"Gratitude" from N.O. survivors--disturbing

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Jan 3, 2005
(Forwarded to me by a co-worker)
WOW. This is just a little of what is happening in the Peoples Republic of New Orleans.

How is This for Gratitude?
Here's a little information you won't read in the papers. I can only relate what was told to me by my daughter who works for AA (American Airlines) as a flight attendant.

AA donated the planes and fuel. The flight crews, cabin crews and ground crews were all AA volunteers. One flight was a 757 to MSY(Louis Armstrong Airport in New Orleans) and back to DFW (Dallas/Ft. Worth). This flight was to evacuate AA personnel and anyone else that they could get aboard. They flew in relief supplies including bottled water.
On the return flight, the survivors (not AA personnel) were griping that there was no food or drinks. There was water at the water fountains. There was a lot of griping that the AA people filled up first class. Now mind you, they didn't pay a dime.

When they got back to DFW, the people were put up in the AA Flight Academy hotel and fed in the Training Center. These people didn't like this arrangement so they trashed the hotel. AA got ahold of the relief authorities and had these people removed.

AA volunteered 6 flights a day from SAT(San Antonio, TX) to MSY(N.O.). I'm not sure which AF base they flew out of, but they were able to buy military fuel. On inbound flights, they carried all of the relief supplies they could and had to tanker in fuel for the return flight. On several flights the people were not happy that they had been evacuated because there was no food or drink. Some of the cabin crews decided to buy bottle water on their own to help the people on their extremely long 1.5 hour flight. Now this they gave to the passengers, if they can be called that, who fought over the first class seats, something to throw at the cabin people while trashing the plane.

Several of the volunteers informed AA that they had had it and they weren't going anymore. AA threatened to cancel the trips if this could not be controlled. I'm not sure just how this turned out but here is more irony. The relief agency that they were working through wanted AA to bring in a 777 so more supplies could be flown in at once and more people evacuated. After talking to AA I hope they are not holding their breath...
Maybe an isolated case, maybe not. The relief honeymoon will be coming to an end soon, and the grim realities of "New Orleans," both pre- and post-Katrina, will start setting in. What was was, and a natural disaster isn't going to change what was going on in Louisiana and the Gulf. Katrina didn't usher in the Millennium. We've still got a values problem, not just a relief problem. You don't run a society on love and compassion, you run it on civil order, teamwork, respect for the rights of others, knowledge. That will become clear soon enough.
That's right. The entitlement class mindset won't be changed by Katrina. It will only be reinforced and nurtured with $billions of public money.

but not all of the "evac's" are professional victims. i don't pretend to know what % but i do know that not all are ungrateful for what has been done for them and it seems like those who lost the most are the ones who tend to be more grateful. just my $0.02
Respect..... there is almost a dead word. Be it self respect or respect
for others or even a set of ideals, that word has little meaning to a growing
mass of apathetic, self-serving, jerk @ffs!

Things have become way to easy for most, instead of reaching out a helping
hand to help someone stand, there are handouts. There is no real incentives
to accomplish because someone else will hold my hand and tell me it will be
and give them the means to sit their lazy fat @$$ on the couch
waiting for their entitled government sorry you were oppressed in some way
shape or form but this will make it better
check. And because of this BS
I'm entitled syndrome, there's no appreciation for the efforts put forth
by good people who actually give a damn!

I feel a rage building in me about this so I better stop typing before I get
myself banned from THR. :fire:
A group of several dozen evacuees from N O has been housed by a private organization in my mom's community. There have been LOTS of people from the community helping out, donating clothing, food and money, offering transportation etc. People spent hours cleaning up the place, mowing grass etc. to get it ready for occupation.

After a week of exposure to the evacuees, volunteers are thinning out- too many expressions of dissatisfaction from people who not only want everything given to/done for them (clothes washed, meals cooked etc.) but want it JUST SO to boot. Meanwhile they watch TV and don't turn a hand. This is NOT going over well in the hardworking community where these folks have been moved to, just hope things there don't deteriorate further.

Here, we have a few people from NO (about 200). the community sprung into action. Our local news have kept the reports positive, interviewing poeple that have been extremely gracious for being here. They have even found a couple that have already started jobs and are looking for some type of housing and are going to make this their residence. I'm sure that all are people aren't this way, but it is still nice to hear these stories.
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These people didn't like this arrangement so they trashed the hotel.
At the risk of offending, it's pretty clear some of these "evacuees" are not graduates of Emily Post's charm school, and are not the sort of people you would lend your car to or turn your back on in a dark alley.

Going through a hurricane does not turn a thug into an upstanding citizen.
Jesse Jackson has just proposed--or did he demand?--a Katrina Victim Compensation Fund. Here we go. We all knew the gov't payoffs to the 9/11 victims would have a bad ripple effect. This is no doubt just the beginning. Too many Americans think like a bunch of addled addicts living off lottery crumbs.

Before long we will be calling this country the United States of Unfunded Liabilities.
Ah, the email from a co-worker's friend's buddy

I seem to recall getting one of those about a 2,000 lb. killer brown bear that ate five people before being shot and photographed. :D
I have heard of this and seen the interviews on the news of the same thing. While it is happenning, the media is going out of its way to find these people. It is certainly not a majority.
Well, I myself (not a buddies friend) took Donuts ,like 1000 of them, to a shelter in Mississippi. My parents were working there and so we were helping them. My mom was showing my wife and I around and 99% of the people that I saw there were appreciative to be there. They have had numerous people say thanks. My Mom pointed to the showers and said" thats where we have set up for them to shower" At that point a woman walking past rolled her eyes and said" you don't even have enough hot water" :rolleyes:

But like I said that was only one woman.
In case you missed it, the prospect of using cruise ships for temporary housing quietly became housing only for assistance personnel. I was amazed when I first heard about the prospect of those cruise ships being trashed. This is based upon knowing that brand new public housing projects are only good for about 5 years until totally uninhabitable. Not a politically correct observation, but I wasn't born yesterday.
The last public housing (project) building I visited in Minneapolis looked like it was transplanted from 1994 Sarajevo. Holes in the walls, burn spots and the like made me wonder if a 20mm cannon worked it over or a while.

A vary similar private apartment (condo) building nearby was quite a different picture. That venture was the last time I spent time and effort to help someone on the dole. That guy was a talented painter suffering from schizophrenia, and my efforts to help him market his work were wasted. At least he appreciate my attempts to help. People who can't be helped and who gripe about the help they do receive...hmmmm.
this may be the old-school Army in me coming out, but two words would fix these issues and make all these "evacuees" happy about what they have:

"Pup Tents" :what:
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