Good guy with a gun.

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dodo bird

Dec 23, 2010
Starbucks “asks” you to not bring a gun in. I doubt they will eat their words or even comp him a latte. Otherwise good story glad it turned out like it did. Baristas only have muffins to defend themselves.

Man facing charges after punching Starbucks employee in attack thwarted by licensed gun owner, authorities say

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Starbucks lost my business when they "asked" this a few years ago. I'd rather support a local coffee house or local chain that doesn't expect me to put my life on the line for their overpriced hot bean water.

Target nearly lost my business for the same issue. If I'm ever made and asked to leave, I will, and will never come back.
In my opinion, Starbucks just wants to sell coffee. Taking a stand in a contentious issue hurts business. They "asked" people not to carry in their shops. How many posted signs and how many have evicted carriers whose concealment failed? I think the real message is that they are willing to look the other way unless armed customers make that impossible.
I used to go to a Starbucks in Franklin TN on Sundays, always carried and sometimes open. But that was back in the late 90s/early 2000. No one ever said a thing.
It will drive you nuts if you only go to certain places based on their possible views on anything. I will go to Starbucks from time to time. (My cold dead other hand has coffee in it). I like the local places too. If they banned me from carrying there I would never go back. At home I like Pete’s. I need to try black rifle coffee sometime.
In my opinion, Starbucks just wants to sell coffee. Taking a stand in a contentious issue hurts business. They "asked" people not to carry in their shops. How many posted signs and how many have evicted carriers whose concealment failed? I think the real message is that they are willing to look the other way unless armed customers make that impossible.

Well, if they want to sell coffee, why don't they, make it TASTE like coffee?
its not the taste of the coffee, its the taste it leaves in my mouth when they want to un-arm me. ...NO THANKS....
Starbucks lost my business when they "asked" this a few years ago. I'd rather support a local coffee house or local chain that doesn't expect me to put my life on the line for their overpriced hot bean water.

Target nearly lost my business for the same issue. If I'm ever made and asked to leave, I will, and will never come back.

Hot Bean Water - puts it into perspective.. I’ll brew my grocery store blend and call it good.
Haven't had a cup of coffee for at least 30 years. It all tastes like fermented weasel urine to me.:barf: I only go in for the occasional pastry or doughnut and they are nothing special to brag about in any of those high priced coffee shops either. To each their own I guess.:scrutiny:
I do support those businesses that support the 2A though so I try to keep up on who is good for now.
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I don't drink coffee. And even if I did, it would not be at a hipster mecca like Starbucks.

I would not be surprised if the regular customer who stood up and stopped this attack was banned from the store for violating company policy against firearms.
Mmmm....."fermented weasel urine" ...can't say I've ever tried it, so I am qulified to comment......
After a stint in the Navy, one thing you know is Coffee. There's the good, the bad, the ugly,
and the Weasel urine Starbucks produces. Granted, you get a jaded tongue for the taste, but
I can't believe I paid more than a Wawa cup for
that schlop.
You guys have listed a lot of the things I can't stand about Starbucks but for my taste buds they do have good coffee. That doesn't mean I wish them success. Lol
Man facing charges after punching Starbucks employee in attack thwarted by licensed gun owner, authorities say

Thanks for sharing that with us, dodo bird. Very interesting.


re: Starbucks ... back in, like, 1996 I was transferred across town to open an expanded operation in part of a much larger facility.

One of the many things that I had quickly learned to love about my company was the multiple free coffee alcoves salted about all of its facilities. They were stocked with quality products like Maxwell House (along with several others + asst'd teas & hot chocolates, etc) rather than the more generic products. Nice setups!

That large complex incorporated a F&B unit which the company leased out to Starbucks.

I always found it interesting that, rather than brew a free pot of Maxwell House or Folgers or ________, many of the people would walk past multiple coffee alcoves to buy cups of coffee (not any of the specialty stuff, just coffee) for $2($2.50?) in the Starbucks complex.

And I am not simply talking about special, one off tête-à-têtes, but all of the time.

Just struck me as a bit odd.

But, then, I was the manager who showed up at the weekly executive management meetings with a stack of work on which to chip away during the meeting, so maybe it was just me ... :)

That was long before any Starbucks "gun" issues and the only other times I have ever been in a Starbucks was to meet an attorney (at his suggestion ... he was a Starbucks Guy, apparently) who was sorting out some Trust work for me.

EDIT: At my company, on several occasions one of my bosses would "treat" me to a stop-in and talk at that Starbuck outlet. They insisted that they buy me a coffee. Afterwards, I would stop by one of those free coffee alcoves, pour out the Starbucks coffee and get some nice, fresh Maxwell House.

I have no doubt that if I spent some time getting used to the Starbucks coffee that I would like it ... but at 2+ bucks/cup that is just never gonna happen. :)
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Starbucks prefers you don’t carry there, I prefer people don’t open carry. Both preferences carry the same weight, none.

Don’t want to go there, fine, but you certainly haven’t been banned. In my opinion they’ve managed to appease everyone and taken no rights away. Such is the modern world.

For the record, I don’t drink any hot liquids.
Carry where you can and do what you can.

If they ban this fellow from their establishment I don't think anything is lost.

If anything maybe he'll discover good coffee.
Eh. Some of y'all are making this about Starbucks. I happen to buy coffee from that chain fairly regularly. I even like some of their products. They have zero problems with us Washington residents packing in their establishments. The coffee is good. They know we carry in their shops. No big deal.
Eh. Some of y'all are making this about Starbucks. I happen to buy coffee from that chain fairly regularly. I even like some of their products. They have zero problems with us Washington residents packing in their establishments. The coffee is good. They know we carry in their shops. No big deal.

It's more like a large portion of the population in general think their coffee tastes like poo.

And that they are adamantly anti gun from a corporate standpoint.

If you like their swill and the local employees don't care if you carry then more power to ya.
Kinda like lotto and PCH sweepstakes winners, I've never met anyone who likes Starbucks Coffee.
They may exist, just never seen one.
Whatever you think of starbucks coffee or other products, they will probably be in business long after all of us are in the ground or ashes floating in the air; so there must be a lot of people who like their products so they must exist somewhere. And even though I do not like their policy, from my understanding it is not a NO HANDGUNS allowed, but we would PREFER you not to bring your handguns inside.

Since from my understanding, GM, FCA, Ford, Toyota and a few others, do not allow their employees to carry a gun into their employee parking lots while working, should we stop purchasing their products? How many go to COSTCO? Just saying that since the stores don't have the NO HANDGUN sign, I just accept it as their policy and their right, so long as they don't tell me I cannot enter with my weapon. (Even though I live in a state where their signs, if posted have no weight of law.)
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