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Good article from Forbes after the Biden request to Congress

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We already have a constitutional right, supposedly the highest law in the land, to keep and bear arms. If that’s not enough then all of the political persuasion, etc. is not going to make a bit of difference. Millions of men and women in the streets, is what will make politicians pay attention. AnyThing else is just kidding ourselves. Politically we have to get rid of every judge and every politician who is anti-or gives lip service to the second amendment.

Close but no cigar:
Millions of people in the streets, doing __________.

The left had a good strategy, copy it.

Oh, it gets better:
and yet the legislative focus is on protecting white suburban school children. Assault Weapon Bans are racist at their core.
It's not aimed at saving anyone, it's aim is to disarm us so we are at their mercy. Keeping weapons from the little people throughout the ages is about controlling those people, not protecting them from crime.

Racist? Some gun control laws in the South many years ago were indeed rooted in racism, but that does not change the fact that today gun control is simply about disarming the people.
If the Dems actually push through what they say hey want to it will be a huge failure and the political backlash with be huge and fierce.

This isn't the UK or Australia where they people will just cave into it. They like to use the phrases "common sense" and "reasonable " to describe their plans but there is hardly a bit of common sense or being reasonable when you break it down.

Registration for what? All that does is make a list of who has what and allows to be punished, taxed and fined. So you register and license your car how does that stop someone from driving dangerously? IT DOESN'T, all registration and license for automobiles does is create revenue for government and in the case of registration and license of firearms besides government revenue it prevents ownership by limiting the ability to own and afford a firearm but that's what it's all really about isn't it?

1 the majority will refuse to register, there has been like a 3% compliance rate in NY with the SAFE act.
2 government could never effectively enforce registration, there just would be a few sacrificial lambs, the ones that get on youtube with their gun and say certain things menacing
3 most police would refuse to enforce it
4 the amount government would need to spend to even begin to enforce it would bankrupt the government
5 there are millions upon millions or semi auto guns in civilian hands, that doesn't even count other kinds of guns, the genie is out of the bottle to buy back or register them this isn't 1934 anymore when the NFA was enacted and semi auto or full auto wasn't owned by many
6 the Democrats would loose their arses in the next election
7 then their gun control would be rescinded either by the courts or the Republicans or by the people (hopefully)
8 it is questionable whether there are the votes in congress to pass a ban

So tell me how is pushing this through when it's doomed to fail common sense or reasonable?

The only way Democrats could save themselves after enacting such gun laws is cancel half the country out and make the U.S.A a one party country like in California where Democrats have domination to where they can do whatever they want without fear, by ending the electoral college, adding senators, adding DC as a state and stacking the supreme court so they are assured to win every election but if it ever reached that level ....well it would break up the country anyway

However, Biden can and probably will push some executive orders how much and how far he can go well don't know. I expect anything gun and ammo related that is imported to take a hit.
Without getting too political...

HOW did it come to be that the Democrats became anti-2A, whereas the Republicans became the party that defends the second amendment?

I don't even understand WHY this is even a political issue???

I mean, I know Democrats who own firearms; I know Republicans who do not.

I would have thought that with all these new firearms owners coming out of the woodwork, many college educated in very liberal universities, many living in blue states or areas, that they might not want to exactly plop down their hard earned cash for a firearm and ammunition, especially with the latter costing an arm and a leg these days, and just have their usage curtailed, or maybe having it even confiscated some day. I would have thought that some of these left leaning folks, with the way the world is going, might just lean a little to the right when it came time to vote in November. Recent events have shown that sometimes the right to defend oneself instead of waiting for the authorities to come and defend you, might mean the difference between life and death.
If the political climate in 2013 wasn't good enough to attempt things like another AWB, then it's probably not right in 2021 either. Reid and Pelosi backed down when it became a loser issue back then. If the current congress senses the votes are there now, they'll push forward. If not, they won't. It's really that simple.

Given we're in the thick of a global pandemic, there's bigger fish to fry. One thing's for certain though, gun owners won't be the ones putting the pressure on lawmakers to stay focused on real issues.
Among other issues there are many new gun owners that are on the Dem side of things that will also push back on limiting ownership due to self defense. I think a fair number of them are the new buyers that have helped spike sales and runs on ammo in the past few months. Also they have come to the realization that you can't just go on line or to the local hardware store and anonymously buy a gun on the spot and leave with it. There will be a tremendous amount of blowback from both sides if the powers that be try to take a big bite out of the 2A anytime soon IMO.
Most of it, very true, but we have to do what we can do, and there is plenty. Why do you think they want control of the internet? Yea, I know, one could argue they control it now, but not like they wish.
Obviously this is a rhetorical question. But one that actually merits an answer for those who maybe are new to the political game. And the answer lies in your last statement “not like they wish”.

The left has the “end game” in sight at all times. We all know what it is. But what many fail to recognize is that they don’t view this as a sprint. That view it as a long slow walk with a few bursts of sprinting when they can get away with it. So they keep the message going to keep it relevant (walking). And then when there is an event with enough gore, they pound those drums as pound and hard as they can and get legislation passed (sprinting). Then when America is bored with the old story, they go back to talking (walking). But they are always taking. The fact we are seeing constitutional carry in many states IS a good thing. But we are only one voting cycle away from losing it. And the left knows it. So they continue to spread their message and ask for “compromise”. If they don’t get it, they cry foul and chastise those who wouldn’t play ball. If they do get the legislation passed, they applaud those that wrote the bills. And they do it through the media that is all to happy to help.

“Control the information getting to the people”. If you control the information, you control thought, control thought, you control people. It’s basic psychology. It’s been done many times throughout history. And it’s being done today. Tell a lie. Tell it often. People will believe you. Love him or hate him, it’s irrelevant to me. But look at how many times you’ve heard “Trump incited the riots (or insurrection)”.
“Weapons of war”.
“High capacity magazines”.
“Death tolls skyrocketing from this deadly virus”
And I could literally do this all day. They’re lies. But that’s irrelevant. What IS relevant, is that is the message getting to the public day in and day out.

We have to win people to our side one at a time. The media can influence literally millions a day. Our saving Grace right now is 2A organizations, the fact we haven’t had a recent MCI, and social media. But if they are actually able to truly censor social media, you have two choices...

1. Accept defeat (because another Mass Casualty Incident WILL happen).

2. Not something anyone really wants to do despite their chest pounding and knuckle dragging mentality online.

Robert started a thread a month or so ago about them shutting down pro 2A social media. If they do that, our ability to socialize and organize, is done. But they know they can’t just flip a switch and be done. It has to come in small increments or at a very opportune time. To much too fast can cause serious repercussions. You can’t stuff a whole large pizza in your mouth. You’ll puke. But if you eat it slowly, overtime, eventually, you will eat the whole pizza......End game.
I think what I find most disturbing is that they (liberal legislators) want to make certain rules (laws) that directly affect the populace but they don’t want to have to play by those same rules.
I wasn't able to read the entire article without taking down my ad blocker and I chose not to do so. Just the part HSO quoted.

I've been saying this for a while, "Don't panic". I lived through 8 years of Clinton and the 1994 AWB, then 8 years of Obama/Biden and their push for more gun control laws. Truth is that I have more gun rights now than I did in 1992 when Clinton took office.

*There will be some executive actions, but they are limited in scope and can easily be reversed later.

*I don't believe there are enough votes in the Senate to pass any major gun control legislation. All that is required is one pro gun Democrat to prevent anything from going anywhere and not all Democrats are anti gun.

* Historically the party not in the Whitehouse picks up seats in both the Senate and House in the mid-terms, (2022).

* In the worst case we now have a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court that I believe would rule in our favor.

And this needs to stop:

Nobody, no one, did a darn thing after the rigged election.

The election wasn't rigged, it wasn't stolen and if we don't start accepting reality instead of living on Fantasy Island we will only make things worse. It's been 3+ months since the election. Out of 150 million votes about a dozen illegal votes have been documented. And more of those voted illegally for Trump than Biden.

Over 100 judges ruled on over 60 lawsuits and rejected them for lack of evidence. Interestingly not one of those suits alleged illegal voting. Trumps legal team was invited to Georgia to participate in a hearing to share any evidence they had to prove illegal voting in GA. They declined to come. Why? because there is no legal requirement to tell the truth when making statements on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube or Fox News. But if you tell a lie in court you go to jail. They had no proof and declined the invitation.

Georgia lost 2 conservative pro-gun Senators to liberal anti-gun Senators because of these wild, false conspiracy theories being pushed about a stolen election. If we don't start making decisions based on facts and truth instead of Q-anonsense then we will never see conservative pro gun politicians in power.
Self defense is probably the best argument now because it is universal in spite of ones political stance- and it is now backed up by Heller.

I hate to say it, but the original intent of the 2A, as a deterrent to tyranny, is probably a lost cause at this point. When written, the tyranny they referred to was clearly recognised and opposed by the vast majority of the US population (save for a few Torries). It was a hedge against the formation of a new monarchy.

But now, with our current sociopolitical divide, tyranny from one camp is seen as utopian, or at least desirable, to the other- on both sides. There is no consensus on whose tyranny we are being defended from.

Then, of course, you could make the argument that most Americans couldnt care less about tyranny as long as they get keep getting free stuff. So I surrender some rights....I wasnt using them anyway. Now, where are my .Gov drugs, cheap gas, free internet, etc? Self defense may still get some traction with the masses, but how many on either side are up for marching to sound of the guns for freedom?

Naw, Id have to put down my phone for that. Pass. (Sarcasm)
IMO self-defense is the best argument. Especially for a woman or an older person or disabled person who will clearly be at a huge disadvantage in the case of an encounter that gets up close and personal, a gun is the best equalizer. And after the raging mobs we saw last summer, who thinks their revolver will be sufficient to defend themselves if a mob breaks into their home? Police can't be everywhere at once, look what happened to the Korean community in the L.A. Riots -- they kept calling 911 and kept being told police would not be coming. Thankfully they had long guns which they took up to their rooftops and defended themselves, their families and their businesses. That was an actual example in the modern USA only a few years ago.
I wasn't able to read the entire article without taking down my ad blocker and I chose not to do so. Just the part HSO quoted.

I've been saying this for a while, "Don't panic". I lived through 8 years of Clinton and the 1994 AWB, then 8 years of Obama/Biden and their push for more gun control laws. Truth is that I have more gun rights now than I did in 1992 when Clinton took office.

*There will be some executive actions, but they are limited in scope and can easily be reversed later.

*I don't believe there are enough votes in the Senate to pass any major gun control legislation. All that is required is one pro gun Democrat to prevent anything from going anywhere and not all Democrats are anti gun.

* Historically the party not in the Whitehouse picks up seats in both the Senate and House in the mid-terms, (2022).

* In the worst case we now have a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court that I believe would rule in our favor.

And this needs to stop:

The election wasn't rigged, it wasn't stolen and if we don't start accepting reality instead of living on Fantasy Island we will only make things worse. It's been 3+ months since the election. Out of 150 million votes about a dozen illegal votes have been documented. And more of those voted illegally for Trump than Biden.

Over 100 judges ruled on over 60 lawsuits and rejected them for lack of evidence. Interestingly not one of those suits alleged illegal voting. Trumps legal team was invited to Georgia to participate in a hearing to share any evidence they had to prove illegal voting in GA. They declined to come. Why? because there is no legal requirement to tell the truth when making statements on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube or Fox News. But if you tell a lie in court you go to jail. They had no proof and declined the invitation.

Georgia lost 2 conservative pro-gun Senators to liberal anti-gun Senators because of these wild, false conspiracy theories being pushed about a stolen election. If we don't start making decisions based on facts and truth instead of Q-anonsense then we will never see conservative pro gun politicians in power.

REALITY, what a concept..Big thumb's up but helmet and flak jacket on...
Also not to be overlooked is that many states either have enacted or are in the process of considering legislation stating that any act, law, treaty, rule or regulation of the U.S. Government that violates the Second Amendment shall be unenforceable in that state -- IOW taking the left's idea of "sanctuary cities" and making "sanctuary states" but for RKBA, i.e. SUPPORTING the Constitution instead of undermining it by failing to enforce our immigration laws. Arizona's versions were passed in their respective committees and will soon be voted on by the full legislature, Texas has one in process also, and I believe a number of other states. And North and South Dakota go even further, stating that ANY law they deem unconstitutional will not be enforced in their states.
don't worry, everything is fine.... This seems to me a flyer to test the waters. So absolutely do contact your representatives and let them know how you feel. Congress is held by some slim margins, the Supreme...


The RKBA has to be presented as a good thing for the general public and with reasons. Appeals to authority, such as God give right, won't work. Modern times demand modern reasoning. My view is that self-defense (including extreme incidents) and defense against tyranny (which is NOT the conspiracy world's view but ecletic for threats from the right, the left, religious extremists or any other liberty deniers) are the reasons to be put forth.
A very nice summation to your post, thank you. REMEMBER FRIENDS; a RECORD # of new GUNOWNERS was brought about in the last year. Add to that, the MASS DISLIKE of masks-restaurant bans-other related Covid stuff; ALL BASED on , now listen carefully, GOV'T OVER REACH for at least the last few months.Very easy to prove that-- gov't MAY VERY WELL HAVE started out with a ''good intention'' , but now simply serves to preserve it's own powers...ppl at ANY time understand this, NOW...segway to...

...loose their arses in the next election
7 then their gun control would be rescinded either by the courts or the Republicans or by the people (hopefully)
8 it is questionable whether there...
...enter via segway. NO. NOPE. NADDA. The PRIMARY 1st thing gov't does is, preserve itself. Of the TOTAL count of any & all laws, out dated, redundant. etc. , I would wager that less then 5% are outright repealed

I've been saying this for a while, "Don't panic". I lived through 8 years...
Agreed, panic does no good save help the heart doctor give you pills in a few years, along with an admonition to...not panic.


Thank you for your time, have a great day!
Again , go off the rails and one will be infracted and such deleted, as some have been.
Let's talk about the article as compared to going off topic as Hso warned. My view is that if a Federal ban is passed you have to consider the following:

1. Sheriffs saying they won't enforce it, is basically a good PR move showing opposition to ban.

Just makes for selective enforcement of laws, they seem to like that.

2. The article uses the MSR euphemism. The goal of this is to make the guns sound less dangerous and 'nice'

Same can be said using “assault”, to make them seem evil.

3. Confiscation - I doubt because of the numbers involved and various legal issues that we would see door to door confiscation. The effect of the bans would be:

That’s been figured out already, just make them illegal to own, if you have one you are a felon. All it would take is the same justification used in getting rid of bump stocks. Remember, they allowed a person to use recoil of a firearm to reset a semiauto trigger, then the person holding the firearm then pushes their finger back into the trigger, pulling it again and a subsequent shot is fired. Most everyone knows, one doesn’t need a gimmick stock to bumpfire a semiauto, so by the logic that got rid of bumpstocks, with no grandfathering or compensation, could be applied to all semiautomatic firearms.

4. Demand a conservative monoculture - as is surfacing in this thread. Terrible mistake. We need to have an inclusive view of the RKBA from the general and diverse population of the country.

Yes, yes, yes. Instead of being a, “I guess I don’t see why anyone should have one of those...” guy/gal, figure out how to introduce new people to whatever corner of the gun world you frequent.

Making it an “us” vs “them” is how we got here. If both sides of the isle want and use them, the subject would never come up.

Cars kill just shy of 40,000 people here every year, how far do you think legislation to ban private ownership of automobiles, would go?
Anything that can be done by executive action has already been done by Obama, save things like Trump’s forcing ATF to redefine black letter law. Unless Biden can find a way to arm twist ATF into redefining common semi-auto guns as “readily converted” machine guns then executive orders aren’t what we need to be prepared for.

Congress, on the other hand, can introduce legislation making broad swaths of firearms illegal to posess with no grandfathering. That’s what we need to be afraid of, and the responsibility to fight falls mostly on voters in the purple states. Solidly blue and red district votes are fixed, leaving those politicians in shaky districts as the ones who will ultimately decide.
That’s my point though, they have to make cars and cows evil first. Some are working on it but they are the fringe.
Are they still the fringe? I hope so but cannot say with certainty that they are.
Remember when you were a teenager and had your calendar marked and the days counted for when you could get your drivers license? Many kids today don't even care about driving or getting a car.
Gun control is dead on arrival in this Congress. The issue is being pushed (by both sides) primarily as a means of fund raising.
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