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Group Blasts NJ Legislation For Endangering Civilians While Exempting Police

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
Copyright 2002 U.S. Newswire, Inc.
U.S. Newswire

December 30, 2002 Monday

SECTION: State Desk

LENGTH: 441 words

HEADLINE: Citizen's Group Blasts New Jersey Legislation For Endangering Civilians While Exempting Police


The following is a statement from the New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense concerning Governor McGreevy's signature on the "Smart Gun" legislation:

Governor James McGreevy signed into law legislation that will make New Jersey citizens guinea pigs for unproven technology. This action will cost more New Jersey citizen's lives than it will ever save.

The so called "Smart Gun" legislation will eventually restrict New Jersey citizen's choice of firearms to only those unproven "smart guns", while at the same time exempting the police. We can only wonder why the New Jersey Legislature has forced the civilian population to be the beta testers for equipment that our lives may someday depend upon. A principle of engineering states that a simpler mechanism is always more reliable than a more complex one. Therefore, we are extremely skeptical that adding more complexity into firearm design will ever make them safer or more reliable.

In light of this, we can predict that it will be only a matter of time till you see headlines similar to "Mother dies defending her children during home invasion due to dead battery", or the failure of any other of a number of parts related to the personalization technology.

We would like to remind New Jersey readers and legislators that law abiding Americans use their firearms more than two million times a year to stop serious criminal attacks, and that according to the New Jersey Department of Health, there were zero children killed in firearms accidents in NJ during 1998 and 1999, the only years for which these statistics are available.

This strongly suggests that the new bill is less about gun safety, and is more about promoting "feel good" legislation that ultimately does not hold water when the consequences are examined. It is yet another example of the misguided belief that adding layers of unnecessary technology or legislation into citizen's lives somehow solves something.

On behalf of the responsible, law abiding citizens of New Jersey, we are offended by the dual standard and the implication that somehow our lives are less precious than those of our fine law enforcement officers, who have been granted exemption from this legislation due to reliability concerns. When this technology is good enough for the police, then and only then will we consider it worthy for our use as well.

The New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense is a volunteer citizen's non-profit organization, whose purpose is to provide public policy leadership and public service education concerning issues related to a person's fundamental Human Right of self-defense.

CONTACT: New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense, 732-247-2282
If the legislation was such a good idea, why did the legislature specifically exempt government officials from civil lawsuits should one be filed due to the failure of "smart gun" laws?

The fact that LE wants nothing to do with the concept speaks volumes.

The fact that government wants to exempt itself from civil litigation speaks libraries.

What, common sense coming out of NJ.

Wait, no, I don't believe it- obviously this was written by McGreevy stooges in the hopes of scaring the NJ sheep into paying yet HIGHER property taxes without bleeting too much.:neener:
nope.....not McGreevey stooges, but the men and women of the New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense.....


This is a very no nonsense group that's dedicated to defending (and restoring) the right to self defense for the citizens of the Garden State. Despite the perceptions, there are still people behind enemy lines fighting the good fight.
NJ freedom fighters unite!

Operating behind enemy lines my fellow brothers and sisters......

"The chair is against the wall......The chair is against the wall."

"John has a long mustache......John has a long mustache."

Looking for fellow NJ operatives to continue the fight.


"The Herald" newspaper of NJ seems to be the only one so far to pick us up for print and only certain quotes were used from it combined with other like minded quotes. Go to the "other" section of njccw.com to read the whole article.
And our numbers are growing by the second. We will not fail. May take awhile, but we will join the United States one day, I'm quite sure.
Of course, there's always Pennsylvania if we don't.
I may change my tune if the President of Ceasefire NJ gets his face on a dollar bill.
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