Glossary for new shooters

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Dec 24, 2002
Hey all ~

I've recently re-written & greatly expanded the shooters' glossary on my site. It's at

I need folks to stop by and try to break it, let me know that it's working with various browsers & operating systems. I'd also appreciate some feedback about specific glossary entries.


Works fine with Opera 9.10. Nicely done.

Any chance you can add a definition for "seer"?

Can you add one that I stlll am confused by?

BBL. Everytime I see it, I think it's abbreviated for Bull Barrel or Blued Barrel. Then I see somebody say they have a blue bbl or a stainless bbl or a heavy stainless bbl and think why. Is BBL short for barrel? Why is that since there's only 1 b in barrel?

I'm a very confused man :confused:
Hi Pax,

Very well done! Looks good on Microsoft Explorer.

Have you considered adding Acronyms and Abbreviations?
This can be the biggest headache in trying to read posts.

Here's a few I jotted down:

AFAIK- As Far As I Know
BG- Bad Guy
BTW- By The Way
CCW- Carry Concealed Weapon
CHL- Concealed Handgun License
CQC- Close Quarters Combat (hand to hand)
CR- Czech Republic
CW- Concealed Weapon
DAO- Double Action Only, a firing mechanism for semi-automatic pistols
FFL- Federal Firearms License
FMJ- Full Metal Jacket (round nose jacketed bullet)
FTE- Failure To Eject
FTE- Failure To Extract
FTEj- Failure To Eject
FTEx- Failure To Extract
FTF- Failure To Feed
FPS- Firing Pin Stop or Firing Pin Safety or Feet Per Second
(although rarely in context of shooting, Frames Per Second)
FWIW- For What It's Worth
HP- Hollow Points
IDPA- International Defensive Pistol Association
IIRC- If I Recall Correctly
IL- Internal Lock
IPSC- International Practical Shooting Confederation
IWB- Inside Waistband
JHP- Jacketed Hollow Point (bullet)
JMNSHO- Just My Not So Humble Opinion
JSP- Jacketed Soft Point (bullet)
LEO- Law Enforcement Officer
LGS- Local Gun Store
LRN- Lead Round Nose (bullet)
LWC- Lead Wadcutter (bullet)
ND- Negligent Discharge
OAL- Overall length
OOB- Double-O Buckshot
OP- Original Poster
OWB- Outside Waistband
P+ (ammo)- A cartridge loaded to higher than standard pressure
within a regulated limit.
+P+ (ammo)- A cartridge loaded to an unregulated pressure level,
no standard.
PF- Power Factor ( used in competitive shooting sports to
determine scoring and eligibility bullet weight in gr. * velocity) / 1000 )
PF- Power Factor (muzzle velocity * grain weight of projectile) /1000
PM9- Kahr PM9
RTFM- Read The Manual
SWC- Semi-wadcutter (bullet)
USPSA- United States Practical Shooting Association

Works with IE 6.0


I haven't found any problems with my browser. I think "seer" is actually "sear," isn't it? Please let me know if I'm incorrect."bbl" is an abbreviation for the world "barrel" that's commonly used in the petroleum and brewing industries to measure an amount of liquid. It's handy, so my guess is that it's used in gun culture because it's easier to type "bbl" than "barrel."

Great job Pax!

A couple minor things:

Slide Stop is listed twice.

Recticle - Not sure how you would word this, but many scopes do not have traditional 'crosshairs' - some have circles, chevrons, dots, etc.

Machine gun - Since you have Submachine Gun listed as firing pistol rounds, you may want to add that a machine gun fires rifle calibers (nitpicky I know but something I didn't know until my 39th birthday :eek: )

Suppressor - not listed...

Mag Loader - not listed

Stripper Clip - you have clip listed and may want to refer this back to 'clip'

Reloads - not listed

Holster - not listed

That's all I could see after an initial pass...again, great job!!
svtruth ~

More info, please. Do you mean you could not get to the Glossary from the Table of Contents? (

Did you see the Glossary link at all? If you saw the link, what happened when you clicked it?

What browser & operating system are you using?


Thanks for sharing. I think I would have chosen a different color than pinkish red. Seems kinda girlie. But well done and helpful.
Looks great Pax.

"Snub nose" revolver or "snubbie", "snub"... whatever you want to call it. No definition noted but it's a term often used and a firearm often selected by beginners... maybe rightfully so due to size but maybe it shouldn't be due to short sight radius coupled w/ felt recoil in a lightweight... yada yada expert's gun yada yada
Glossary link from main?

I'm using Windows XP 2000 with Mozilla Firefox. I can't find a link to the glossary from the main page. The Quick Link takes me to the Glossary chapter but there is no link from there to the Glossary itself.
X Who ~

From the very front page,, there should be two links to the table of contents: one in the upper left corner of the screen (a button), and the other where the text says, "ENTER." Do those links work?

From the Table of Contents, : there are two links which say "Glossary" on that page. One is near the top, inside a table, and the other is near the bottom (actually says "Words, Words, Words" and is just underneath a Glossary label). Which one is giving you problems? (Or both?)

Thanks very much.


Words, Words, Words does not appear to be linked (no underline, no little hand)

I'm using Mozilla Firefox
Dang. Okay, thanks. Back to the (mumblemumblemumble) drawing board.

Now there's a link.

In Quick Links: Glossary click goes to Glossary in the table of contents.

In Table of Contents: There is now a link to the glossary front page. Looks like you've been working.

From the very front page,, there should be two links to the table of contents: one in the upper left corner of the screen (a button), and the other where the text says, "ENTER." Do those links work?

Both work to get to the table of contents.

I haven't spent enough time to evaluate the whole glossary, but I'll try to spend more time looking at it.

Firefox and Windows XP.
Looks fine in Firefox under Linux. Good use of solid CSS, as it also renders fine under Lynx:


I've been there before, and it's a very good site.
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