GLock 27 rail?

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Nov 19, 2003
Tucson, Az
Is there any way to have an accessories rail attached to the underside of a glock 27 or would anything bolted to it take too much muzzle blast?

The only options I have for lasers or lights are the items that bolt directly around the trigger frame, which doens't seem like it be very good for the trigger frame or be very consistant -- or the $300 internal laser that doens't have a pressure switch option...

Would companies that do the grip modifications be able to attatch a light/laser rail?

I've also seen a couple weapons that have lights/lasers bolted to the bottoms of their magazines... is this a possibility for glocks?

I've already figured out/practice the steamlight-hand-under-wrist thing and have it in semi-natural practice, but having a laser might be fun at the range...

Re: the laser.

I have a lasermax on a G17. (as you know, it is available for the 27)

Personally, I think that there are only 2 things that a laser is useful for.

1.a "geewhiz, look what I got" kinda toy.
2.I have found that it is useful at the range (especially when you go with a friend) to help you see whether you are jerking the trigger.

You can see the dot pull immediately before firing.

You mentioned a pressure switch. While not a pressure switch, the switch on the lasermax is pretty good. On mine, it's a left-right slider on the slide release. While I haven't seen them all, I haven't seen a pressure switch that I liked. (personal opinion)

I looked on the net, and didn't see any lights or anything for the g27. Maybe I missed it.
I haven't seen any either, but if it had a rail, couldn't you use a normal glock tactical light on it?

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