Got another letter to the ed. published...

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Dec 24, 2002
deep east Texas
This time a sign set me off! I know the guy that put it up, as you can tell in the letter.


Letter to the Editor,

On Hwy 356 there is a sign that states "Nobody died when Clinton lied, Can Bush say the same?"
As a Viet Nam War Veteran ( and just as someone who actually reads the news.), I am disgusted by the obvious mistatement. Of course people died when Clinton lied.
Some of us still, and will always, remember them.

In Haiti, 4 dead soldiers who went "for peaceful purposes" into a civil war. I will remember them.

When, twice, nations who had Bin Laden in custody tried to give him to Clinton, he lied and said that we did not need him as he and his group, Al Quieda, were not a threat to us. I will remember that!

After that came the USS Cole bombing, seventeen dead and 39 injured by Al Quieda. I will remember them.

Then the embassy bombings, 231 dead, by Al Quieda. I will remember them.

Then came Somalia, 29 dead American soldiers when Clinton lied and told the troops that they had no need for the armor that the on site commanders were begging be sent. That total included the only two Congressional Medals of Honor presented since Viet Nam. Deaths caused by Al Quieda members who trained the Somalis how to modify RPG fuses to shoot down Blackhawks. I will remember Sergeants Shugart (USA MOH) and Gordon (USA MOH) and the 27 others.

Of course, we should add the innocents who died in the African aspirin plant that Clinton bombed and told us it was a chemical weapons plant (hint: another lie). I will remember them.

Let us not forget Vince Foster, who TOLD us he died because of Clinton's lies in his suicide note. I will remember him, too.

Then, of course, the events of 9/11, perpertrated by that SAME group that Clinton told us was not a sufficient threat to go to the trouble of extraditing Bin Ladin when offered to us on a plate. We will all remember the thousands.

It sickens me that a member of the American Legion, a veteran, would post a sign that "forgets" these deaths for political purposes.

Now the party of my fathers has seen fit to send us another liar for a candidate. John Kerry, who came back from Viet Nam, decrying the horror and flinging away his medals (which are somehow now prominently on display!) and calling ALL Viet Nam veterans, and this is a direct quote, "murderers and war criminals", who now proclaims loudly his "valiant, proud" service and expects me, my brother veterans, our families and the families of those who never returned, to forget that and give him our vote. Those of us who actually fought for our country with pride (pride then AND now) will never forgive those comments. My response to them will be in the voting booth, as I cannot put it into words that the newpaper would print. And I will remember the Clinton dead.

It may be only a little local paper, but I got mad.:fire:
Good letter. Thanks for weighing in!

How in the world do even the Demo's manage to get Bill, Hill, Teddy and Kerry ALL in the party together??? Sheeesh!
How in the world do even the Demo's manage to get Bill, Hill, Teddy and Kerry ALL in the party together??? Sheeesh!

the right can not buy people that far out in space, it's the only pardy left.:( :banghead:
got a phone call about my letter tonight!!!!!

My wife answered the phone early this evening, and I kind ignored it, she gets 90% of the calls! Then I heard her say "I'm sure it would be okay, let me put him on".
So I took it and heard "Miz Mary" introduce herself. Miz Mary is the widow of one of the (recently deceased) most powerful men in our little Texas county and a VERY respected little old lady. So I was shocked that she was calling me, didn't know she knew me from Adam.
She thanked me for my "wonderful letter" and talked about the idiot who put up the sign. We agreed he is your typical nut,and then she asked if she could send a copy to the son of one of her oldest friends.
Of course, I told her that I was honored for her to think so highly of it and, of course, she could send it to anyone she wished.
Then I asked who she wanted to read it.
That's when my jaw hit the floor (and very nearly the rest of me!)
She said (quoting exactly, as I will never forget this!)
"Oh, my old friend George's boy is President now, you know, and I thought he might like to read it".
I managed to stammer through a few more "thank you"s and "Yes, M'am"s and she hung up. I'm not sure my wife would have believed me if she hadn't thought I was having another heart attack there for a while!
I thought it was cool when someone posted it on their New Jersey webpage, but this tops them all!!!
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