Gun Control are you for it?

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Nov 9, 2005
in light of the recent AWB here is a link to a nice PDF Format about Gun Control Myths and Facts. In case you have a hard time trying to convert some antis and need some proof with your numbers ;)
Gun Control are you for it??
I am. You should be in control of at least one weapon at any given moment of your waking day, and at least one within arms reach when sleeping.

'cept that? :)
EZYPIKNS AND I ARE ON THE SAME PAGE................ a two handed grip is much better......:cool:
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My favorite FACT:

Fact: Banning country music might be more effective – one study shows 51% of the suicide differential can be traced to country music. (Source: Steven Stack, Jim Gundlach, “The Effect of Country Music on Suicide”, Social Forces. Volume: 71. Issue: 1.,1992)



I've know this all along....

So when is the Country Music Ban?

Long Live Rock!
If this don't make you want to kill yourself....

Well, I was drunk the day my Mom got outta prison.
And I went to pick her up in the rain.
But, before I could get to the station in my pickup truck
She got runned over by a damned old train.

The 'Perfect' Country Song by Steve Goodman

Then I don't know whut.
Off Topic. I'll Apologize Ahead Of Moderators!

No gun control. I am, however, in favor of controlling amplified bass sound systems in it rap, country or polka. Aside from being a legitimate traffic hazard, the intrusion it makes on a tired working man's space after a long day could cause someone to snap. If you don't give will not receive it.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled posting.
I am in favor of gun control, specifically trigger and breath control when I am checking rifle reloads at 100 yards.
I am NOT in favor of illegal infringement laws, nor am I in favor of the anti-self defense movements' continued attempt to illegally disarm me of my household firearms. Thier dangerous utopian ideas reflect a gun bigotry and prejudice of a size to recall that which faced the the civil rights movement back during the 1960s, including the anti-rights organizations continued support for racist fireams laws.
Well, I was drunk the day my Mom got outta prison.
And I went to pick her up in the rain.
But, before I could get to the station in my pickup truck
She got runned over by a damned old train.

The 'Perfect' Country Song by Steve Goodman
That IS the perfect country song, as performed by David Allen Coe, who also has some entertaing XXX country songs, if your lucky enough to find the albums. :)
I agree that end, I for one feel compelled to work Hard to keep Hillary, et al out of office. The groundswell support her party enjoyed in November had better shake the complacency out of every one of us.
Gun control sucks...Even violent Felons won't pay any attention to it, but they'll get their ass in a crack soon enough.Essex
Gun Control are you for it?
We need to improve our PC!!! That is Politician Control! When did they stop working as Public Servants?!? Many years ago, it was insulting to call someone a "politician".

From Webster's Dictionary:

Pronunciation: "pä-l&-'ti-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : a person experienced in the art or science of government; especially : one actively engaged in conducting the business of a government
2 a : a person engaged in party politics as a profession b : a person primarily interested in political office for selfish or other narrow usually short-sighted reasons

Definition 2b seems to sum up most of our elected officials.
"Look at it this way. If America frightens you, feel free to live somewhere else. There are plenty of other countries that don't suffer from excessive liberty. America is where the Liberty is. Liberty is not certified safe." -- Arfin


Go live somewhere else where they will tell you how to live, with all the other scairdy cats.:banghead:

Gun Control: Am I for it?..........................NO!........Gun Control does = People Control, Period.
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