Gun grabber wants *my* help

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Jan 27, 2004
A year or so ago, some practical joker signed me up for some sort of leftist magazine and marked the box that said "bill me later". When I phoned and told the mag about this, they were polite and stopped.

I have found, though, that I'm now on every Democrat/tree-hugger/gun-grabber mailing list in the universe, including Hillary Clinton's. I sent her recent "letter" back to her, torn up, in her own postage-paid envelope. My name and address were on the top of the pile, though, so maybe they'll get the message.

These postage-paid envelopes are first class postage, so I presume the junk-mailer will pay more if you send the junk back, but some simply send them back empty. Which is best?

Why would you do either? They aren't sending these to you maliciously; they got your name from a list of people who would - normally - be in agreement with their political views. Ask them to stop sending you their mailings politely. Just because you disagree with them is no reason to be obnoxious about it.

OTOH, if you know which joker did this to you then you can do something equally obnoxious to him.

I don't think the Post Office will do it anymore, but several years back, I somehow got on the mailing list for Greenpeace.

Polite letters, phone calls, etc, didn't do anything to get me off their list. Sooooo, one day, after getting yet ANOTHER whine for money, I took their cute little pre-paid reply envelope, and taped it to a cinder block, along with a note to "Throw this at the next Tuna Boat you see."

End of problem

:evil: :evil:
"Just because you disagree with them is no reason to be obnoxious about it."

I disagree, Bryan. Being obnoxious has nothing to do with it. Hillary Clinton, in her letter, made it plain as day that she strongly opposes political views that I hold dear. Therefore I will fight her, legally, any way I can.

Living in PRK, I will (I hope) never get the opportunity to vote against her. But if I can legally weaken her campaign by getting her to waste money on postage, I will do it without hesitation, and I encourage any one else to do the same. (Although even I stop short of mailing back bricks, boxes of dirt, etc.)

I would argue that in the case of hard core gun-grabbers like H. Clinton, and Dianne Feinstein, getting them to waste their own postage is a more effective use of the US Mail than writing them pro-gun letters.


EDIT: I just had an awful thought... Do elected officials like these get free postage from the government when they send out their diatribes?
I have a rubber stamp that states "Unsolicited Mail, Return to Sender" with the big hand pointing left (at the return address, if there is one)..

I obliterate my address, stamp it and drop it in a mailbox.. Cause enough hassle for the USPS and they'll provide a way to fix it... heck they're part of the problem with stupid fliers and crud they stuff in you mailbox...
Living in PRK, I will (I hope) never get the opportunity to vote against her. But if I can legally weaken her campaign by getting her to waste money on postage, I will do it without hesitation, and I encourage any one else to do the same

hmmm..thats OUR tax $$ your wasting.. AND if it gets to be enough hassel for the USPO they will of course raise rates..

"hmmm..thats OUR tax $$ your wasting.. AND if it gets to be enough hassel for the USPO they will of course raise rates.."

When you send a letter to Feinstein, and she, in her official capacity as a US Senator sends you a form letter back telling you to stick it, the taxpayers foot the bill for postage. But when she's soliciting campaign funds, I *think* she's supposed to do it on her own dime.

Anyway, the post office loves it when you mail first class envelopes. The brick thing is no good, but in general it appreciates the business, even junk mail.

Several years ago I owned a 1963 Corvair and thougth it would be fun to get a "Nader for President" bumper sticker for it, so I called up the local "Nader for President" office (this was pre Green Party) and they mailed me a bumper sticker for free.

Well I got my giggles out of it but they kept calling me trying to get donations ... I eventualy told the granola chick who called that I was a staunch Libertarian and that I just wanted a bumpersticker for my Corvair.

She was polite (even saw the humor in it) but it got my name off the list.

Just because you disagree with them is no reason to be obnoxious about it.
I agree that you should be polite to the individual campaign workers (unless they ask for it) but I have no compunction about wasting the time or money of people who as a group want to restrict my rights and eventualy load me up in a cattle car and take me to a camp (if you don't believe that is the goal of much of the left then I have a bridge to sell you).
I have a rubber stamp that states "Unsolicited Mail, Return to Sender" with the big hand pointing left (at the return address, if there is one)..

I obliterate my address, stamp it and drop it in a mailbox.. Cause enough hassle for the USPS and they'll provide a way to fix it... heck they're part of the problem with stupid fliers and crud they stuff in you mailbox...

Well, in the case of anything that is "postage will be paid by adressee," it's always good to cut out the label and attach it to the heaviest mailable thing that you can find - I like old encyclopedia volumes. These you can legally drop into regular mailboxes, even though they are over 1 lb, because the "must personally mail at post office" prohibition only applies to packages over 1 lb with stamps as postage.

hmmm..thats OUR tax $$ your wasting..
True, sometimes. However, the tax dollars you are wasting have already been wasted, [IOW, they already have them] and you are diverting them from what the organization would consider more productive uses - like getting your neighbor to send them more money, or vote for them.

Dex }:>=-
Mail each of them an NRA membership sign up card.
I like this idea!

Save every join the NRA card you come acoss. Put one in every offfending prepaid return envelope and send it back. Who knows, maybe you'll even get somebody to join! Yea, it's a real long shot, but it could happen. :)
SF newspaper

Chron has these annoying subscription cards with prepaid postage,I send them to them with pro gun rights messages.
Time,newsweek has them too.
Zundfolge has it right.

"....but I have no compunction about wasting the time or money of people who as a group want to restrict my rights and eventualy load me up in a cattle car and take me to a camp (if you don't believe that is the goal of much of the left then I have a bridge to sell you)."

....except that the word "much" should be editted to read "all."

We disagreed with Hitler and we got obnoxious. Same with Tojo. How obnoxious we could get kept a nuclear war from happening [so far].

Guess what we are going to have to do to keep such anti-liberty stalinist freaks from shipping us off in cattle cars? I damn sure don't want that sort of thing in the future, but it beats slavery and subservience to anti-Americans such as Hitlary, DiFi or Chap-Of-Quick-Dick Teddy and the anti-Liberty, anti-American creeps they and their fellow travelers spawn.

Perhaps a forum on just how armed restoration of the US Constitution would come about is in order.

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