Goddamn Dogs!!!!!!!

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Jul 14, 2003
sorry, but i am just at the end of my rope here. i have neighbors that moved in a year ago and they have three chihuahuas. those dogs have woke me up in the morning and kept me up at nights(6a-7am in the morn, 11p-1a at night, sometimes later) for the whole time they have been here. i have asked the neighbors to keep them quite, but they seem not to care. these same neighbors, by the way, also always park right in front of my house because they own about 7 damn cars. they live 3-4 families in that one house by the way. anyways, back to the dogs. i cannot keep my windows open any longer because they are constantly barking, and they literally bark at the wind and sometimes nothing. having a bbq, or playing catch in the backyard is no longer possible, because they will bark like someone is trying to break in to their yard. i am really pissed off at the people, because i know it's in a dog's nature to bark, but what can i do? what kind of legal recourse can i take to keep those dogs quite? i live in california if that makes any difference. i have not called the cops, because i could not imagine what i would say to them. should i call the cops anyways? PLEASE HELP. seriously those damn dogs have decreased the quality of my life. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Call animal control and see if they will help. If not you can call the cops and let them listen to the barking. You can get the dogs removed after a couple of warnings - you do not have to listen to that all the time!
I had two similar situations. One I called the cops and the people put their dog in the garage at night. The cop said they would come out a time or two and if the people didn't comply, a ticket would be written. The other girl thinks the world revolves around her and her boyfriend is a cop. She basically told me, "tough." Laws and city ordinance don't apply to her it seems. So after my short experiences, I say never ever say a word to anyone about it, make nice with the neighbors, pretend ya never heard them bark, you're a sound sleeper, etc. etc. then one nite maybe their gate accidently blows open. Or the latch breaks. Or a big wind storm blows small, light weight things away.
Pain in the Anterior

i would think giving the little guys some really loud to recalibrate their alert level to might work



Pain In The &*(!.....

I say just call the police and animal control,and if there are to many people living in the house you can report that to the city as unsafe,maybe the fire marshall can write a ticket for that..
If it was happening to me I would go bang on their door at 3am or when ever the dogs are barking,I hate having my sleep disturbed....maybe get other neighbors involved? good luck!
I don't know if this is the right forum for this, but did you know that Aguila .22 cal, Colibri ammo in a rifle make absolutely NO noise? There is actually more noise from the firing pin than from the cartridge.
If the cars are in your yard, have the city or county tow them. Get the point across to them you are not playing. The check you ordinances about multiple familys living in one dwelling. Call them down on that too. And check your noise ordinances. Everytime a dog breaks it, call the cops. The cops will get tired and stop the owners from not taking care of the situation. You have to be as big of a thorn as those dogs are.
But remember, the dogs don't know better. That's the only reason I'm not shooting the dogs on the farm I hunt at. It is the owners illegally dropping their dogs at the gate to run the deer across our property to theirs. Thought about stealing the collars though (electronic) and hanging them in the highest tree I can find!
thanks guys...

for your suggestions. my biggest worry about calling the cops is: what if the dogs happen to be quite when the cops are here?
I had the same problem with a neighbor.

I just put a fan in the window of my bedroom and the noise drowned out the sound of the dog barking. In the winter time I run a humidifier, and the sound of it's fan does the same thing.

If you don't like the fan idea, or it doesn't work for you. Call the cops. You've already tried playing nice and talking to your neighbors.

While I was using a fan to drown out the sound of my neighbor's dogs, one of my other neighbors called the cops instead, repeatedly.

The neighbors were warned several times, then fined, then they got rid of that dog.

Of course they got a new puppy about a month later and left it outside all night where it barked it's head off.

After a few more visits from the police, they quit leaving their dog outside all night. :)

It took some persistence on the part of my neighbor, and wasted the time of the police, but the problem got resolved.

As for the number of people living in your neighbors house, zoning regulations may very well prohibit that. Fire codes may as well.

If the number of people living there is really effecting you, then you can probably get something done about it with a few calls. However, if it really doesn't effect you, I'd suggest not bringing up the issue. I hate telling people what they can do on their own property, and try to only do so when I feel it's necessisary.
You know, I'd prefer that you not curse in the title of the thread, if you don't mind.

I'd also prefer that people not suggest illegal and possibly dangerous solutions to the question asked.

In fact, I think this thread has gone on long enough.

I'm tempted to ask you why the idea of the cops not hearing the dogs barking frightens you, but I'm not going to do it. I'm just going to close this thread. Let's all do better next time.
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