Germans begin boycott of American goods...

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Drink a traditional British beer cold and it's the worst thing you could ever imagine.

Even "warm" English beer is still colder than room temperature. Usually 45-55 degrees Fahrenheit.
You don't "become American" because you come to this country.
Actually it should. The great thing about America is that anyone can become an American. I can move to Japan and get japanese citizenship, but I will never be Japanese. Someone from Japan can move to America get citizenship and they are American. That is the beauty of the country. We are all wanderers here.
As for crowded, two-thirds of the nation's popluation live east of the Mississippi. We have got a bit of room.

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" -from "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus
two-thirds of the nation's popluation live east of the Mississippi.

And most of them are on the coast and in the NE and mid-Atlantic.

Plenty of room in IN, TN, AL, KY, GA outside of Atlanta, etc.
Does this mean that the Germans aren't trading in their SIG's & H&K's for Hi-Points anytime soon?... :what:

If they want a trade war, fine. I haven't seen anything that they do better than their Eastern Bloc counterparts & American production can't match or exceed (Hi-Point excluded, of course...:D )
Hey, Tam, I dunno if the country is better off or worse off on account of my folks coming here, or yours, or for Lendringser's arrival. Doesn't matter. It has nothing to do with an immigrant being a good guy or a bad guy.

I've said, it's an emotional thing on my part; I feel crowded. I ain't sure I'd jump out of a lifeboat to let in an Albert Einstein, for that matter. Regardless, it's nothing personal against any person or nationality or whatever.

I just don't like feeling crowded. I live with the reality that my opinion isn't gonna change the situation, though, and I don't see any reason to be mean to a "Newbie" arrival...It's not an issue of "fault".

:), Art
They just lost their export market for arms to Iraq so what are they going to sell?
Lets hope we can all move forward after this war and get along.
They may not become "Americans" by just moving here but if they stay long enough, their children will.

And as to my post, yes I admit that it was rather simplistic but I was replying to a very simplistic statement. If you want to have a comprehensive debate on the pros and cons of a closed immigration policy and the xenophobia, I’ll be happy to oblige off-line. Here is my email: [email protected]

1. We are not all wanderers here, although some of us may have to finally resort to wandering because our home states have attracted massive numbers of loonies and freeloaders from every hemisphere.

2. I hope they do stamp out Starbucks. But then where will they get their $4 cups of coffee?
It is too fine of a day to boycott my Mercedes-Benz :p

I suggest we aid their boycott by withdrawing our armed forces from all countries involved, as well as immediately ending any and all aid of any sort.

You mean we should actually punish the governments instead of just screwing private citizens!? Watch out when you make these statements...don't ever interject logic into a "boycott country X" thread ;)
Has anyone else had a Coke in Germany? They serve it warm, give it to you in tiny glassfulls, and it costs more than beer!
That's why I bought it in the bottle and only drank beer when I went out. I didn't care for the lemon flavor either.
More economic ignorance. :rolleyes: Sure, you boycott the local German/French/Russian KFC. Have you hurt America? Not really. Sure, the parent company reports lowered foreign sales. Who really suffers? The foreign subsidiary of the American parent company does. Who do they think pays taxes to the local government coffers, and who do they think staffs the restaurant and risks unemployment if the place closes? Who do they think supplies the company with it's local power, phone connections, water, and small sundries and possibly even inventory? With many foreign subsidiaries, about the only American involvement is in the form of trademarks and franchising fees.
Everyone sit back and watch as the global economy ignoramuses strangle their own economies.
Me, I'll just continue faxing intercompany invoices to my company's foreign subsidiaries. They just keep buying our stuff :D
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