Guardsmen Overrun At Border...

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Mar 10, 2005

Our troops, our border. Time to make some noise, boys. Get on the phone to those congresscritters and tell everyone you know about this.

This this link:

1. If the government is going to send citizen-solders down there to "guard" the border, then the soldiers need the authorization to shoot back when attacked.

2. If the government won't authorize our troops the permission to enforce our laws . . . and to shoot back when necessary, then we don't need the troops "guarding" the borders at all.

If this is true, we may need a modern form of civilian militias to guard the land, like in olden days. If the wetbacks knew they could get shot, I think they would stop coming in illegally.
I am infavor of instituting a shoot-to-kill policy along our nation's borders.;)

You know, you guys can go ahead and post the article with the URL, I know it says you need permission lots of times, you're not supposed to tear off the tag on the mattress either.
stop being lazy

Guardsmen overrun at the Border

12 News
Jan. 4, 2007 02:44 PM

video National Guard unit stormed while patroling the border
video Border attack raises security concerns

A U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site was overrun Wednesday night along Arizona's border with Mexico.

According to the Border Patrol, an unknown number of gunmen attacked the site in the state's West Desert Region around 11 p.m. The site is manned by National Guardsmen. Those guardsmen were forced to retreat.

The Border Patrol will not say whether shots were fired. However, no Guardsmen were injured in the incident.

The Border Patrol says the incident occurred somewhere along the 120 mile section of the border between Nogales and Lukeville. The area is known as a drug corridor. Last year, 124-thousand pounds of illegal drugs were confiscated in this area.

The Border patrol says the attackers quickly retreated back into Mexico.
That is what our military is for, protecting the United States of America. It's not for providing endless money to the insatiable maw of Halliburton. It's not for PNAC's masturbatory fantasies of World Empire. Its only truly important mission is killing people who are attacking our territory. They chased Zapata into Mexico. I see no reason not to do the same thing here.

This made me so angry when I heard about it.

Sounds like the National Guard is being about as pro-active as the Minutemen are down there, though. That's disappointing, that we aren't willing to open fire on drug runners who start shooting first.

Actually, upon further reflection, the Minutemen would have returned fire. And I think the drug runners know it, which is why they hit the NG post instead of the various MM lines in the past.

Just blows my mind... US Forces retreating without firing a single shot. Surrendering a government facility to drug running foreigners.

Half a dozen efficient snipers could put the fear of G*d into Mexico real quick, IMO. Just shoot the ones carrying long guns travelling with groups of backpack-mules.
I've been thinking of a career change.

Anybody know if Border Patrol is hiring? Would it do any good? My wifes' family is from Phoenix, they'd be glad if we moved closer to them.
Actually, upon further reflection, the Minutemen would have returned fire.

And if they'd hit any of the attacking Mexicans, they'd have been charged with first-degree murder. Bush would also likely okay Mexico extraditing them to stand trial in a Mexican kangaroo court and go to Mexican prison for killing a Mexican national.

And you know that's the truth.
Unfortunately, I believe that Manedwolf is right. I wonder if the NG even had ammo for their weapons?

They're just doing the raids that Americans won't do.

If our NG boys & girls had responded with the appropriate hail of 5.56mm, GWB & his administration would have sold them down the river.

So, they have the choice of taking it in the nether regions by Mexican thugs or Washington thugs.
Does anyone know if the NG in question were even issued ammo? I can't find any info concerning this.

Why protect a border that will be erased later this year?

The provocations continue to mount.

Those reading about the behind-the-drapes "totalization" agreement (Social Security) may wonder if THAT is not going to be the powder that causes the first real flash.

2007 is going to be remembered as The Year of Over-Reaching by a whole lot of people in power, and I'm hoping it's also remembered as the year that We the People said "ENOUGH!"
longeyes said:
Why protect a border that will be erased later this year?

Are you a gambling man? While I have my concerns that drug runners are getting a bit bold down that way, I'd be willing to offer up a friendly wager that by this time next year, the border will still be there and the situation won't be too much different than it is today.

Say $1000? I'm game.
Do they even have their rifles, much less ammo.

Yes they have rifles and yes I've seen them in person. The NG sometime show up at the local store in Arivaca AZ.(my home town)

I don't know about ammo, next time i see them i will make sure to ask.:confused:

I should be able to get a answer because I'm active Army:cool:
I'd take your bet but there's no border there NOW.

When the border's "erased" it will be a formality. With much of the work force of Mexico now living in the U.S., illegally for the most part, I don't think talk about a real border makes any sense.

Nothing will change until the financial impact on the average American taxpayer becomes a significant burden, and apparently we're not quite there yet. Maybe Schwarzenegger's desire to provide health coverage for all illegal aliens--yes, it's "for the children"--will be the last straw? Or will it take "totalization" to wake people up as to what exactly is being done to us by such "patriotic" souls as the man in the White House?

Sorry Bro, but I think it's gonna be bangless...nothing but a whimper.
I hope I'm wrong, but everyone still has their big-screens and Domino's pizza.
Fat, happy people tend to embrace the status quo, and in our case, we continue to ignore the Trojan Horse sitting right in the middle of our living room as long as it doesn't block our view of the Super Bowl on our HDTV.

Interesting times ahead indeed...

In one article I read, Border Patrol spokesmen would not say whether shots were fired by the intruders.

Why not?

The above, taken with the way the arrest and prosecution of the two border patrol agents (SWAT teams pulling them out of their homes, prosecuting attorney lying several times about what laws were broken), tells me that the Border Patrol is now a political tool, not a law enforcement agency.
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