wrecking of the US economy has got to be seen as very good in a country that still has delusions of competing with the US for a dominant role in the world.
Gotta comment a little to the Troll...

now then college boy the pres cut pell grants by about 1500 so there goes your tax break. 89% of the 5 trillon given in taxcuts went to the wealthest 1% the rest of split what was left.

I'd really like to know how the Democrats managed to convince some people that since "rich" people get more money from tax cuts than they do, they'd rather screw them rich folks and have the government keep everyones money. At least the rich suffer more.

If there is a 1% tax cut, a person making $100,000 will "save" more money than someone making $25,000. It might have something to do with them also "paying" more to start with.

And let's take a gander at our defender of the middle class, John Kerry. Kerry's wife is worth roughly $700,000,000. During the campaign, Kerry decided to mortgage his house and use the money for commercials. Although his wife bought the house, it was determined that his "half" amounted to $6,000,000. So he took out the loan and made sure to announce that he would be paying it back, not his wife.

Doncha just love the working stiff struggling to make the monthly house payment to keep a roof over his head?

Minor technicality. Kerry's reported income from 2002 was $144,091. The Washington Post reported that even a $5,000,000 loan, with a low interest rate and spread over 30 years would result in a monthly payment of $30,389 /month or $364,668 /yr.

Yep, just the person I want as the savior of the working middle class.:rolleyes:

Alaskan oil: the oil fields are enormous. Moreover, they can be supplemented by drilling off the coast of California or wind mill farms in Massachusetts. Of course, super rich Democrats oppose these measures. Oil pricing is complex. For example, it was forecast today that oil will likely fail to $35ish a barrel no matter who is President in 6 months.

Cutting Pell grants: If true, that is outstanding! It's about time. I'm all for the abolition of give aways and hand outs. Went through university without taking a dime from the taxpayers. Why shouldn't everyone.

Tax cuts: who do you think will benefit by cutting taxes? Those who are making income. You can be wealthy in the US and not pay income taxes, it's an income tax not a wealth or asset tax. It's rational that that those with higher incomes will have their taxes cut more.

BTW, I forgot to include in my earlier post: Welcome to THR.:)
Hi Malone, it's from some articles on Worldnetdaily.

Bush has been the best friend the terrorists have ever had.
Please clarify this statement. :uhoh:

'9 out of 10 terrorists agree ... '

© 2004
An editorial in the Syria Times in August urged Arab-Americans not to make "the very mistake they made in the past when they gave their votes to Bush the Junior" in the 2000 presidential election. Instead, suggested the government-run paper, a vote for Kerry this time would prove to be "a wise one."
On July 27, the Palestinian Authority daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda ran a political cartoon depicting an American soldier bleeding to death in Iraq, with his final words being, "Don't Vote Bush."

A June 17 article in the English-language Tehran Times entitled "Pity the Next U.S. president" compared Bush and his neo-conservative advisers to "neo-Nazis" who have created a "stinking heap of a mess" throughout the world. "Kerry," the paper asserts, "is exactly what the U.S. needs right now."
Israel's military intelligence chief, Maj. Gen. Aharon Ze'evi Farkash, told a Cabinet meeting just over a month ago that "Arafat is waiting for November in the hope that George Bush will lose the election to John Kerry."
And a July 9 tracking poll conducted by Zogby International to monitor the voting trends of 500 Arab-Americans had Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry leading with 51 percent, Bush at 24 percent and Independent candidate Ralph Nader at 13 percent. Twelve percent were still undecided.
Abed Hammoud, president of the Arab-American Political Action Committee and assistant prosecuting attorney of Wayne County, Mich., voted for Bush in 2000, but may be leaning toward Kerry on Nov. 2.
"It breaks my heart to see not only our American soldiers die every day in Iraq, but to also see our fellow brothers and sisters dying in Iraq and Palestine; it's something that needs to be changed right away," he told Aljazeera.

The Iranian press has been particularly active in monitoring the elections. The editor of the Egyptian Al-Gil newspaper, Nagi Al Shihabi, was interviewed by the Iranian Al-Alam TV on June 13 and said, "The U.S. wants to eradicate our religious and Islamic identity. Bush declared a Crusader war following the events of 9-11. … The U.S. established its country over the body parts of 120 million Indians. We must first define the enemy. The No. 1 enemy of the Arab and Islamic peoples is the U.S. and not only Israel. … Bush, Allah willing, will go to hell in this coming November."

During his Friday sermon in the city of Qom, broadcast by Iran's Channel 2 on June 19, preacher Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli called on Americans to vote against President Bush, saying, "We advise the people of America not to continue to tolerate this oppressing, ignorant, pillaging, criminal, and discriminating administration. In the future, do not vote for Bush and his ilk."

In an article in Al-Ahram weekly on April 18, an Arab-Israeli member of Knesset, Azmi Bishara, called on Arab-Americans to "rethink their alliance with Bush" and "shift their votes from Bush to Kerry."

Three polls conducted by the Washington Post this year asked Kerry supporters if they were planning to vote for John Kerry because they wanted him to be president, or if they planned to vote for Kerry in order to defeat George Bush.

The first poll, conducted on March 7, found that 61 percent of voters who planned to vote for Kerry were doing so simply because of their opposition to George Bush.

A second poll, conducted in mid-May, asked the same question and found that number unchanged at 61 percent. By June, those who opposed Bush more than they supported Kerry dropped to 55 percent.

Not wanting their pro-Kerry bias to show too broadly, the Post also put the same question to Bush supporters. Only 13 percent, 11 percent and 16 percent of Bush supporters, respectively, said they were going to vote primarily to prevent Kerry from winning the election.

What these results indicate is that most Kerry supporters would vote for any candidate other than Bush, regardless of his/her policy positions, political record or personal history.

And most of America's enemies feel the same way.
There is a lesson in here, somewhere.
Please use capital letters where appropriate.. and try using a spell checker. It really helps to make your argument when you appear to be a person that pays attention to details.
using his PLAN and the PLAN is there to help all of us because after all he understands that we are the world, we arethechildrenkumbiyaPLANworldpeaceUNglobaltestPLANPLANPLANPLANPLANPLANPLAN REDRUMUSAREDRUMUSAREDRUMUSAREDRUMUSA...

Indeed, good reasons, all, to vote for Kerry.

In addition, and I think many people may not know this because the Senator is a modest man and not one to brag, but Kerry also is a very highly decorated Vietnam veteran who served in Vietnam during the Vietnam war which is all seared into his memory, next to all the shrapnel in his keister, which he took in Vietnam.
Please clarify this statement.
Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists wanted a war they could use as a recruiting tool. Going after Afghanistan wasn't enough, because a large number of Muslims, not to mention the rest of the world, could agree that the Taliban was shielding people guilty of a assault on the US and they weren't a very popular bunch anyway. Going after Iraq was viewed by most of the world, and certainly a vast majority of Muslims, as an unprovoked act of aggression against Muslims in general. This was a gift beyond the wildest dreams of the terrorists. I have seen reports that Zarkowi's popularity is growing in Iraq. The most severe thing we can do to these people is kill them, and that's just what they want, to be made into martyrs.

George Bush has been the best friend Osama bin Laden ever had.

"stinking heap of a mess" throughout the world
When they're right, they're right.
George Bush has been the best friend Osama bin Laden ever had.

Hmm....guess he should'a just sent Osama a box of chocolates and a copy of Microsoft's Flight Simulator and Saddam a few pounds of enriched uranium for Christmas. :rolleyes:
Seems North Korea likes Kerry too...


Your theory about Iraq sounds good on the face but doesn't hold up in light of the facts.

Remember Libya, who was at one time a very active sponsor of terrorism? They decided to get out of the terrorism business as a direct result of what happened in Iraq. More to the point, getting Libya to knuckle under wasn't the GOAL, it is proof that the strategy works. What happened in Iraq scared the crap out of the nations that overtly sponsored terrorism. Basically the U.S. has proven that with sufficient provocation we can and will go in and destroy a government if we think it's actively plotting against us. And that we'll do it without unanimous international support if necessary.

Did it make the terrorists mad? SURE! Did it galvanize them to attempt further action? SURE! But it also pretty much eliminated overt sponsorship of terrorism by GOVERNMENTS. Without big funding and without safe havens all the mad and galvanized terrorists are severely hampered.

Besides, you're forgetting, the terrorists were ALREADY mad enough and effective enough to kill a few thousand of us BEFORE Iraq. The idea that killing off terrorists and eliminating their havens and funding has made them MORE effective is logically bankrupt.

I'm reminded of two interviews I saw conducted after a bombing in Israel. Both interviewees were asked what they wanted. The Israeli said that they just hoped to live in peace. The Palestinian said they wanted to kill as many Israelis as possible.

So, Malone, what do you recommend to appease a person like the Palestinian? What would you offer him to make him happy? Given that he already admits that killing as many Israelis as possible is his goal, I think that there's not much we can do to make him MORE dangerous. On the other hand it's clear how to make him LESS dangerous--and it's also clear that there's only one way to do it.
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Cool Hand, thanks for the good laugh!

Malone, these people don’t need a recruiting tool. They hear it every day in their classrooms and mosques. As long as someone, much less, a bunch of someone’s, wants to kill us for our cable tv, automobiles, Christianity, “Western†ways, etc. I say, martyr on Islamofascist. We will eventually kill enough of them and introduce a better way of life. It’s not a short road here and I am in for the long haul. That’s why I early voted for President Bush today. These people know no better. It’s up to us to show them an option. Freedom will open their eyes where oppression has clouded their vision.

Make no mistake, I voted for GW because he is the lesser of two evils. There are many things about this administration that I take exception with (to?)

A government for the people, by the people. Alas, a concept that I feel is long gone. Possibly never reattained. Sad, really. I think a lot of us feel the same way no matter which side of the political fence we are on in this election.
Yup. And remember, children, if some drunk punches you right in your mouth, don't hit him back. Since he wants to fight, if you stomp his butt into a mudhole and walk it dry, you're just playing right into his hands. Why, that makes you his best friend.
Don, that sounds like something my TX father in-law would say. Makes one think, hmmm... Thinkin', what a concept. And then when you ask granddad what'd you do? He says, " set him right on his kiester of course, what was I 'spossed to do?" Luv it.
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