GoJo lube

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I've used (the non-pumice variety!) in cap and ball revolvers, over the ball. Worked great. No Crisco smell. WAY cheaper than TC Bore Butter.
Handy around the shop too.
Don't use the Go-Jo with pumice in your firearms!
Don't use the Go-Jo with pumice in your firearms!

I don't like to use it on my hands!
The mrs. picked up some supplies for me at town, SMOOTH gojo was on the list. .....guess what she brought me. It's always nice to rub that nasty pumice into the cuts 'n gouges that are always present on my hands.
Never tried it, tough I've been considering using it. I've also been thinking about using some soy based hand cleaner I have as a patch lube.

I've also been saving the red wax from wheel/hoop cheese. I read somewhere that it was good in bullet lubes. Carnauba wax, perhaps?
sorry but why try to reinvent the wheel

tallow,lard with a bit of bees wax is all you will ever need and its very cheap if
you mix your own.

and crisco dont smell bad:D it just glues up the mechanism :neener:
I've used GoJo/GOOP as an over ball lube in my C&Bs during cold weather when the beeswax/olive oil lubes were too stiff to go through a trimmed irrigation syringe. I suspect in hot weather the GoJo might get runny but haven't had a need for it as a lube in hot weather. I would be curious to know how it works as a patch lube however.
It's been reported to work as a patch lube but due to it containing water, I would rather use it either as a cleaner or very sparingly as an over the ball lube instead. Having plenty of Bore Butter and alternative patch lubes on hand nixes the idea.

arcticap October 14 said:
Also, there is an experienced shooter on another forum who absolutely swears by his [nearly] exclusive use of the plain version of the hand cleaning product "GOJO" as a patch lubricant and cleaning agent. It contains mineral oil, lanolin and whatever other ingredients, and was originally developed to remove carbon black from the hands of rubber workers who worked in the Ohio rubber factories. He describes it as working so well as a patch lube at keeping his barrel clean, that I may even eventually try it out as another weapon in my solvent "arsenal"! It's also available at Walmart, Autozone etc... and very inexpensive ($1 on sale), but if you want to try it, only use the plain version without any coarse pumice type ingredients added.
It has some water in it so it will dry out a little if exposed to the air for very long which will make it not be as messy in the field if used as a patch lube, but someone else reportedly adds a little olive oil to it (15%) to keep it from drying out too much, and he said that this helps to improve it. Believe it or not?


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