Gun Culture?

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Feb 28, 2008
Central Florida
When did being a gun owner mean you were apart of the 'gun culture', 'gun nation', etc.. It's like we are supposed to be a part of some minority, suspect class, or quasi suspect class. Like we aren't somehow normal, or the norm. Forty years ago gun ownership was quite common except for in major metropolitan areas where 'forward thinkers', 'progressives', and other such seeming alien ideas seemed to roam and fester.

Now to some degree we gun owners, those amongst us in a round about way ostracise ourselves from the norm by calling ourselves 'gunnies' which when most of us say it, it is meant as a term of endearment and pride. Gunnies aren't just gun owners, folks who just happen to own a gun, what we do we take seriously and put great focus on the responsibility and tradition of gun ownership. A gunnie is the individual you see at the range working in great depth to be a shooter capable of great prowess with their firearm. Sometimes we also mean it to be we have gained enough skill in a wide variety of firearms that it is not a matter of difficulty to quickly become sufficiently able with most any firearm.

Now do I patronize the gun culture, yes and no. Yes I am undertaking home-build projects, I in future want to have my own little machine shop for unusual projects because at some point I'm going to have my fill of retail purchased firearms and refurbishing a PPSH 43 into a legal pistol or carbine is a challenge of technical and spiritual merit to me. Getting a weld jig for a DPM28 to do a legal semi version of the old Soviet LMG. But do I think standing up for my 2nd Amendment right make me part of the gun culture, no it doesn't.

My 2nd Amendment right is a part of the Bill or Rights, and so is my right to the freedom of speech. And from the Bill of Rights I have a right to privacy and to remain unmolested and unabused by the federal government. I have a right to peaceable gather and affiliate at my choosing. And to have all rights not mentioned in the Bill of Rights not be infringed or subject to limitation because of their lacking mention and labeling in the Bill of Rights.

If they can take our 2nd Amendment rights, whats to stop our freedom of speech from being taken, bad enough you can't say Jesus Christ or God in school, here in Florida you can't in public school nows, ***, but somehow Mohammed or Allah is perfectly acceptable, seriously my god son did it one day while I was doing a drop fin or the teacher to talk about the whole growing up and going through school thing, granted I put him up to it:evil:. If they can take our 2nd Amendment rights what about our rights to due process and equal rights. What about...etc. etc. etc..

Gun owners may only supposedly make up 40% of the nations population, but lets call a spade a spade. It's not so much because Americans stopped owning guns its because those who lack a genuine desire and love for being American have out-reproduced us.

What I have noticed by and large about genuine gun owners is a certain pattern of existence. I'm not saying all gun owners follow this suit because we have a lot of new to fold folks whom otherwise before never wanted to own a gun or participate in gun ownership. Most gun owners I know, are law-abiding, God fearing, responsible legally, fiscally, and morally. I've yet to meet a genuine gun owner with three kids from three differrent fathers. I've yet to meet a genuine gun owner who has been in and out of jail for drinking, unlawful driving or drug abuse. I've yet to meet a gun owner who has lost their job and is desperate and able to suckle at the teet of the federal government handouts. Instead the gun owners who I have known that have lost their jobs go straight to looking for a job and do day labor, and take on blue collar tasks and handyman work for pay. And hell I'll say it, becomminng a gun owner calmed me down. Walking in a dark parking lot after a bar closed down, and the idea of beating a mugger so bad with my bare hands that they'd be in the hospital for a few months of physical rehab and never quite able to walk right, speak right, or properly move their bowels, etc. any of the above, was something I did before I became a gun owner, I've got the scars to prove it. I became a gun owner and I calmed right down. No more putting myself in dangerous positions and getting to lawfully defend myself at a criminal's physical expense. No more mouthing off in loud belligerent rants at people that pissed me off. I got myself a real big education on politeness, diplomacy, and anger management.

If there is a gun culture, then I say it is a superior culture. It is one of the few last remaining vestiges of genuine American expression that harkens back to our founding fathers. We have lost touch in most other areas. We have let a select few rise to power. We have let our politicians become useless, overfed, egomaniacal, avarice ridden, and impotent scum. So I say dammit I'm a gun owner and genuine American and if you can't get with that then that just means you are something the founding fathers would look on in shame and disgust.
Wow thank you, i ve been subconsiouly thinking the same thing for the last year, but have been unable to put into words.

thank you for describing the state of America the way i see it aswell.
Instead the gun owners who I have known that have lost their jobs go straight to looking for a job and do day labor, and take on blue collar tasks and handyman work for pay.

How else would I pay for more bullets? ;)
Forty years ago gun ownership was quite common except for in major metropolitan areas where 'forward thinkers', 'progressives', and other such seeming alien ideas seemed to roam and fester.
That's still the case. Go out to rural areas. If you aren't a gun owner chances are you're the oddball.
Problem is, the media is located smack dab in the middle of those liberal antigun havens. That's where the vast majority of people get their "news" (heavily biased) so they get convinced that "normal people" don't own guns. They are above all that clinging to God and religion stuff, and the only people who own guns must be slack jawed rednecks who are very different from themselves. Besides, bad things usually just happen to bad people right? And even if something did happen, the CSI team they watched on TV last night would jump right in and solve the crime! Yeah. They say to themselves "I don't need a gun...I couldn't bring myself shoot someone anyway...or maybe I would shoot that damn neighbor that insists on firing up his dirtbike at 2am! Yeah, I shouldn't get a gun."
Projection at it's finest.
if we are now a minority, we can call bigot on anyone who even thinks about offending us and have them beat up and put out of work. just think of affirmative action for gun owners:what:
I think there's definitely a difference between the casual gun owner/user - and gun "culture". The difference is just a matter of degree. The same can be said for just about anything else people do in their free time, for whatever reason.

Casual (for lack of a better term) gun owners own a gun, shoot from time to time, maybe even hunt. Casual gun owners do not know the names of all the local shop employees, day of the week of regular shipments, cannot rattle off cartridge development history and reloading data tables off the top of their head, nor will they travel two hours to go to a gun show - just because they might see something they like. The elements that are referred to in the term "gun culture" do exactly that type of stuff. That's fine, there's nothing wrong with that - but there is a big difference between the two.

Again - the same can be said about anything else. I snowboard - but i'm not part of what I consider snowboard "culture". I can't rattle off the specs of new model boards before they come to market, don't debate the merits of biax/triax fiber topsheets or the pros/cons of edge beveling. I own many snowboards, and ride them whenever I can - but I don't take it to *that* level. Many people do though. (okay, so i'm lying, i can and do a lot of that stuff, but that's besides the point :D).

Now part of the whole thing with the bad image that "liberals" or "progressives" have of gun culture - is because many of them have only seen the extreme portion. They only see the chest thumping and screams of "from my cold dead hands", the tacticool enthusiasts who look like they're about to columbine a crowd of people at the local mall, etc. Without knowing anything else about it - with that being the only image - you have to admit that can be a bit intimidating, and it can be difficult to see a redeeming value. Just as - if you look at the image of the average college age stoner snowboarder kid who you can barely understand a word coming out of your mouth - most people think "yea - that's a real winner, that's what I want my kids to grow up to be...". Nevermind the fact that burn-out very well may be on his way to being a doctor or lawyer or who knows...

I've said this before. It's all a matter of presentation and perception. I don't think for a second we have to, or even should, change the way we think - but I think we do need to be conscious of how we present ourselves to the world. When we re-enforce that image, we're digging our own grave. When we show that we're the guy down the street who just wants to make sure his family is safe - suddenly that doesn't seem so bad. The mentality might be the same, but changing that mental image of what a gun owner is - is the entire battle.
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