GOA has mental health problems of it's own - compulsive fibbing

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Oct 24, 2003

Gun Owners of America (GOA) has mental health problems of it's own - compulsive fibbing. Once again, GOA is fundraising by bashing NRA for being consistent and protecting the Second Amendment. This is typical for the "hate NRA, send us your money instead" groups, of which GOA is one of the worst offenders.

NRA has always held that those adjudicated by a court to be a danger to themselves or others (i.e. mentally defective) should not be allowed to buy guns. That does not include people who have been subjected to temporary holds, voluntary treatment due to eccentric "Brittney Spears"-type behavior or service-related afflictions. In the wake of the VT shooting, GOA is now shamelessly trying to misrepresent NRA's long-held position (and federal law) as a threat to any gun-owner undergoing any kind of mental health treatment, even servicemen diagnosed with Traumatic Stress Syndrome! This is typical GOA "the sky is falling" poppycock.

Federal law ALREADY prevents those adjudicated by a court to be a danger to themselves or others (i.e. mentally defective) from buying guns. NRA is revealing the hypocrisy of having a background check system that checks mentally healthy Americans (you and I, hopefully) but is blocked from checking because someone who has court-adjudicated mental problems (and much more likely to act irrationally than you and I) is afforded special privacy concerns. That's simply illogical, unless you're GOA. Then it's logical because you can spin the removal of that block as a threat to gun-rights and use it to FUNDRAISE as financial opportunists do.

In the aftermath of the VT shooting, NRA hasn't budged one inch - they STILL hold that those adjudicated by a court to be a danger to themselves or others (i.e. mentally defective) should not be allowed to buy guns. What NRA member would want NRA arguing otherwise? Not this Benefactor Member, that's for sure.

And while NRA hasn't compromised a bit, anti-gun politicians like Schumer and McCarthy have moved all the way to NRA's position in the wake of the VT shooting. Why? Because NRA defeated both Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004 - most Democrats have no taste for gun control right now, having decided they enjoy winning (in 2006, they did not attack gun-rights and won both houses of Congress). Contrast this with their bloodlust for gun control immediately after Columbine - it's night and day. The Democrats need NRA's solution because they have to do something.

But GOA won't tell you that, they want you to think NRA is compromising their principles. (As opposed to GOA, which has no principles.) GOA's game is to spin the facts to anger NRA members, then live off those few donations (to a group as small as GOA, it's a financial boon). They create their own audience, then work hard at trying to keep them angry and donating. (And the Second Amendment can go to hell.)

GOA doesn't try to convince lawmakers or the public at large of anything. They can't, being so far out in the fringe. But GOA needs to convince YOU (and only you) that their email alerts are your RKBA salvation. They need you to believe they are relevant. But the only people that listen to them are those well-intentioned but frustrated gun-owners who fall victim to their spin and contribute their valuable and hard-earned RKBA dollars. Don't fall for it.
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There are some things that cause me to despair of ever winning this fight.
This is an example of one of them.

I actually don't agree with GOA's position on the latest mental health issue. I'm a GOA lifemember and I've told them that. That's how it works...by communication.

But if all this picking at and attacking and mean-spirited commentary directed at one organization or another doesn't stop the antis are going to walk all over us.

And that would be much more than a damn shame.
To quote Benjamin Franklin, " If we don't hang together, we shall all surely hang seperately." The antis would love this, all of us picking at each other and squabbling amongst ourselves, instead of a united front against the antigunners.
I'm a life member of GOA and patron life member of NRA.

This internecine sniping has progressed from tiresome and tedious to just plain depressing.
Then it's logical because you can spin the removal of that block as a threat to gun-rights and use it to FUNDRAISE as financial opportunists do. - Mike Haas

Your post is specious, doing some spinning of your own, never once quoting GOA. If there is merit to what you are saying, you would need to work harder at having it recognized.
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