GOP Will Let Assault Weapon Ban Expire...(multiple threads)

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SHOW ME! I don't believe it.

Most Leftists never put ALL the facts together. They will take a small quote by someone and try to build a philosophy on it. They will take an isolated incident and make it a plague. They sleep through history class yet they think they are experts. So it wouldn't surprise me if the Left's position on this is structured by Hollywood.
They will throw out the Bank of America robbery as evidence. "This is happening" when it only happened once in a huge freak event that never happened before and will probably never happen again.

Hmmm maybe Bonnie and Clyde pulled some similar crap, but still... it was a freak occurance.
We should not let up on this issue. Keep writing/calling your congress people. This law must die, but if we let up, the politics of the situation will be too much for the RINOs to bear, and they will cave.

Today I mailed letters to all 3 congressmen, the President, and Bill Frist and Tom DeLay on this issue. You should too. Forget about e-mails--they are worthless. Mail or call.
Why on Earth did the president support reauthorization anyway? Doesn't he know that Midwest gunowners(many of whom are slightly left leaning union members) played a major role in winning him the White House? What is he thinking? Does he really believe that that stupid law prevents crime?
You should too. Forget about e-mails--they are worthless. Mail or call.

My emails get me a detailed letter in reply on congressional stationary, when I call the person on the other end types it into an E-mail as I am speaking.

Snail mail is seldom opened anymore due to the anthrax scare.

Call and E-mail.
The president's stance has always been (since April 2000) that he will not personnally promote the legislation in order to get it to his desk, but once there he will sign it.

Frankly its a little late to be mad, since he is just following through with his previous campaign promises. Those midwesterners voted for him on those terms in 2000.
This helps brighten my day. I guess I should start saving right now to go out and buy me some normal capacity mags for my Glock 19 when the ban expires. I might even be inclined to get a new gun, just so I will have one that holds more than 10 rounds, hmmm... a new SIG Sauer, or Beretta sounds good.
Yeah, too late to be mad I suppose. But I am mad. I feel betrayed.
I wanted to like him, and I think he's basically a decent guy, but
if he signs a reauthorization I will go fishing on election day. I don't care if he saves the world. I don't care if he runs against Hillary herself. His first duty is to protect our freedom here at home. Gun Ban to Kick the Bucket

citing an article in the Washington Post, the GOP has decided to let the assault weapons bill expire. They will probably stick by this unless we have another episode of idiot mass murder such as happened last year. Maybe even then as the useless pos'es could have done their dirty work with a single shot.
Pre-ban mags?

Sorry for what many will consider a dumb question.

Is this ban is lifted, does that mean high-cap magazines for pistols will be legal again (and cheaper!)??

Yup, valnar, they will be. Same for rifle mags. And shotgun box mags (the few that exist).
GnL is right, we need to keep after it.
DeLay is merely one babbling fool talking to himself.

Watch my hand!!!
Now lets not go fishin' on election day! God knows the second amendment will be in serious trouble if the likes of Hitlery gets into the White House.
I sincerely hope that the AWB sunsets. However, living in the PRK, I don't think it will make much difference. We still have a mirror to that law hanging over our heads:fire:.

I saw Wayne LaPierre on Fox the other night and he said the bill would never reach Bush's desk. I'm guessing he got a heads up from Delay because he was more confident sounding than I have heard him in a long time.

Keep on writting. Keep the pressure on the Congress and President. E mail and Call often. September is a long way off in political terms. Then pray the Democrats don't retake the House in 04. If they do this POS will be back with a vengeance. It will look like the California bill which is much stronger than the current federal bill.
Good Lord people! Even if W. signs the continuation of the AWB you have to still vote for him! If al-Gore ended up as President then we would be limited to buy .22 shorts in packages of 10 rounds once a month. No matter what we must get W. re-elected. Let's live to fight another day!
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