"Gangsta"! firearm buysers/shooters

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Jul 5, 2004
Iowa City, IA
"Gangsta"! firearm buyers/shooters

I was wondering if any THR'ers have some good stories about our friends with the baggy pants and soggy brains.

Stopped at a Gander Mountain in Indiana after a gun show with my shooting buddy and noticed that they had the Steyr M9 that I was looking for. Being an Illinois resident, I couldn't buy the pistol in Indiana, but all I had to do was some paperwork for Gander Mountain to ship it to one of their IL shops for me to buy it. I was happy as I could be (I'd been looking for the "right" autoloader" for me for about 4 months and thought I would never find what I wanted) and as I was writing out the basic info I was listening in on the conversation of the clerk next to me and his gangsta client (mind you this store was about 15 miles from Gary, Indiana, murder capital, USA) . He was making all of the comical motions like turning it sideways to aim and when pretending to shoot, moving the pistol forward a few inches while saying, "Gat!, Gat, Gat Gat!!!". After doing this, he look at the clerk and said, "dayym, this ????? is dope, these Taurus pistols is the best". When he said this I thought that perhaps this idiot was slightly less of an idiot (I like Taurus pistols), but then he proved me TOTALLY wrong when he continued, playing with the slide button with his thumb, "yeah, I love that they got this little second trigga on the side". My mouth dropped, the mouth of the clerk in from of the idiot dropped, and everyone within earshot ran the sentence over again in their head's to find something that they had misheard, not quite beleiving the words that had heard.

One more: Coming back from another gun show, my buddy and I passed a gun shop we had never seen before so we turned around and popped in (we always like to explore). As we walked in, some rather thuggish young malcontents walked out, giving us the evil eye. Stepping in the door, I couldn't believe what I saw: Uzi's, Mac-10's, Tec-9's, and every other piece of garbage, stamped, pot-metal, semi-automatic machine pistol that had ever been made. Being the curteous gent he is, my buddy said the the guy running the place, "Hi, how are you". "Ok, what you want", said the guy behind the counter. When we said we were just looking around, he left us be while he doddled around doing whatever he was doing when we came in. After being surprised walking in, I was even more surprised when I noticed he had quite a few of the "full auto replacement kits" you see in shady catalouges and even MORE surprised when I saw his prices. I noticed he had a Ruger P95 (which I was interested in buying at the time), "how much is the Ruger"? , "$750".

This went on and on, every pistol, no matter the quality or price, was over $600, and most were nearly a thousand, especially the Glock's. My buddy found out that the AR-15 he had (made by some lower end manufactuer I can't think of right now..)was $3500 and his two Chinese AK's, which were seeverely beat up, ranged between $1800 and $2200. It didn't take us too long to figure out that this place wasn't wise to hang around in too long, but when I saw the flyer on the counter that this guy would "rent" out pistols to customers for a week at a time, I knew it was time to go....and fast.

As a side note - about a year later we found out that this place was closed down by the police after two of his weapons had been found in the commison of a muder.
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I can't say that I've ever seen anything exactly like that....

I did see about 5 mexican homeboys with one pistol between them taking turns doing some sideways shooting at the range though.
to digress a bit (not to totally hijack this thread) -
I noticed he had a Ruger P95 (which I was interested in buying at the time), "how much is the Ruger"? , "$750".

Whoa, dude, in my neck of the woods, these can be had for around $400 ...
and, um ...
and most were nearly a thousand, especially the Glock's.
Up here, we can get most Glocks for under $600 ...

To return to the regularly scheduled thread:

Was shooting out at Kitchen Creek, nat'l forest land off I-8 in East San Diego County (waayy East) a few years back ... had two buddies with me. A couple lower-riders full of young urbanites pulled in near us ... and proceeded to unload a few Tec-9s (pieces of dung) and several shiny wondernines (Berettas, Tauri, S&W 5906s) from the passenger compartments of the vehicles and more than a couple waistbands (bear in mind, this was SoCal) ...

After this chuckleheads demonstrated a total lack of regard for our safety -- by shooting downrange while my buddies and I were fixing targets, we took umbrage to their idiocy, upon which occasion we were threatened, "You wanna get capped, man?" After hastily departing the area (discretion being the better part of valor -- in spite of the fact that we were, in fact, well-armed and well-trained) since we were outnumbered about 8 to 3 and possibly somewhat out-gunned), we notified the Cleveland Nat'l Forest ranger at the station and let him know he should probably have some CHP and SDSD back-up if he was gonna check the situation out.

The Kitchen Creek area was shut down permanently sometime after I left San Diego; don't know if it was ever re-opened for shooting.
Over a year ago I was at a range I occasionally shot at.

One of these gangsta types was there with two young ladies he was teaching to shoot. The girls were wearing hot pink short shorts, stelleto heels that they almost fell off of when they fired a gun and low cut tops. :what: They were shooting a small caliber auto and a little snub nosed revolver. My guess is that in their line of work they probably needed to learn how to shoot.
One of these gangsta types was there with two young ladies he was teaching to shoot. The girls were wearing hot pink short shorts, stelleto heels that they almost fell off of when they fired a gun and low cut tops. :what: They were shooting a small caliber auto and a little snub nosed revolver. My guess is that in their line of work they probably needed to learn how to shoot.

Yeah, they'd better if their pimp is anything like this guy:

The M9 is a nice pistol, and I predict you'll like it. I recommend against running UMC 115gr through it, though: I get FTFs and FTEs with that once every five or so magazines. Before the gun was broken in (around ~500 rounds for me), it would be twice every three or so. WWB has always worked flawlessly.

Back on topic, the only time I've run across a "gangsta" around guns was at a Gander Mountain a little ways from where I work. A guy with the typical baggy pants &c. came in while I was there to pick up a purchase. He asked to look at a pistol (I don't know what it was, I couldn't really see, and he just pointed to it), and the lady behind the counter pulled it out and put it down on the counter without clearing it. He picked it up - again, without clearing it - and looked it over. Apparently, he liked what he saw enough to try sighting down it. On the plus side, he didn't turn it sideways. On the minus side, he was pointing it right at the clerk! :eek: She reacted more calmly than I probably would have, stepping quickly to one side, grabbing the gun and pushing the muzzle to point at the floor. The guy looked pretty surly about it, but didn't seem to say much. I don't know how it all turned out, since I got my gun and got out immediately thereafter.
'Bout 3 weeks ago I was at an unnamed outdoor range here in Sacto minding my own when I noticed a "gangsta" type (id'd by the clothing, etc.) teaching his girlfriend(?) to shoot.

After he had gone through a magazine he reloaded and handed her the gun. She started to aim, then turned to ask him a question, muzzle and all. :eek: :eek: :mad: After my duck and cover I politely :cuss: informed the RSO that i would like to go home with no more holes than God gave me.

To his credit, the RSO rectified the situation and spent most of his time (at least while I was there) standing next to these two--giving them both instruction, I think.

all the alaskan 'gangstas' get their target practice doing drivebys and while committing other crimes. very rarely do they ever show up at the range.

the only time i've ever seen 'homiez' at the range, is the day i was shooting my finest groups. my target had one small, ragged hole, they were apparently shooting body organs in alphabetical order.

another time what i thought were gonna be 'homiez' was actually some shooters with some taste in firearms. i saw the baggy pants and the crooked caps and was gonna write them off as hopeless. but they were shooting colts and kimbers and were not the 'bangers i first assumed them to be.

gat! gat gat gat gat!
thats funny! WA does the same thing, only he yells 'get some!' between shots.
The M9 is a nice pistol, and I predict you'll like it. I recommend against running UMC 115gr through it, though: I get FTFs and FTEs with that once every five or so magazines. Before the gun was broken in (around ~500 rounds for me), it would be twice every three or so. WWB has always worked flawlessly.

Control Group,

Where have you been?! You posted about your issues with UMC on SteyrTalk so I offered (low offer, I know :eek:) to buy your spare 250 rounds but got no response. Guess these rounds are doing better in your M9 now?
Actually I have had my Steyr for about a year and a half or so and I am 100% entirely happy with; I guess the best evidence of my pleasure with the pistol is that I don't have any other 9mm pistols, nor do I have any plans on buying any in the future (and that is saying alot considering how many different firearms I am intersted in).

Edmond - you are entirely correct. Have you ever been in the place? Also, do you have any idea what happens to all of the inventory of the store when the place gets shut down (I'm assuming it has been or will be), because if they auctioned all of the stock off...I imagine there would be some good buys....

KONY - thanks for the Steyr forum's, I've lurked at the Steyr forum at GlockTalk for a year or so, but I've never come across the other. I guess I'll have to go there and listen to everyone talk about their AUG's, which will make me want one even more until the point at which either my head will explode in envy or I will break down and spend 3K on one.

Damned expensive hobby....
KONY...you caught me, and I'm blushing.

I actually haven't been checking steyrtalk/steyrclub a whole lot of late. I did finally see your post some time last week, but I'd already cracked into the box. I've been shooting the occasional magazine of UMC amongst my regular diet of WWB, and it does seem to be doing better. Over my last few times, I've gone through 150 of the UMC rounds, and had one FTF, no FTEs. The round was only lightly dimpled, and fired fine on a second attempt. It's definitely gotten better with the gun breaking in some, but I'm still not going to buy UMC again when I can get WWB for around the same price, and that hasn't failed for me once.

Anyway, I predict you see me on st/sc more again in the near future. I just went through kind of a rough patch regarding computer usage (got very busy at work, and my home PC took a dive), but things are back on a more even keel, now.
The only experience I've had with any kind of gangsta-type at a store was once when some kid (about my age I figure) came in with afro pick and dirty sweat-clothes to look at pistols. He was asking about 17 round clips (during the AWB) which the clerk had to explain weren't available for all guns, hahaha. When the clerk explained the requirements for owning a pistol, the kid whips out his cell phone: "Hey, I need to you to come buy a pistol for me!" *insert yelling from the phone that could be heard 10 yds away* "What do you mean, what do I need it for?!? Just come buy it for me!"

I thought that was pretty funny at the time :p
KONY - thanks for the Steyr forum's, I've lurked at the Steyr forum at GlockTalk for a year or so, but I've never come across the other. I guess I'll have to go there and listen to everyone talk about their AUG's, which will make me want one even more until the point at which either my head will explode in envy or I will break down and spend 3K on one.

You're welcome! SteyrClub is only a week in the making, believe it or not! Already over 100+ members. It was started in order to give Steyr afficionados more freedom to make the forum the way they want it. Has been some disagreement over the value of a new forum but I think its nonsense as many of the other major manufacturers have multiple forums.

I have had a few incidents with "gangsta" shooters. I used to frequent a range where they would often congregate, oddly enough since there was always several LEOs shooting there too.

Usually it would be 2-3 people, different races, baggy clothes, shooting with the pistol sideways, and occasionally hitting the target at 7 yards. :rolleyes: Often times there would be derogatory comments thrown my direction, and sometimes I would overhear comments suggesting possible illicit activities.

To be honest, occasionally, one of these guys would actually be able to hit the reliably. I had a great way of dealing with these guys though.

I have a Ruger .357 blackhawk, which is a fun little pistol to shoot. But loaded with the right rounds, this thing is shockingly loud. My load of choice for this purpose was Cor-Bons 110gr .357 mag loads.

I would wait until a banger was in a string of shots, and in the middle of the string of shots, I would let one loose, trying to time it just a hair before the banger fired. Inevitably, the banger would stop, and try to recompose himself. Ofcourse, the last shot was nowhere near the rest of the group (if you could call that shotgun pattern at 5-7 yards a group). If I was lucky, he wouldn't even hit paper.

I would then wait until after he fired another shot, and would then fire another shot when I thought he was about to take his shot. Sure enough, that show nowhere near the rest of his shots.

I repeated this for a while. Pretty soon, the banger would have a hard time even hitting the paper, because he would be anticipating my shot, and he would have a flinch that would make you think that 9mm was a .500 S&W. :D Even if I didn't fire for a few minutes, his shots would rarely hit the target, and you could see the guy almost jump at every shot.

I figured that helping make a banger less accurate might mean keeping that banger from hitting a cop the next time he is pulled over.

Ofcourse, not long after I had started to do this, that .357 was stolen from me. :mad: Good news though, I did get it back after 3 years.

I have a Ruger .357 blackhawk, which is a fun little pistol to shoot. But loaded with the right rounds, this thing is shockingly loud. My load of choice for this purpose was Cor-Bons 110gr .357 mag loads ... and he would have a flinch that would make you think that 9mm was a .500 S&W.

Just get the 500 ... then you wouldn't even need to fire it. :evil: ... not that you would be able to very much, anyway. :uhoh:
Just get the 500 ... then you wouldn't even need to fire it. ... not that you would be able to very much, anyway.

Wish I could afford too, but with a new house, and a baby on the way, I haven't even been able to fire that .357 since I got it back late last year. The only ammo I have for it is still 2 boxes of that "anti-gangsta, big boom" Cor-Bon ammo. :neener: I can't afford to buy anymore ammo for a while.

Maybe for the baby shower members here could send me ammo? :D

Spiffy said:
apparently shooting body organs in alphabetical order.
Bwhaha - sorry - that has a certain ring to it! :D Could of course also be somewhat serious!

IGB - you have just come up with the ultimate baby shower formula. Darn it - wish I'd suggested that to my son when he and wife had theirs last year! :evil: :p SO much potential - for real useful stuff LOL!


BTW - found the .454 or 45-70 in BFR are useful too for ''gaining the attention'' of errant gangsta-boy shooters. M38 will do also when rifles permissible. :D
Wish I could afford too, but with a new house, and a baby on the way, I haven't even been able to fire that .357 since I got it back late last year. The only ammo I have for it is still 2 boxes of that "anti-gangsta, big boom" Cor-Bon ammo.

I hear ya! But if you buy a 500, you'll save lots of money on ammo you "just don't feel like shooting today". :D
IGB - you have just come up with the ultimate baby shower formula. Darn it - wish I'd suggested that to my son when he and wife had theirs last year! SO much potential - for real useful stuff LOL!

Glad you like the idea.

BTW, you wanna be in charge of organizing it? :D


It was about a year and a half ago that I was in there. I went in there with my buddy. We saw the guns you were describing and were like, "WTH, how can they sell this stuff?"

Was the shop owner the black guy in his late 30's? He was smoking last we went in there and was very stand off-ish. He stayed many feet away from us and looked like he was actually taking half cover.

We asked to see something and he said, "I ain't takin' nothin' out unless you guys got 600 dollas cash fo me." We walked right out.

Yeah, we saw those gangsta types walk in there and should've known better. I bet that guy sold without any regard for any laws. We also should've known better because one of the low lifes that we went to high school with recommended that shop.

I said to my buddy, "With that attitude, that guy will probably get shut down or killed before too long."
After he had gone through a magazine he reloaded and handed her the gun. She started to aim, then turned to ask him a question, muzzle and all.

In all fairness, I did the same thing to my best friend the first time I fired a handgun. Back when I was about 16 or 17. Handguns are so small compared to a rifle it's easy to turn and point it at someone if you haven't gotten safety habits down yet. Needless to say, I haven't done it since.
I usually "profile" more by behavior than anything else. I've seen clean-cut types make total (and sometimes, dangerous) idiots out of themselves, and I've seen some "banger" types who I'd definitely want on my side when the excrement hits the rotating blades :)

About a year ago, I was at a range in a sketchy part of town. A banger-looking type and his girlfriend set up in the lane next to me. While I was reloading, the guy handed his girlfriend a gun. I heard one shot, then she yelled "OH $%&* YEAH!" Then six more rapid shots. Then, "Nice, but it shoots a little low."

I looked over at the target. Seven shots, 3" 1911 @ 30 feet, 3-inch group. About an inch low of the bullseye. Wow.

Even better, they left behind me, and she gave her boyfriend a firm lecture about "sweepin' up your own damn brass...this ain't your crib."

Just goes to show.
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