Grizzly Bear Hunting Debate

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Camp David

Sep 21, 2005
Grizzly Bear Hunting Debated
Tuesday, January 10, 2006; Posted: 10:03 a.m. EST (15:03 GMT)
Grizzlies have been at the center of controversy ever since they came under federal protection.
SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) -- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service initiated a public debate on Monday over its plan to lift federal protections from grizzly bears in the Yellowstone National Park area, a measure that would pave the way for hunting of the bears in surrounding Western states. Millions of tourists visit Yellowstone annually hoping to see the outsize, hump-shouldered bears that were hunted and trapped to near extinction before being classified in 1975 as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act. In the past three decades, the number of grizzlies in Yellowstone and surrounding areas -- eastern Idaho, southern Montana and northwest Wyoming -- has risen to more than 600 from 136, prompting the government to propose removing that population from the list of protected wildlife...

The F&W Service should allow local hunters to bag a few at a time, until their numbers are under control...
I'm for griz hunting if there are nuisance numbers, or high enough numbers to sustain a hunting season.

I think, however, it's going to be a battle.
I'm for griz hunting for population control too...

I just want to do it with a big@$$ rifle from 500yards, though.

I find it hilarious that people go to Yellowstone to photgraph them (up close!). I don't wanna be within 200 yards of a live griz. Rather measure the distance in miles.
Sounds like fun! It would be cool to be a part of the initial license draw.
I'd defer to the wildlife biologists as to a huntable population, but hunting per se strikes me as an okay thing.

One facet of hunting: The bears will develop a certain amount of fear of man, and be less likely to attack. At least, this is my opinion based on what I know of cougar behavior in national parks as compared to private ranchlands...

Note that this action is being planned for the Yellowstone Park and surrounding area and is only debate now... nothing official...on plan to lift protections/restrictions on the bears; a measure that may lead to hunting....actual 'season' on Grizzly Bears may be long time coming.
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