Gun owners need basic medical training

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Are you saying that every new idea you ever heard proposed in the military was a "legitimate improvement or enhancement"?

If so, that was certainly not my experience in the military.
My experience was that nearly every officer thought they have a "better method"...sometimes they did, sometimes they didn't.

No. I was saying exactly what I said. Read it again. It's a "all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares" idea. Not every idea has been good, but every good idea that has been squashed (that I've witnessed) has been crushed by someone spouting the "Good Idea Fairy" nonsense. And that's the problem. Too many people afraid of stepping outside the box and doing something that actually works better because A: it wasn't their idea B: they can't take credit for the idea C: they might lose some political points or their office job if they let it happen. Unfortunately the "you job is to make the boss look good" philosophy has a stranglehold on the military. And a lot of good things aren't done because of it.

Let good ideas be done and bad ideas not. Don't just keep the status quo just because.
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