Generator question

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May 19, 2005
I am going to buy a generator and I am looking for some advice. I have a small house and it's just me. I am debating on buying either a small (Honda EU2000), enough to run my fridge, small fan and a few lights, or a 5-6kw generator to run all that and more.
The smaller ones require less fuel, more portable, and less noise, but I would need to be careful about how much power I am drawing.
The larger ones require more gas, less portable, and more noise and could run most of my house.
Anyone got any advice?
Mods: please keep this open as it IS survival related and I can help.

OK. Need some questions answered first:

1) Are you "off grid" or on? In other words, is this a short-term solution for times when there's no power, or is this your own completely independent energy system? This makes a HUGE difference. I run a completely off-grid system because I'm in a motorhome; if you're doing off-grid too a genertor alone isn't going to work out unless you plan very carefully.

2) Are you going to live at this location year round, part time or "vacation"?

3) Roughly speaking, what's the weather and climate? Peak heat, peak cold, elevation, sunshine available?

4) Are you mechanically inclined and interested in homebrewing REALLY good stuff?

I'm running off-grid and combining solar, generator and propane heat/cooking. I've got a fair investment (basically around $10k including generator) but then again most of my energy is now completely free and out of equipment rated to 20+ years (solar panels, battery, inverter, solar charge controller).
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