Gun Owners on the "Left" of center ...

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Alan Truism

Jun 21, 2011
Sometimes I get a little tired of the rightward political rhetoric at gun shows and other gun owner functions.

Are there any organizations out there that represent gun owners from moderate or even "liberal" (a meaningless term if you ask me) political bent.

I find organizations like the Pink Pistols interesting because they represent a group that is typically underrepresented on the right end of the spectrum (homosexuals). I'm also interested in learning more about organizations for minority or women gun owners. I am a straight white male BTW. I am just the kind of person who feels a little better when I meet up with black folks at the gun show in the midst of the vast sea of Caucasians like me.
"left" and "right" have little distinction anymore on the political scale. Both major parties are pro-big government, and anti-freedom, in one way or another. "Liberal" and "Conservative" are such wishy-washy terms now, they are almost meaningless. I have a good friend who is a gay man of direct Mexican descent (born in the U.S., not an illegal), who identifies as a conservative and is extremely pro-gun and pro-freedom in general.

Attempting to draw distinctions between gun owners as to who is left or right of some imaginary center (especially when attempting to draw those lines along demographics such as skin color, sexual orientation, or family lineage), is an exercise in futility.
"Liberal" and "Conservative" are such wishy-washy terms now, they are almost meaningless.

I agree 100%, but I think still think you know what I am getting at.
You're attempting to find organizations which pander specifically to "non-stereotypical gun owners." I would argue that any gun rights organization worth its salt likely has a significant portion of said gun owners, and the only reason the portion is not higher is that the gun rights organization does not care about the skin color, ethnicity, or sexual orientation of its prospective members (which is as it should be).
As an aside:

Sometimes I get a little tired of the rightward political rhetoric at gun shows and other gun owner functions.

Gun shows are commercial enterprises above all else. The vendors and frequenters of gun shows do not equally represent all demographics of gun owners, any more than an automotive swap meet represents the demographics of car owners.
They exist. Google is you friend. 8)

As much as people say the good organizations are not severely right leaning this may be true. But I can assure you the members are.

I would argue that the gun community is severely blind on the right eye, but that's a bit OT.

So in any case... there's a couple of forums for that kind of thing. Best of luck.
I am not aware of any "liberal gun organizations" but I know a boatload of people that have many liberal views as they are currently defined, have liberal views as they would have been define 40 years ago. or are like me and have views all over the place on a case by case basis who share, among other thing, a belief in self defense, the 2nd amendment, and a healthy interesting in firearms and shooting.

Along those lines, I think when you look at the NRA's own political ratings, there an awful lot of Democrat party members who rate an A and an awful lot of Republican party member who rate an F. Again, the 2nd amendment is not open to partisan politics in terms of its is's the whole 'what part of "shall not be infringed don't you understand" thing' at work.

Quite frankly the 2nd amendment and the rest of the constitution is there for everybody and by and large, both sides of the left/right political spectrum are actively exercising the right to keep and bear arms, regardless of how they may view the political issues of the day.
People who support individual liberty when it comes to gun ownership also tend to support personal liberty when it comes to other property rights such as keeping the money that they earned.

Wealth redistribution and other collective liberal social policies favor the group over the individual. Most gun owners are fiercly individualistic and oppose the welfare state.

I think it unfortunate and counterproductive to their agenda that the the prevailing attitudes of NRA members caused homosexuals to feel the need to form Pink Pistols. Alienating people is hardly a good way to convince people to join one's side.

""left" and "right" have little distinction anymore on the political scale."

You can make that arguement for economic policy but definitely not social issues. Use of wedge issues for political advantage has caused a troublesome degree of polarization over the last couple of decades.

Now let's see how many posters regurgitate the radio talk show talking points.
I suspect that the NRA is probably the single biggest organization that gunnies in the center and on the left belong to. I won't get into politics here, but I believe it is a mistake for the NRA to take sides on non-gun-related "culture war" issues, and I believe they have allowed themselves to become (intentionally or unintentionally) more partisan in tone than I believe is healthy for the NRA as an organization, or for gun rights in general.

Unfortunately, I don't see very many alternatives to the NRA out there at the moment. The best approach might be to remind the NRA that they are supposed to represent gun owners, not conservatives. Gun rights are too important to be tied to the futures of one ideology or political party.

People who support individual liberty when it comes to gun ownership also tend to support personal liberty when it comes to other property rights such as keeping the money that they earned.
That generalization does lean a little in favor of conservatives if you look solely at economic issues pertaining to individuals and small businesses. But if you look at the social issues---1st amendment, 4th amendment, 5th amendment, "family"/"bedroom" issues, privacy, law-and-order vs. individual freedom, etc., the pro-freedom argument often cuts the other way. And on far too many issues, conservatives and liberals are both camped on the anti-freedom side at the moment. In my opinion, freedom is not a conservative or liberal value, it is just a value, and those who value freedom tend to draw the ire of authoritarian busybodies on both the left and the right.

The thing to remember is this: only about half of U.S. gun owners who are registered to vote are Republicans; the other half of us are either Dems or independents, by choice. What we all can agree on is the right to keep and bear arms, and we can stand shoulder to shoulder fighting the restrictions that the prohibitionists would like to foist on us. But to maintain that alliance, it is IMO a necessity for rightward-leaning gun owners to realize and respect the fact that they are not the only ones on the pro-gun side.
Left and Right are both just extremes, and they tend to be the loudest, drowning out everyone who falls in with the rest of us between them.

Those of us who can offend them both with equal Verve, tend to laugh at everyone.

My "hippy" friends have more guns than I do. My ultraconservative brother in law owns none.

Labeling folks is just an easy way of dismissing them. It's best to judge on a case by case basis on how they Act, and never what they say. The real proof is there.
Gun control legislation always comes from the political left. That might have something to do with it.
Both the Left and the Right have pro gun and anti gun politicians in DC. The problem is that most of the anti gunners are Dems and most of those in positions of power in the Democratic Party are anti gun. Some say the right things and pretend to be pro gun (Kerry, Obama, Clinton, etc) and others like Webb are actually pro gun.
But...the party leadership is anti gun and when you support the Left you support those that are generally against your gun rights. You have to decide if the other issues are more important to you than the 2nd Amendment or if you're happy with "Sporting" guns and a neutered 2nd Amendment.
I have a lot of coworkers that own guns yet they support Obama's every sentence, word, belch and fart because.....he's Obama. They stand behind his support for the DC gun ban, the Chicago gun ban and placing 2 anti gun justices on the SCOTUS because.....he's Obama.
Everything is a compromise. Where do 2nd Amendment rights fall in your order of importance.
Let’s take a look at the World’s smallest political quiz. I think we will find many gun enthusiasts are closer to libertarian than conservative except when it comes to drug and sex issues. Big government liberals are closer to being statists.

See where you stand on the political spectrum:

How is this gun related?

Because like it or not, politics is what ultimately determines the law and whether you get to keep your guns or not.

That makes politics a CRITICAL factor for gun ownership. Nothing else we can talk about has more bearing on your right to keep and bear arms than politics.
Well gee I don't know... Oh wait.

National Firearms Act: Leftists passed it.
Gun Control Act of 68: Leftists again!
Assault Weapons Ban: Guess!

Pink Pistols is a stupid organization, they don't like to be exposed for hypocrisy, they talk about marriage equality, but not for polygamists, even though a polygamist gets charged with a felony therefore cannot own a gun.
"Gun control legislation always comes from the political left. That might have something to do with it."

So it wasn't George Bush Snr that made it illegal to import "assault rifles"?
Sometimes I get a little tired of the rightward political rhetoric at gun shows and other gun owner functions.

Are there any organizations out there that represent gun owners from moderate or even "liberal" (a meaningless term if you ask me) political bent.

I find organizations like the Pink Pistols interesting because they represent a group that is typically underrepresented on the right end of the spectrum (homosexuals). I'm also interested in learning more about organizations for minority or women gun owners. I am a straight white male BTW. I am just the kind of person who feels a little better when I meet up with black folks at the gun show in the midst of the vast sea of Caucasians like me.
Sure. The Liberal Gun Club and Daily Kos RKBA group are two examples of liberals who are deeply supportive of the 2nd Amendment. Just google them both and join! I will say that the The High Road is as comfortable a place as any for liberal gunowners . . . not much flaming here, due to the nature of the board.
"Pink Pistols is a stupid organization, they don't like to be exposed for hypocrisy, they talk about marriage equality, but not for polygamists, even though a polygamist gets charged with a felony therefore cannot own a gun."

I'm sorry, but that is utterly ridiculous. Because a gun rights organization comprised of gay people doesn't support polygamy they are hypocrits? Talk about reaching for a reason to dislike something. What a shock they felt the need form their group in the first place.
I think it unfortunate and counterproductive to their agenda that the the prevailing attitudes of NRA members caused homosexuals to feel the need to form Pink Pistols. Alienating people is hardly a good way to convince people to join one's side.

""left" and "right" have little distinction anymore on the political scale."

You can make that arguement for economic policy but definitely not social issues. Use of wedge issues for political advantage has caused a troublesome degree of polarization over the last couple of decades.

Good post.

There are plenty of dems out there who would join the NRA but because they feel like political outcasts there, they don't.

Hell, the most liberal guy I know is also the biggest gun nut I know. Alienating these kind of people is a sure way to ensure that we make no progress on 2A issues.
I'm sorry, but that is utterly ridiculous. Because a gun rights organization comprised of gay people doesn't support polygamy they are hypocrits? Talk about reaching for a reason to dislike something. What a shock they felt the need form their group in the first place.
They were forced to do what? Make up lies about the need for gays to own guns to protect themselves against gay bashers?

The NRA was not interested and pushing the whole you need a gun because you are gay.

Not to mention the fact pink pistols isn't a gun rights organization, they only appear at gay pride parades.

I also have to point your argument is ridiculous in that you suggest I as the majority need to check my beliefs at the door, but the minority doesn't.
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The test shows me for what I am...

Libertarians support maximum liberty in both personal and economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence. Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties."
"They were forced to do what? Make up lies about the need for gays to own guns to protect themselves against gay bashers?"
Care to validate that one?

"The NRA was not interested and pushing the whole you need a gun because you are gay."
What this comment has to do with anything i do no know. But a two minute scan of their website reveals that they have worked with the NRA on gun legislation.

"Not to mention the fact pink pistols isn't a gun rights organization, they only appear at gay pride parades. "
Again, just a two minute scan of their website identifies this as a complete lie. They are a pro 2nd amendment group and a shooting club that does far more to expose people to the positive side of firearms and protect gun rights than the vast majority of us ever will but all you do is reach for reasons to bash them.

Liberation, where are you getting your "information" from? Again, you seem awfully eager to find excuses to dislike this group. Until your post prompted me to look i knew nothing of the group but it took me only five minutes with google to learn far more than you seem to think you do about them.
Care to validate that one?

Apparently I'm talking to someone who knows nothing of what they talk about, the Pink Pistols motto is "Armed Gays don't get bashed."

What this comment has to do with anything i do no know. But a two minute scan of their website reveals that they have worked with the NRA on gun legislation.

So first its sad the NRA is such mean people they forced the gays to create their own organization, but now they both work together? Where did I even deny the possibility of this, I said the NRA didn't want anything to do with you need a gun because your gay motto of the Pink Pistols.

Again, just a two minute scan of their website identifies this as a complete lie. They are a pro 2nd amendment group and a shooting club that does far more to expose people to the positive side of firearms and protect gun rights than the vast majority of us ever will but all you do is reach for reasons to bash them.

Last time I checked, they have been unable to convert one gay person to march with them at the gay pride parades, and with Ab 144 going on in California none of them made any signs against AB 144 for the marches.

Liberation, where are you getting your "information" from? Again, you seem awfully eager to find excuses to dislike this group. Until your post prompted me to look i knew nothing of the group but it took me only five minutes with google to learn far more than you seem to think you do about them.

Apparently I'm not getting my information from a group that hasn't updated their website in 4 years.

I oppose the idea of Pink Pistols as much as I oppose Women against Gun control. Dividing the movement is not effective.
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