Getting enveloped by protestors, legal options, or lack thereof.

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Mar 23, 2019
I keep seeing these protestors on the news, among the states, where they surround a vehicle and just start hammering on their automobile and it looks like there would be a defense to prosecution if a citizen, fearing for their life, were to begin defending themselves with lethal force, but it never happens. I can’t say I’d be able to allow myself to be the victim. I’m in Texas, and I’m aware of the daylight/nighttime difference in the use of lethal force, and for what reasons. Problem is, even in daytime, it looks dangerous. I’m also interested in joining other Patriots in protecting our Monuments. If I go to protect something and they surround my vehicle when I get there, and I premeditated that I’d go armed, is there still a defense to prosecution if I defend myself? Will the law work against me? Thanks in advance, and I realize none offering opinions are my legal counsel.
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That sounds like attempted car jacking.
In the US you are more like to go to jail shooting someone compared to running them over.
Surrounding a monument armed is a noble act, in theory. However, in today’s climate, use it and you’re toast. You are actually at a disadvantage armed at a protest as you have raised the prosecutorial stakes so high that you are a target by the protestors. You might as well show up with a white hood and your hands zip-tied together behind your back. Please don’t.
Closed . I will write a more detailed comment later.

Now I have some time to comment.

1. Legal is not to recommend you take a course of action. It is to discuss the law
2. The OP does not understand the TX law about day and night time. It refers to protecting your property and not relevant. No reason to go into a detail discussion, one can find the info easily.
3. Going armed to a large demonstration can lead to bad consequences for many. Thus, Legal is not where to discuss that action choice.
4. If one is caught in a mob scene, through, evil circumstance and not through a less than wise choice to engage in one, Greg Ellifritz has a wealth of info about such on his site -

The thread remains closed as the OP was not appropriate for Legal.
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