Full-auto shots fired in my neighborhood

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Ah, the "joys" of living within a couple of miles of Fort Jackson, the largest US miltary training reserve.....
Hearing "Reveille" at 05:00, and being already awake.
Hearing cadence counts in the stillness of the morning.
Hearing rifle practice; never burst fire, just "crack, crack, crack," and sometimes, the crackle of many firing simultaneous individual shots.
Hearing MG practice. I can distinguish the "chug-chug" of a .50 from the other, lighter and faster shots, but still can't tell if the lighter shots come from M249's or M60's.
Numerous explosions. I still haven't been able to tell what's grenades, what's demo, and what's artillery, if any. Some are just flat "bangs," some are "booms," and some are KABLAMS that rattle the windows and shake the house. If the KABLAMS aren't arty, then someone is blowing up C4 one or two hundred pounds at a time....

It's all music to my ears....the sounds of freedom!
It seems like a few people have the idea that I was upset about the full-auto fire in my area -- I wasn't. I was busy not worrying about it and convincing my MIL not to worry about it. I had no intention of doing anything about it at all, until I heard the screaming. It wasn't a "yelling", along the lines of "hey, dipstick, you're breaking the range rules!"; it was a "screaming", like "shucks! I'm bleeding through several holes or a limb has been sheared nearly clean off and an EMT would be a useful thing to have right about now!"

I would hope that people around here have figured me out well enough by now to know that I'm not the sort to get all bunched up over a little simple recreational full-auto shooting... :scrutiny:

Full auto around here tends to spook those in earshot. I was out at a local shooting spot (most shooters on this side of town know it) and heard a steady, very quick pop pop pop pop pop pop.
One of the local gun store owners was firing his MG42 into the hulk of an abandoned car. We cautiously walked up and got his attention after he had emptied the belt. He was more than happy to give us a demo and actually showed us a nice little M1919 he had been cleaning up. Good times that day.
Oh, his 6-man troop carrier was cool too.
I can definitely tell the difference between bump firing and real full auto. Real full auto is much more "clean" and evenly spaced.

The only time I've been around when someone was doing what I think was illegal full auto was at my normal range, which is pretty rural. The guy was the only one there, and didn't see me coming. Before I walked up, he was doing CLEAN three round bursts from what looked like a mini-uzi of some kind. (I'm no uzi expert). But, he wasn't bump firing. He stopped the bursts and went to semi-only after I got there, and left not long after that.
Hey, 45King,
I too live near the Fort. Out my back door I hear the .50's and out my front door I hear FN testing the machine guns they are building. Ahh... the sound of freedom.
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