Great News: HR 44 (disapproving the pistol brace rule) will be voted on this Tuesday

Apr 26, 2015
We have the votes to pass it in the House. And the configuration is such that Schumer can't prevent it from being heard in the Senate, and it can't be filibustered. So we need a few Dem senators to vote with us -- prospects include Manchin, Sinema, Tester and somebody else I forget now. Of course Biden is, um, extremely unlikely to sign it, if it does pass the Senate, but
a) It forces all senators and representatives to put themselves on record on this; and
b) If it passes that will surely weigh on our side if and when the pistol brace rule gets to the Supreme Court, i.e. if Congress says they disapprove it, who is the ATF to say it's a rule.
See G&G and Langley Outdoors:

I would rather the SCOTUS rule on the CFR issue before the case gets dropped. If this bill passes, it renders the lawsuits moot, and therefore will be dropped.

The big issue in this case, that goes beyond the 2A is the method of making rules for the CFR, and the changing of them on a whim. I see this as a ploy to save the CFR as is, and give up something that will be given up anyway. The Left is fairly sure the brace band won't hold, but the more important thing is to keep the Executive Branch capable of making laws without Congress (the CFR and Executive Orders)
I would rather the SCOTUS rule on the CFR issue before the case gets dropped. If this bill passes, it renders the lawsuits moot, and therefore will be dropped.

I believe SCOTUS already did rule on the CFR issue, there was a big case involving the EPA.

This bill does NOT render the lawsuits moot, it's only a "resolution", but it clearly puts Congress on record, and if I'm not mistaken it includes the argument that the ATF has no authority to make laws, only Congress can do that.
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The Left is fairly sure the brace band won't hold, but the more important thing is to keep the Executive Branch capable of making laws without Congress (the CFR and Executive Orders)

Funny but I first read it as “Excessive Branch”, reminds me of the Trump bump stock “reimagining” of what a machinegun is..,