General Cleaning Questions

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Feb 7, 2008
I'm curious it there is any specific way I should clean the tools and materials I use to clean guns. For example, the bore brushes, the utility brushes, the cotton cloths. I was thinking there may be specific detergents not to use for fear of them damaging the finish of the gun or something similar. any advice?


You can wash brushes in a can of paint thinner (mineral spirits, denatured alcohol, etc)
The 1 qt. can with a screw-on lid works nicely.

Wash shop towels in the washing machine with any normal laundry detergent. Hopefully, your washers rinse cycle will get it all out.

will paint thinner be safe for nylon, brass, and steel utility and bore brushes? can I just rinse them around in the paint thinner can or should I rinse them in a separate container so as not to contaminate the can of paint thinner?

on a separate note, what is your choice of a gun cleaning cloth? do you use the silicone clothes I see advertised everywhere?

thanks much for the valuable info!

taz :)
Mineral spirits or alcohol are far more gentle then most gun solvents.

The dirt settles to the bottom of the can between one time and the next, and will stay there if you don't shake it up opening it.

I use clean patches for bore cleaning and throw them away.

I like old undershirts and soft flannel nightgowns for cleaning rags. Anything that doesn't have a lot of loose threads & lint.

Again, I just toss them when they get dirty.

Silicone cloths are fine for wipedowns after handling, but I prefer using a Rig-Rag sheepskin for that. RAG RUST PREVENTITVE

....lets say I'm a vegetarian who doesnt use products made with animal you have a suggestion what I should buy then?


No, no suggestions!

But they are gonna continue to raise & slaughter sheep for food regardless of your belief otherwise.

Better to use the skin & wool for something constructive then just discard it.
Or sell it to the Chinese to make comfy house-slippers to sell back to us at Wal-Mart.

Besides, I think the Rig-Rag is made out of synthetic wool now.
At least the last one I bought was.

I like Isopropyl alcohol for cleaning bronze brushes. Just a quick dip is all that's necessary.
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